Canterbury New Zealand have produced some great people, I’m claiming Mark and Sam even though I don’t know where they were actually born. Thanks for what you do. I watched Mark debate a guy and because Mark just bought facts and was so cool calm and collected the other guy had to start personally attacking him. You are truly awesome people and I’m so glad to have found you and I share your work with others. After all this is realised by the majority people like you are going to be real hero’s and should be recognised as such. Thanks again Mark and Sam.
Rakaia boy here living in Perth Western Australia.
which brings me back to the old stupid curse most seem to like to put on themselves "things have to get worse before it gets better"
Break that curse - that includes awarding a deserving people with an award of honour to make humankind proud again - and then strip those fakers and bribers of what they never deserved
The Nobel "Peace" Prize was corrupt from the start, so there's nothing of value to retrieve or reform. While recognition can play an important role in spreading awareness, awards tend to mine the ego while promoting an unhealthy agenda.
I'd like you to take some time to reflect on this idea that we need an official reward system. I feel it is akin to hero worship which only keeps us barbaric. The Baileys and all who speak truth are not interested in accolades. Having awards would conjure up competition to make the grade. We can simply reward them as individuals or groups of our own making. We do not need a global ANYTHING. This is part of being in the new world where we don't look vertically but horizontally.
Woohoo, I feel privileged right now. My comment was liked by Dr Sam Bailey. You know it’s funny, as a kid you get so excited by your favourite sports star or musician, actor or just famous celebrity. As you get older you realise many of them aren’t what you thought quite often. I never cared about much about the outside world of my environment when I was younger, I loved playing sports and was good at them, didn’t ever really think about the world works as such. Thought things were great. Then one day you watch something, something that makes you 😳.
Then you start looking. Then you wake up and people like the Bailey’s ( there’s others) become those celebrities you looked up to because they give up their lucrative jobs because they care about others more than their big dollar jobs. Full respect.
If there was a real virology science (c. 20:00 in the video) one step would have been an experiment that demonstrated that tiny dead/inactive things (called viruses) have the extraordinary ability to enter cells and hijack the cell functions for their own replication. Extraordinary claims require solid proof.
No such experiment ever occurred, instead the amazing theory was accepted as virus truth by circularity and osmosis.
Conclusion - virology is not a science, it is only a pharma-faith.
The idea that these tiny dead/inactive RNA/DNA things can enter cells may be reasonable, albeit rather difficult en masse, since the cell has to pull it in.
It is the hijacking of cell functions of various cells that is essentially way beyond the pale. “Stick em up, make a gazillion of me. I have the intelligence to put these pieces of the puzzle together.”
Then, after the extraordinary replications, on a lytic “virus”, the cell would burst from indigestion of what it just created! And if that were true we would have pictures everywhere of burst cells surrounded by young guppie viruses, striving to enter other cells. Plus we would have actual viruses extractable from a human host, ready for examination.
I am saying that a theory that says that cell functions are hijacked for replication by RNA/DNA “viruses” is quite extraordinary, and should only be taken seriously if it was established by solid, reproducible scientific experimentation.—- which never occurred. Thus, there are no “viruses”, since their definition includes this non-established idea of host cell functions for replication.
However, have you seen any direct evidence that this is what is actually happening?
I don’t think I have.
I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, only that I’ve not seen the evidence for it.
Some people who’ve examined the contents of a small number of vials reported finding fragments of mRNA, little to no full-length message, and large quantities of bacterial plasmid (circular) DNA.
It’s only necessary that cells that take up some foreign genetic information & make the foreign polypeptide encoded in order to trigger fatal immune attack upon every cell doing that.
I heard speculation recently that perhaps injecting us with plasmid DNA might always have been the main objective, with the story of mRNA being “cover”.
It’s all very dark, whatever the truth is, because there never was a pandemic.
Forgive, I am behind in my reading and discovered this convo. I am convinced there was not a plandemic per se, just inundating us with bioweapons that activate and communicate with 5G. That said, what was it, if not a “virus” bioweapons that caused myself and people around me to lose our smell, taste, feel so lousy, some with varying degrees of flu like symptoms with it. It took several months to get taste and smell back. What is long COVID that many seem to experience. Sick, better, worse, etc. that isn’t going away? If not virus, strictly weapon?
Another question…. My mother and sister 80 and 65 respectively, took the jab and at least one booster, seem to be just fine? No covid for either. Been well. Placebos in different parts of the country? No jab injuries. Or is the other show about to drop for them?! Thank you in advance for any thoughts, ideas, or proofs??!🙏🏻
i don't pretend to understand the science, but innate intelligence is enough for one's protection against any threat. in 2020 i was in london england & as i didn't obay any of the plandemic bullshit, i saw what a lie covid was + on contacting many people who deal with sickness & death; it was easy to see that convid was a lie. never again will i respect or listen to any so called doctor or scientist.
Yeah ... but the point is ... why they did it ... it wasn't about money
And 'Covid' is only Act I of the 'endgame' they have us in ... with Acts II & III likely to 'drop' within a matter of weeks ...
We can debate the existence of 'viruses' for another two years ... but we only have a matter of weeks to wake up the 'goldfish' ... and stop Acts II & III ...
It doesn't look like that is going to happen ... which is very sad ... but, in light of the apathy in NZ ... and around the World ... it is not surprising ...
People seem to be totally oblivious to the fact that some very evil people are trying to start WWIII at this very moment ... they tried at least four times to 'ignite' it in Ukraine ... now they are trying to 'ignite' it in the Middle East
There are very good reasons they want WWIII ... for them, not us ... and they will continue to take us down this road to utter devastation, unless they are stopped ... and as most are totally oblivious to what's really going on ... stopping them isn't looking likely
It would only take one sentence ... from the likes of Tucker Carlson ... even our PM ... to stop them ... that's how 'easy' we could 'win' this insidious war being waged on us ... but most are willfully choosing to remain 'ignorance is bliss' 'goldfish' ... and that is not going to go well for them
Please understand that that is using the same thinking that got us into this mess. We don't need any "leader". We need to take the lead in our own lives and connect with others who know what's going on.
Amazon alternatives, other woke alternatives, independent news, local small farm directories that ship to your door, health shares, unvaxxed blood banks, homeschooling, non-woke entertainment for adults and kids, Christian resources, uncensored search engines, politicking tools, the complete Hunter Biden files, and more!
I think what will certainly put a spanner in the works is masses of people stop paying their loans. Just stop. They don't even have to say anything to the robber barons, oops, I mean lender. And they pledge to keep 50% of it for themselves and give 50% of it to someone locally who they know or know of. Keep the money where you can see its benefits and build the local community. That would also entice others to do the same. That would definitely put a very robust spanner into the works. There are other things too that could do it...
money is just a part of the fiction. control, weakening and killing is the plan & convid was just part of it. many people are not aware that they are hypnotised; cellphones, tv/ screens etc
The 'apathy' in NZ is very acute - many Americans are now realizing MSM is lying to them ... by the time Kiwis get that message, it is going to be way, way too late ...
If I post a reply on an American substack, I get lots of views on my substack - Kiwi substacks ... not so much ...
The 'wake up' call is being ignored by most Kiwis ... they are going to get a big shock ... probably very soon ... but once WWIII actually kicks off ... there will be no way 'back to the future' for anyone that is currently in 'Team Stupid' ...which is all of us ... whether we are 'awake' to what is really going on, or not ...
You hit it Michael. All the talk of the bad things and bad outcomes is actually weaving it for the controllers. Rather we can talk about using our own systems and living in a world that is cleansed of toxins, clear, pure water, soil, air. Safety for everyone even children at any time of night or day. Freedom of speech for everyone. Living by making sense, not nonsense.
Money is their scorecard though. And the vehicle that keeps us imprisoned. It would be quite easy to dismantle this whole sordid structure by not using the banker's money system, but so far, I think too many people love it too much. It wouldn't mean much sacrifice, mainly just learning to do things a little differently. And after a good number of people take it on, we'd go much further and be a lot better off than we are today, or that we even can imagine.
I see it this way - 5% are evil doers, they work towards destruction. The two dichotomies are entropy and synergy (regeneration) These are the two warring factions. The organisms on either side live within us and get humans to do make their food which comes from human thinking. Thoughts and emotions create frequencies and chemicals. When thoughts and emotions are out-of-balance, it creates an overproduction of organisms that keep humans "in the program", in their conditioning. All life on earth is parasitic if you want to see it that way. Humans are ruled by organisms that live inside and the balance can change by a change of thoughts and beliefs.
Something like 80% or more are inertial energy, meaning they go either way, whichever is popular. 10% are free thinkers, meaning balanced, healthy, regenerative, creators. And this is because there is an over-abundance of the masculine perspective. That is what has caused the imbalance. And we need to get out of it by egalitarianism, meaning we hear all perspectives, not just an overabundance of male perspectives.
If it had to do with money, it is via them using money as the scorecard for their power they arrested. People give away their power and wearing the masks, taking the jab, showed the controllers the ratio of the population who they can rely on. The money shows true commitment because if people spend money on something, then it means they buy it. Most people fell for the gag hook, line and sinker, making it very threatening to live amongst so many who are brainwashed and can't think. I knew covid was a scam on day one. And I knew they would follow it up with vaccines. I warned my family and friends early, well before the vaccine was touted. I don't know if they took the jab. The jab is actually a way of cleansing the gene pool, I'm afraid. Because if you're stupid enough to take it, then you are a non-thinker and that variety of human is too much of a threat to earth.
i was suspicious in december '19 because of the way the story was released by the so called media reminded me of the way aids was reported; start small and then snowball & backed previously with lots of nonsense about china. with aids africa was the target. so i decided to contact people who deal with sickness and death. as non of them were busy, i smelt a rat.
Yes. Nothing felt or sounded correct to me at all!! With Christ as my Savior, I fully believe it was a warning as intuition. This is part of the massive spiritual battle occurring. Depopulation and transhumanism is priority for the New World Order that satan desires. It’s technology and big pharma he’s working through to achieve both. Just a mere scratch on the surface of what’s to come. This is the beginning of the end cliche.
Religion is the deepest psyop. Happy to have the conversation, and I'm not just trashing. The idea of "a" creator is bogus, nothing creates on its own. I think I know where that came from but to say it is very controversial.
...and they never ask why most of the people on that boat DIDN'T get the same illness. Or, what toxic exposures did those who got sick have, that those who stayed well didn't have?
The billions that are spent shoe-horning reality into a template that has made billionaires of CEOs of drug companies and hospital businesses, continues to suck grad students into the matrix of virology, teaching them that this was all figured out before they came on the scene, and this is just how it's done. I know some of those (now retired) grad students, and they are true believers, never having been jolted into taking that step back to look at the big picture, without the filter they were fitted with in grad school.
My favourite Virology "story" is the shingles "Virus" Firstly it is the Chicken pox virus you pick up in childhood.......then it hides inside its host for 50 to 70 years and finally "activates" and "travels" down nerves to create the skin breakouts known as shingles. I think this "Virus" is a viral genius.... I mean it somehow manages to move from dying cells and hide in another adjacent living cell..... each time its hiding place dies and is replaced it "Moves" and maintains it's decades long plan to one day "activate" and create havoc in its host. It is the Super Man of Viruses... a God amongst its kind.
Vets call it "vaccinosis" when cats and dogs get sick due to all the injections.. Vets are more open to admitting that combinations of different vaccines can make your pets sick. So apply that lesson to humans on vaccines.
Yes, the chickenpox- shingles virus is so clever, it even changes its name from one phase to the other. Just genius. I've never understood how that's supposed to make any sense!
Not too sure what it is that my elderly mother gets on the right side of her face and neck occasionally that causes great pain! They call it shingles! On and off for 30 years. 🤷🏼♀️ I KNOW vaccines are poison, yet have seen the evidence of said shingles. I consider the probability that they’ve had mass experimentation with various kinds that include placebos. With this last “virus” as well. She’s always had the jab and a booster in the very beginning and has been fine. No Covid, no injuries. As of now anyway. She will NOT listen to me regarding any of it! Anyway, I am of thought that they send out trays of varying, marked, and tracked, of what’s doing what, and where. I doubt it’s only whatever they last released. It’s many different varieties.
I agree with you, they keep track of everything they use and on whom. That's one reason they want everyone "identified". And they use different doses and concoctions because to them we are mere lab rats. However we do it to rats and think nothing of it, and that's why it is done to us. But though I haven't had it myself, I understand that colloidal silver cures shingles or at least reduces its pain. It could very well be the vaccine caused the "shingles" for her as it is a stated side effect.
If I could get her to take it, I would. She was in the medical field for decades and is indoctrinated unfortunately.
I take colloidal silver myself along with my pets. It helps so many things! I’m pretty convinced that vaks from years and years of them play the main role! My own health issues I’ve come to believe ultimately have manifested from childhood vaks. Even tho I’m 56 and the schedule wasn’t near what it’s become, they were created to sicken and kill us from the beginning. As a point, the creator of the polio vaks, which didn’t become rampant until after the jabs, was a depopulation proponent! I’ve located papers from the 1800’s that those that knew, doctors, were fighting these poisonous jabs as best as they could. Held yearly conferences, on and on. Discredited and suppressed just as now.
On inflammation........ the cause of so many symptoms that get treated with pills. What you eat is perhaps the biggest factor in your health. I went full carnivore about a year ago. Simply by cutting out all plant material and only eating fatty meat, some cheese, and eggs, lead to the following health improvements.... Gums stopped bleeding ( used to bleed a lot when brushing) . Skin tags stopped growing and went away. Back aches almost disappeared from being at times chronic. My ankles used to hurt like hell in the all pain is gone. Skin overall improved virtually never get a pimple. Sleep is way better, I fall asleep easily and sleep soundly, and have stopped snoring. My mind is clearer and I am much less prone to being depressed when things don't go my way. I have more energy. My digestion is great, almost no gas and my stomach does not make gurgling noises like it used to. I do not get very hungry, I have no sudden cravings for anything. In short it's been superb for me....all these improvements and not a single medical intervention needed. Just cut out plants. No Veg, No Fruit, No Carbs, zero plants materials. It's the best choice I made.
I experienced all the benefits you mention, but only when I became a vegan. Not only do I not eat meat of any description, I don't eat eggs or drink cows' milk. I also stopped eating wheat-based food, which cuts out a LOT let me tell you!
Yet I believe everything you say. Others have told me the same thing about moving to a meat-only diet. The benefits they describe are astonishing. So what's going on? Does it matter what we eat at all?
I think it does. But I also believe that diet is not the only factor in our mental and physical well-being. What goes into our minds is at least as important as what goes into our stomachs. I don't understand why this is so, but it seems to be the case (for me at least).
I think there are sound reasons for not eating animals or animal products, but good health is probably not the most important.
Also experienced all of those carnivore benefits and more when I went 100% whole food plant-based. Maybe because both diets exclude processed food that the meat eaters claim such results? Back in the 19th century Richard Henry Dana wrote in “two years before the mast” about the wonderful health he enjoyed with a 100% beef diet, so there is some history. However after eating plant based I certainly have no incentive to switch and actually find animal foods unappetizing.
I'm plant based during various periods throughout the year for religious reasons but when I'm not I'm pretty close to being a carnivore.
Agreeing with what you said our state of mind is also important. I've come to realize that what I eat doesn't matter so much as being out in nature and mitigating my time around man-made electric fields/frequencies. I still eat some junk here and there but it doesn't have as much of an effect on me as it once did.
full carnivore would be eating the whole animal right & nothing else? i have been on a low carb/ starch/ sugars diet for over 2 years & i am lean and healthy. pills kills
It's very curious. Something we don't understand is going on. Many are suggesting light is what we need more than anything for good health. We need to take red light in (and the whole light spectrum) through our eyes and it starts the sequence for building mitochondria which give vitality to life. We need to start studying these results, perhaps start a new science, a real science?
Thank you for all that you are doing. It matters a great deal indeed. I found you towards the beginning of the pandemic because I was simply asking the obvious questions: How did they demonstrate the causal nature of the novel virus in disease? How are viruses identified? I assumed that most people were asking the same questions but couldn't find anyone attempting to find the answers until finding you.
Despite the poor science behind the supposed "contagious and disease-causing" nature of the Sars-Cov2 "virus", it was still a leap for me to consider that no viruses had ever been properly shown to be agents of disease. I admit, somewhat ashamedly, that I expected scientists to respond to your claims immediately with data from well-planned challenge experiments and isolation data using proper controls. Instead I found the strongest support for your claims in the total absence of response by the virologists and related professionals.
I understand that it stings to consider that something you have believed all of your life is nothing more than a fairy tale but it is bitterly disappointing to see so many otherwise intelligent people shutting down the possibility of an informed discussion on a subject that has this much relevance to the human condition.
Yes indeed. When I realised in June 2020 that virology was a fraud I understood that any disease allegedly caused by a virus was suspect and we had been deceived, I was very angry and started my Word press site and now on substack too.
Once again, Dr. Sam, I must disagree with you. Viruses DO exist--and I can prove it right here and now. These nasty little orgasms appear periodically and cause great harm all around the world. Examples: Dr. Fraudsky, Satan Klaus, Bill "kill-em-all" Gates, President Biden, virtually every President of every country on Earth, and the heads of the CDC, FDA, and most large corporations, and on and on. And I will stand firm on this FACT! So, There! Prove me wrong! I love you guys. You are heroes. I pray for your continued well-being. Blessings!
MS-DOS was created by someone else, whose name I, unfortunately, no longer remember. Gates BOUGHT it, for $50,000, and, then, licensed it to IBM and the rest, as they say, is history. Almost everything that Micro$oft has made its money from, in part, at least, has been purchased, or acquired, from some other company or individual. Gates' claim to fame should not properly be considered to be creativity, but rather manipulation, legalization, and monopolization.
Interesting side note: My understanding is that Bill was NOT the one who worked the deal with IBM. His parents were very influential in certain circles and it was his mother who arranged the meeting with and the eventual deal with IBM.
I was heavily into the computer world, both hardware and software, from before there was a Micro$oft, and I watched it, as it happened, in real time. Everybody in the biz (that I knew, at least) hated him at the time. He was seen as stifling the creativity of the industry. HIS MOTHER's creation of the joint venture with IBM is what made Micro$oft, not Bill's genius.
Right, thanks, but...the point is that there's a guy named "Gates" who is behind in his payments--to Humankind. WAY behind! We need to bill him. That's the point. That's where the "bill" comes from. He owes us so much that he'll likely never catch up (his problem, not ours) So, I suggest we let him languish in some distant zone for a while. Maybe for an eternity? Meanwhile, we could continue wandering the realms of possibility or we could read to each other from Not-Two Is Peace. I'm recommending the latter! More productive.
You sure got that right, Kathy. Important (I feel) to introduce a little humor to this MAJORLY DARK event in human history. That said, The LIGHT is here, the Divine Person of Love is always with us. The Bailey's are true culture heroes. Meanwhile, each of us has his and her part in helping turn this picture around, bring Light, sound reasoning, kindness and love.
Organasms? Organasticasms? Gotta be one of those, right? In any case, I just passed (on the 2nd of this month) my 52nd year in both clinical and non-clinical practice of Traditional Naturopathic Medicine. In that time, I learned that all chronic degenerative diseases are curable by natural methods--unless the Pt (patient) is terminal or unwilling (or otherwise unable) to follow the protocol we Rx'd (recommended). I'm talking cancer, ALS, and every other disorder that came into my office. I learned about the interactions between Pasteur and Bechamp, the folly of the germ theory, and the failure and monstrous perversion of the vaccine industry. There's so much more I learned--and now wish to pass it on.
So if there are no germs or viruses, what do you think causes the diseases you have cured in your practice? Particularly diseases like the cold that I would contend all people have experienced at least once in their lifetime. Honest question. Not trying to start an argument.
I think it is indirectly harmful to repeatedly claim that viruses simply “do not exist”. Doing so turns people off and compels them to think of flat-Earth and/or become utterly dismissive. Viruses absolutely do exist in the minds and practices of, unfortunately it seems, most human beings. Therefore currently, I add a single word, always, in my rhetoric: ‘physically’.
Viruses do not physically exist.
It may seem like a tiny thing, but I hope the previous sentence becomes the one that ‘spreads’.
Perhaps I’m wrong, and the below sentence is superior, and must ‘spread’:
I agree with what you say in principle, but I feel there is a need to be blunt here: viruses don't exist - if you think they do, show me the proof. No need to give them an easy 'out'.
I'm just saying that the phrase 'physically exists' is somewhat redundant since the dictionary definition of 'exist' is "to have actual being; be real".
To me it dilutes the impact, such that someone hearing that is entitled to think "well if they don't physically exist, then they must exist in some other form". And that aligns with virologists' ridiculous claim that viruses are some sort of entity that 'exists' in some sort of twilight zone between life and death???
But they do exist in some other form. To me, that is a major component of the problem. The Baileys occasionally refer to ‘no physical existence’, etc., which in my opinion is so great! Unfortunately the virus existence thing is a trick that the industry and the narrative controllers can take advantage of. Try telling a gay man, for example, taking the latest anti-HIV pill, that HIV simply doesn’t exist. And that’s it. Bye-bye.
People need to understand how they have been participating in their own indoctrination. That is not easy. But it’s necessary. Telling them they’re wrong is not necessary. Telling them they’re wrong is counterproductive. It’s not easy or pleasant to look at your own thoughts and come to the realization that they are not really even your own thoughts. They are someone else’s regurgitation of a sick narrative.
I think we have to slow thought down rather than speed it up. “Yes, it does exist, but only because you’re talking about it.” or “Yes, it does exist, but only because you ‘believe’ it does.” or “Yes, it does exist, but only because your doctor said it does.” “But these things don’t physically exist the way you might imagine. It might be hard to believe me, but I personally haven’t been able to find anything that convinces me these things are actual physical things. Photos alone aren’t enough. Ongoing research assuming they are physical things is not enough…” It’s a struggle. I’m obviously not that good at it. 😂
How about "there is no evidence that viruses exist in nature?" Someday a virus might appear....never know, but for now none have been shown to exist and after more than 100 years isn't it time those involved in people's health start looking for other causes of disease?
Just to ramble on about the rhetoric I’m developing…. I also avoid using the passive voice because it often leaves out the agent of action. The biggest recent example of this was when none other than The Pandemic Declarer in Chief, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, used the passive voice to *suggest* the Covid-19 pandemic. I can find nowhere where he or the WHO issued a formal declaration (“I/we hereby declare…”)
So, I ask… Who did the characterizing? Well, the media did for sure. They said the WHO declared a pandemic 10 microseconds after Tedros suggested it without himself declaring it. Then a a large proportion of global media-consuming population for sure started characterizing C19 as a pandemic. Like in Hollywood films, to the best of their knowledge, I’m sure…
All because he, consciously or unconsciously, it doesn’t matter, chose to use the passive voice rather than accept responsibility and use the active voice.
So who would be doing the claiming, isolating and calling and proving? It’s a rhetorical question…
I agree. A homeopathic remedy doesn’t “exist” - in the sense of identifiable chemical constituents, but I believe it exerts an influence in terms of energetic pattern. Does machine code “exist”? Can you physically isolate the zeros and ones of binary information? No. Yet it still can affect external reality. Function without structure. I’m fine with explanatory models as long as we never mistake the map for the territory. If we get hung up on the reductionist obsession of whether or not something “exists” then we’re simply not going to be able to communicate with each other.
Corruption of language is important to fix, not accommodate. You are invited by people who don’t care about the truth to spend valuable time arguing with them whether a dull knife is really a knife or not. Just cut the crap!
“the disease process” is a scary phrase to me. “the normal disease process” is even scarier. Using these phrases seems to imply a matter-of-fact awareness of others whose role it is to routinely consider several things: (1) Diseases all have some things in common that allow them (the “others) to refer to them as diseases. I have no idea what those things are. (2) Diseases unfold as a process, a process being a sort of industrial concept, or at least a process implying an extraordinary amount of control over an observation of nature. (3) There is so much understanding of this ‘disease process’ that it’s common to identify some instances of it as ‘normal’ and the rest of the instances of it as ‘not normal’.
Holy shit! This is exactly what I’ve been arriving at! Well, almost exactly. There’s one destination, but there’s this industry that wants to build a million doors around it and label them all and tell you which one you’re headed to, so…
Precisely. A concept or an idea can exist only in one’s imagination or in the collective (or social) imagination. There’s no physical proof (i.e. the necessary and sufficient evidence that is the foundation of robust science) that these concrete entities called “viruses” exist. They do “exist” in the abstract.
When I think of various “kinds” or “forms” of existence, my mind goes to Platonic Forms and “Field precedes Form” and metaphysical materialism vs ontology vs metaphysical idealism. It gets somewhat (philosophically) esoteric. It’s still enjoyable, as long as arguing abstractions doesn’t turn contentious.
It's madness to me that people are unable to even have this conversation and how divided people are on this subject. I am largely trusting the research that Sam, Mark and all the others in the "no virus" camp have done, but I just know in my gut that it's right... but I know it from a spiritual sense more than a scientific perspective so I appreciate the 3D evidence they provide because it's what's needed to change most people's minds. I look forward to the day when other people approach me and say "Hey, how crazy is it that there are no viruses but we have been playing these dumb games getting vaccinated and feeling scared because they told us that they were real and more importantly, going to harm us unless we take action. I can't believe it took me so long to realise the truth in this!" This whole thing will be over one day, I know that to be true too. There is a reality that exists out there where that is true and I look forward to the day when we're on that timeline.
I will always keep sharing your wisdom because I can't seem to fault it, but more importantly to me, I just know it to be true in my gut. Thanks for all the work you do!
Whew! Steve Kirsh raced away from that statement! The intensity of the queries is telling. No listening. No "Tell me more about how you've reached that conclusion." Just an Olympic sprint to the the end of the interview. I am reminded of the tedious frequency of how so many 'journalists' only want to hear an affirmative answer to their request of "Do you condemn Hamas?" God forbid you might relate some of your own research and experience.
I notice forty minutes ago in the comments a Dr. Baird asking a version of one of the Big Three questions that typically appear in Sam's basement. In this case it's:
If it's not viruses, what is it?
And people might be used to part of my answer by now, to wit: having done so great a work as ridding the world of any reason to believe in viruses, Sam needn't be further burdened with a description of the causative agent of all diseases.
The virus is the idea of the virus believers, and the burden of proof is on them to demonstrate viral causality. Not the other way round.
The burden of proof is not on her to go through every symptom known to humans and provide clinical, gross, morphological, and molecular descriptions of the causative agents, together with a history for each patient stretching back years. AND YET. [sorry for all caps but here in the comments basement they don't trust us with italics] And yet Sam often does provide etiologies. Go girl! She generously, despite having children to play with and hobbit-worthy mountains to gaze at (important to health)...she does generously provide all sorts of etiologies. It seems over and above the call of duty.
ET--ology. It's not just for students of Eckhart Tolle anymore. [excuse joke please, wife in back room right now...she tends to get involved in Zoom healings. I guess she's an Eckhart disciple of sorts. I just found out that Eckhart no longer gets involved in healings as it distracts from the main...well, that's gotta be an article at Substack sometime.]
So, etiology, we were saying.
I generally prescribe twelve random Sam videos to get a feel for how an answer might play out. If it's not viruses, what is it? Your turn. --Thor
If that is true, then what is a plausible explanation why chicken pox parties, intentionally designed by parents to give kids immunity to chicken pox often result in most of the kids getting chicken pox?
The stories about the chickenpox parties are anecdotal and not real science. Could be 20 at a party but only 2 children had any symptoms. So that doesnt really say anything about the cause or contagion.
First it's important to know that chickenpox have various names. You'll see that in a lot of medical journals and books from the past. That smallpox, measles, rubella and chickenpox are identical. Before that it was called leprosy or syphilis.
Here's an example from an atlas of syphilis. All these skin conditions are today called all the above + herpes, herpes zooster, mouth cancer, condylomes and so on.
In a study from 1900 where they had an outbreak of what they thought was berberi (alleged vitamin B1 deficiency). It turned out to be poisoned sugar to over 200 breweries. They said it was arsenic and they said at the time the only substance they knew could cause herpes/herpes zooster was arsenic.
Back in those days the doctors used things like arsenic, mercury and antimony to disinfect the ill and wounded. All these 3 elements can cause skin lesions. Under antimony toxicity they even say that it can cause lesions that look like smallpox.
Did you know theres antimony in Lego's? Or mascara? When we investigate claims like these anecdotal stories we have to consider all factors. But now that we know that all these poisons can cause these symptoms and they are widely used in the industry, I would be looking at those first.
This is all covered in the videos and books by Sam and Mark and others. You might be new to the subject and it looks like you are. Your question is very common. It's a liberating journey. All the best.
The fake pandemic was a military operation. The psychological operation was part of the larger military operation. So was the rollout of the new technology. This was orchestrated by the ruling class at the highest levels of decision making. This has been planned for decades. What made this fake pandemic a success? The internet.
The virus existence issue, and the provenance of the PCR's primers, is a favorite topic of coverup by "covid truthers." It is inconvenient to say the least. I want to thank Mark Bailey for helping me sort out the issues and get my language right on this important matter of core science. Much more here —
People should stick to what they know! Exactly! But cognitive dissonans is working overtime when something have been repeated over and over again from we were born.
When studying the history of germ-theory we see the exact same thing. People talking about subjects they don't fully understand themselves.
Take George Nuttall's famous insect theory from 1899. After forced vaccination was abolished in the late 1800s they had to come up with new things to sell. So while they at John Hopkins "invented" all the vitamins, not to tell people to eat fruits and vegetables, but so sell supplements, the insect theory came around the same time. It was published in the news papers again and again. I have numerous front pages of news papers telling people to fear insects. Flies, mosquitos and even ants crawling into the ears of children causing meningitis.
And the good man William is right in what he is saying, but further down in the same review he falls into the exact same trap as he is explaining. Mentioning Pasteur and Koch. But failing to mention Bechamp and Burdon Sanderson who showed us that small microbes in blood and tissue under curtain condition would develop into bacteria. Burdon Sanderson showed that decomposition precedes the development of bacteria and that the bacteria seemed to spring out of nothing. That the germinal matter seemed indestructible because they could heat it up and poison the culture to kill the bacteria but after a while new bacteria would just form from the germinal matter.
Thanks for giving your perspective so clearly. I have largely sidestepped the virus/no virus issue in looking at all the tyranny rolling in since summer of 2021 (and before). I agree it is very important. I have some comments (and questions implied by my many doubts on the matter).
1) I agree that there is and has been enormous fraud in science and medicine, as witnessed by every claim they have made about covid, including using a computer sequencing from the CCP (who have a doctrine of unrestricted warfare on the West) to generate their vaccines and tests (I'm not saying these are limited to what they got from the CCP, but there was a mainstream news story where this was confirmed).
2) The failure to produce the type of evidence of viruses a la Kochs postulates et al casts a lot of doubt on the idea of viruses existing/causing infectious diseases in people.
3) Terrain clearly is very important since whatever microbes that we do know exist, like bacteria and mold, are in our digestive system. In another video you talked about the work of Dr. Suzanne Humphries and her research on disease and sanitation vs. vaccination; I found her work very illuminating.
4) However, I am still not certain that this means that viruses don't exist, just that we should consider that what our dear medical and science leaders say about infectious disease should be almost completely disregarded. There are many unseen forces that we had no idea of the existence of; not being able to find them doesn't mean they doesn't exist. We can impute the existence of massive amounts of dark energy, but we cannot find it with our current technology, for example.
5) There are certainly chaos agents inserted into various organizations, such as those that got James O'Keefe ousted from PV. However, I don't buy that people like Dr. McCullough, Del Bigtree, and numerous others who haven't been convinced of the no virus concept are "controlled opposition" (though some might be; I don't know what undue influence was exerted. Dr. Mercola says he received credible threats that made him remove cheap covid remedies from his website; this could have happened with others). I greatly appreciate the work of everyone who is working to unmask the lies and tyranny; they don't have to all agree on everything.
6) It does appear that Covid, when it did exist (respiratory therapist Mark Bishovsky, in Ken McCarthy's must-read book "What the nurses saw", confirmed that some people were getting something much more serious than the flu), could spiral out of control if not treated properly. Of course, Covid does have similar symptoms to various kinds of poisining. Bottom line: unless we get some inside information on all the things they did and are doing, we can't really know exactly all of what they created that have been making people sick. Of course, covid cases and deaths have been massively inflated and caused by deadly hospital protocols and the vax, etc.
7) There does seem to be an element of a cold/flu "going around" which could possibly be related to a partially infectious pathogenic cause. Just a personal observation.
Canterbury New Zealand have produced some great people, I’m claiming Mark and Sam even though I don’t know where they were actually born. Thanks for what you do. I watched Mark debate a guy and because Mark just bought facts and was so cool calm and collected the other guy had to start personally attacking him. You are truly awesome people and I’m so glad to have found you and I share your work with others. After all this is realised by the majority people like you are going to be real hero’s and should be recognised as such. Thanks again Mark and Sam.
Rakaia boy here living in Perth Western Australia.
let's put them both up together with some others for all sorts but definitely for
The Nobel Peace Prize
Mark and Samantha are worthy of it !!!
Why dishonour their outstanding reputation with such a discredited award?
In case you missed the train - it's high-time to set EVERYTHING right !
possibly including your perspective ?
The The Nobel Peace Prize is a discredited award, don't you know?
so is every other as well as awarded whatever
it's up to the people to set things right
everything is fucked up
which brings me back to the old stupid curse most seem to like to put on themselves "things have to get worse before it gets better"
Break that curse - that includes awarding a deserving people with an award of honour to make humankind proud again - and then strip those fakers and bribers of what they never deserved
It's been too bad for too long
Now is the time...I will be heard
The Nobel "Peace" Prize was corrupt from the start, so there's nothing of value to retrieve or reform. While recognition can play an important role in spreading awareness, awards tend to mine the ego while promoting an unhealthy agenda.
I'd like you to take some time to reflect on this idea that we need an official reward system. I feel it is akin to hero worship which only keeps us barbaric. The Baileys and all who speak truth are not interested in accolades. Having awards would conjure up competition to make the grade. We can simply reward them as individuals or groups of our own making. We do not need a global ANYTHING. This is part of being in the new world where we don't look vertically but horizontally.
The Right Livelihood Award may be an appropriate option.
Woohoo, I feel privileged right now. My comment was liked by Dr Sam Bailey. You know it’s funny, as a kid you get so excited by your favourite sports star or musician, actor or just famous celebrity. As you get older you realise many of them aren’t what you thought quite often. I never cared about much about the outside world of my environment when I was younger, I loved playing sports and was good at them, didn’t ever really think about the world works as such. Thought things were great. Then one day you watch something, something that makes you 😳.
Then you start looking. Then you wake up and people like the Bailey’s ( there’s others) become those celebrities you looked up to because they give up their lucrative jobs because they care about others more than their big dollar jobs. Full respect.
Mark Bailey once laughed at one of my ebola jokes. I had to make over a hundred jokes to get that one laugh, but it felt worth it.
If there was a real virology science (c. 20:00 in the video) one step would have been an experiment that demonstrated that tiny dead/inactive things (called viruses) have the extraordinary ability to enter cells and hijack the cell functions for their own replication. Extraordinary claims require solid proof.
No such experiment ever occurred, instead the amazing theory was accepted as virus truth by circularity and osmosis.
Conclusion - virology is not a science, it is only a pharma-faith.
The idea that these tiny dead/inactive RNA/DNA things can enter cells may be reasonable, albeit rather difficult en masse, since the cell has to pull it in.
It is the hijacking of cell functions of various cells that is essentially way beyond the pale. “Stick em up, make a gazillion of me. I have the intelligence to put these pieces of the puzzle together.”
Then, after the extraordinary replications, on a lytic “virus”, the cell would burst from indigestion of what it just created! And if that were true we would have pictures everywhere of burst cells surrounded by young guppie viruses, striving to enter other cells. Plus we would have actual viruses extractable from a human host, ready for examination.
Good points!!
I am saying that a theory that says that cell functions are hijacked for replication by RNA/DNA “viruses” is quite extraordinary, and should only be taken seriously if it was established by solid, reproducible scientific experimentation.—- which never occurred. Thus, there are no “viruses”, since their definition includes this non-established idea of host cell functions for replication.
That is indeed what we’ve been told.
However, have you seen any direct evidence that this is what is actually happening?
I don’t think I have.
I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, only that I’ve not seen the evidence for it.
Some people who’ve examined the contents of a small number of vials reported finding fragments of mRNA, little to no full-length message, and large quantities of bacterial plasmid (circular) DNA.
It’s only necessary that cells that take up some foreign genetic information & make the foreign polypeptide encoded in order to trigger fatal immune attack upon every cell doing that.
I heard speculation recently that perhaps injecting us with plasmid DNA might always have been the main objective, with the story of mRNA being “cover”.
It’s all very dark, whatever the truth is, because there never was a pandemic.
I did get sniffles 4x since Mar 2020. But I think it's Air conditioning right after swimming. And I didn't take Pfizer Deathvax
Forgive, I am behind in my reading and discovered this convo. I am convinced there was not a plandemic per se, just inundating us with bioweapons that activate and communicate with 5G. That said, what was it, if not a “virus” bioweapons that caused myself and people around me to lose our smell, taste, feel so lousy, some with varying degrees of flu like symptoms with it. It took several months to get taste and smell back. What is long COVID that many seem to experience. Sick, better, worse, etc. that isn’t going away? If not virus, strictly weapon?
Another question…. My mother and sister 80 and 65 respectively, took the jab and at least one booster, seem to be just fine? No covid for either. Been well. Placebos in different parts of the country? No jab injuries. Or is the other show about to drop for them?! Thank you in advance for any thoughts, ideas, or proofs??!🙏🏻
Does the material not need the nano particles to enter the cell?
"Pharma-faith" I like that.
'Pfaith and Pfaithful' :)
Pharma fraud more like.
Pharma mass murder
i don't pretend to understand the science, but innate intelligence is enough for one's protection against any threat. in 2020 i was in london england & as i didn't obay any of the plandemic bullshit, i saw what a lie covid was + on contacting many people who deal with sickness & death; it was easy to see that convid was a lie. never again will i respect or listen to any so called doctor or scientist.
Yeah ... but the point is ... why they did it ... it wasn't about money
And 'Covid' is only Act I of the 'endgame' they have us in ... with Acts II & III likely to 'drop' within a matter of weeks ...
We can debate the existence of 'viruses' for another two years ... but we only have a matter of weeks to wake up the 'goldfish' ... and stop Acts II & III ...
It doesn't look like that is going to happen ... which is very sad ... but, in light of the apathy in NZ ... and around the World ... it is not surprising ...
People seem to be totally oblivious to the fact that some very evil people are trying to start WWIII at this very moment ... they tried at least four times to 'ignite' it in Ukraine ... now they are trying to 'ignite' it in the Middle East
There are very good reasons they want WWIII ... for them, not us ... and they will continue to take us down this road to utter devastation, unless they are stopped ... and as most are totally oblivious to what's really going on ... stopping them isn't looking likely
It would only take one sentence ... from the likes of Tucker Carlson ... even our PM ... to stop them ... that's how 'easy' we could 'win' this insidious war being waged on us ... but most are willfully choosing to remain 'ignorance is bliss' 'goldfish' ... and that is not going to go well for them
yep they are trying and I hope they do not succeed.
For them to survive ... they have to succeed ... and they will ... unless we stop them ...
To stop them ... one or more countries has to wake up to what is really going on ... America is 'captured' ... so is the EU ... and, seemingly, the UK
We need one leader ... one PM ... to address the World ... as to what's really going on ...
Trump unlikely ... Musk maybe ... but our best bet otherwise ... is Tucker Carlson ...
But time is now very short ... and a 'salvage' of our future is looking less likely by the day ...
'Dire' is an understatement ... our situation is now critical ...
But very few take the time to 'get' that ...
Trump musk and Tucker?? Are you joking?!? 🤣🤣 You can't be THAT asleep right?
Yup. We need to keep doing what we are doing. I don't trust Trump, musk etc
Please understand that that is using the same thinking that got us into this mess. We don't need any "leader". We need to take the lead in our own lives and connect with others who know what's going on.
I wrote a book about this.
Amazon alternatives, other woke alternatives, independent news, local small farm directories that ship to your door, health shares, unvaxxed blood banks, homeschooling, non-woke entertainment for adults and kids, Christian resources, uncensored search engines, politicking tools, the complete Hunter Biden files, and more!
Exit the Matrix, January 2025 Edition free pdf link:
Give me an example of that one sentence to stop them, please.
I think what will certainly put a spanner in the works is masses of people stop paying their loans. Just stop. They don't even have to say anything to the robber barons, oops, I mean lender. And they pledge to keep 50% of it for themselves and give 50% of it to someone locally who they know or know of. Keep the money where you can see its benefits and build the local community. That would also entice others to do the same. That would definitely put a very robust spanner into the works. There are other things too that could do it...
money is just a part of the fiction. control, weakening and killing is the plan & convid was just part of it. many people are not aware that they are hypnotised; cellphones, tv/ screens etc
The 'apathy' in NZ is very acute - many Americans are now realizing MSM is lying to them ... by the time Kiwis get that message, it is going to be way, way too late ...
If I post a reply on an American substack, I get lots of views on my substack - Kiwi substacks ... not so much ...
The 'wake up' call is being ignored by most Kiwis ... they are going to get a big shock ... probably very soon ... but once WWIII actually kicks off ... there will be no way 'back to the future' for anyone that is currently in 'Team Stupid' ...which is all of us ... whether we are 'awake' to what is really going on, or not ...
Be careful what you manifest with your words , out of fear !!!
Create counter-spells with a pure heart
We will prevail!
You hit it Michael. All the talk of the bad things and bad outcomes is actually weaving it for the controllers. Rather we can talk about using our own systems and living in a world that is cleansed of toxins, clear, pure water, soil, air. Safety for everyone even children at any time of night or day. Freedom of speech for everyone. Living by making sense, not nonsense.
I have said for sometime now that we are in WWIII already only it is a different type of war. We battle among others the big pharma whore!
Money is their scorecard though. And the vehicle that keeps us imprisoned. It would be quite easy to dismantle this whole sordid structure by not using the banker's money system, but so far, I think too many people love it too much. It wouldn't mean much sacrifice, mainly just learning to do things a little differently. And after a good number of people take it on, we'd go much further and be a lot better off than we are today, or that we even can imagine.
20 -30 percent are not asleep, not apathetic, and are carefully monitoring these psychopaths. They are probably terrified of us
20-30% ? An interesting fact is that approximately 30% of the population are resistant to hypnosis. Another 30% are highly susceptible.
It's the remainder of the population, the borderliners, these are the ones they needed to tip the balance in their favour. It almost worked!
I see it this way - 5% are evil doers, they work towards destruction. The two dichotomies are entropy and synergy (regeneration) These are the two warring factions. The organisms on either side live within us and get humans to do make their food which comes from human thinking. Thoughts and emotions create frequencies and chemicals. When thoughts and emotions are out-of-balance, it creates an overproduction of organisms that keep humans "in the program", in their conditioning. All life on earth is parasitic if you want to see it that way. Humans are ruled by organisms that live inside and the balance can change by a change of thoughts and beliefs.
Something like 80% or more are inertial energy, meaning they go either way, whichever is popular. 10% are free thinkers, meaning balanced, healthy, regenerative, creators. And this is because there is an over-abundance of the masculine perspective. That is what has caused the imbalance. And we need to get out of it by egalitarianism, meaning we hear all perspectives, not just an overabundance of male perspectives.
nah. muzzling masculinity is what got us into this mess.
They're terrified all right ... that's why they're killing us ...
When do you think the '20 - 30%' will stop 'monitoring these psychopaths' ... and try to save their lives? ...
Give War a Chance✌😂😂😂😎
If it had to do with money, it is via them using money as the scorecard for their power they arrested. People give away their power and wearing the masks, taking the jab, showed the controllers the ratio of the population who they can rely on. The money shows true commitment because if people spend money on something, then it means they buy it. Most people fell for the gag hook, line and sinker, making it very threatening to live amongst so many who are brainwashed and can't think. I knew covid was a scam on day one. And I knew they would follow it up with vaccines. I warned my family and friends early, well before the vaccine was touted. I don't know if they took the jab. The jab is actually a way of cleansing the gene pool, I'm afraid. Because if you're stupid enough to take it, then you are a non-thinker and that variety of human is too much of a threat to earth.
Almost everyone is a scientist when they want to rule-out things that don't work.... like vaccines, for example.
There were some honest/ smart ones. . tiny percentage
Good, Thankfully I managed to see through the whole thing by June 2020 after struggling to understand why the whole world had gone mad in April.
As to doctors any respect I had has fallen below zero and is still falling.
i was suspicious in december '19 because of the way the story was released by the so called media reminded me of the way aids was reported; start small and then snowball & backed previously with lots of nonsense about china. with aids africa was the target. so i decided to contact people who deal with sickness and death. as non of them were busy, i smelt a rat.
Yes. Nothing felt or sounded correct to me at all!! With Christ as my Savior, I fully believe it was a warning as intuition. This is part of the massive spiritual battle occurring. Depopulation and transhumanism is priority for the New World Order that satan desires. It’s technology and big pharma he’s working through to achieve both. Just a mere scratch on the surface of what’s to come. This is the beginning of the end cliche.
i don't knock the idea of a creator & i do understand your point, but could you humour the notion of religion being a psyop?; god vs satan.
Religion is the deepest psyop. Happy to have the conversation, and I'm not just trashing. The idea of "a" creator is bogus, nothing creates on its own. I think I know where that came from but to say it is very controversial.
...and they never ask why most of the people on that boat DIDN'T get the same illness. Or, what toxic exposures did those who got sick have, that those who stayed well didn't have?
The billions that are spent shoe-horning reality into a template that has made billionaires of CEOs of drug companies and hospital businesses, continues to suck grad students into the matrix of virology, teaching them that this was all figured out before they came on the scene, and this is just how it's done. I know some of those (now retired) grad students, and they are true believers, never having been jolted into taking that step back to look at the big picture, without the filter they were fitted with in grad school.
I so share your dismay. However indoctrination is strong. It's what keeps people in the program.
They are all moo-sick!
My favourite Virology "story" is the shingles "Virus" Firstly it is the Chicken pox virus you pick up in childhood.......then it hides inside its host for 50 to 70 years and finally "activates" and "travels" down nerves to create the skin breakouts known as shingles. I think this "Virus" is a viral genius.... I mean it somehow manages to move from dying cells and hide in another adjacent living cell..... each time its hiding place dies and is replaced it "Moves" and maintains it's decades long plan to one day "activate" and create havoc in its host. It is the Super Man of Viruses... a God amongst its kind.
Vets call it "vaccinosis" when cats and dogs get sick due to all the injections.. Vets are more open to admitting that combinations of different vaccines can make your pets sick. So apply that lesson to humans on vaccines.
Yes, the chickenpox- shingles virus is so clever, it even changes its name from one phase to the other. Just genius. I've never understood how that's supposed to make any sense!
Not too sure what it is that my elderly mother gets on the right side of her face and neck occasionally that causes great pain! They call it shingles! On and off for 30 years. 🤷🏼♀️ I KNOW vaccines are poison, yet have seen the evidence of said shingles. I consider the probability that they’ve had mass experimentation with various kinds that include placebos. With this last “virus” as well. She’s always had the jab and a booster in the very beginning and has been fine. No Covid, no injuries. As of now anyway. She will NOT listen to me regarding any of it! Anyway, I am of thought that they send out trays of varying, marked, and tracked, of what’s doing what, and where. I doubt it’s only whatever they last released. It’s many different varieties.
I agree with you, they keep track of everything they use and on whom. That's one reason they want everyone "identified". And they use different doses and concoctions because to them we are mere lab rats. However we do it to rats and think nothing of it, and that's why it is done to us. But though I haven't had it myself, I understand that colloidal silver cures shingles or at least reduces its pain. It could very well be the vaccine caused the "shingles" for her as it is a stated side effect.
If I could get her to take it, I would. She was in the medical field for decades and is indoctrinated unfortunately.
I take colloidal silver myself along with my pets. It helps so many things! I’m pretty convinced that vaks from years and years of them play the main role! My own health issues I’ve come to believe ultimately have manifested from childhood vaks. Even tho I’m 56 and the schedule wasn’t near what it’s become, they were created to sicken and kill us from the beginning. As a point, the creator of the polio vaks, which didn’t become rampant until after the jabs, was a depopulation proponent! I’ve located papers from the 1800’s that those that knew, doctors, were fighting these poisonous jabs as best as they could. Held yearly conferences, on and on. Discredited and suppressed just as now.
Indeed. Covers up the injuries from older people taking the'flu shots.
That sounds more like terrain than germ.
On inflammation........ the cause of so many symptoms that get treated with pills. What you eat is perhaps the biggest factor in your health. I went full carnivore about a year ago. Simply by cutting out all plant material and only eating fatty meat, some cheese, and eggs, lead to the following health improvements.... Gums stopped bleeding ( used to bleed a lot when brushing) . Skin tags stopped growing and went away. Back aches almost disappeared from being at times chronic. My ankles used to hurt like hell in the all pain is gone. Skin overall improved virtually never get a pimple. Sleep is way better, I fall asleep easily and sleep soundly, and have stopped snoring. My mind is clearer and I am much less prone to being depressed when things don't go my way. I have more energy. My digestion is great, almost no gas and my stomach does not make gurgling noises like it used to. I do not get very hungry, I have no sudden cravings for anything. In short it's been superb for me....all these improvements and not a single medical intervention needed. Just cut out plants. No Veg, No Fruit, No Carbs, zero plants materials. It's the best choice I made.
I experienced all the benefits you mention, but only when I became a vegan. Not only do I not eat meat of any description, I don't eat eggs or drink cows' milk. I also stopped eating wheat-based food, which cuts out a LOT let me tell you!
Yet I believe everything you say. Others have told me the same thing about moving to a meat-only diet. The benefits they describe are astonishing. So what's going on? Does it matter what we eat at all?
I think it does. But I also believe that diet is not the only factor in our mental and physical well-being. What goes into our minds is at least as important as what goes into our stomachs. I don't understand why this is so, but it seems to be the case (for me at least).
I think there are sound reasons for not eating animals or animal products, but good health is probably not the most important.
Also experienced all of those carnivore benefits and more when I went 100% whole food plant-based. Maybe because both diets exclude processed food that the meat eaters claim such results? Back in the 19th century Richard Henry Dana wrote in “two years before the mast” about the wonderful health he enjoyed with a 100% beef diet, so there is some history. However after eating plant based I certainly have no incentive to switch and actually find animal foods unappetizing.
I'm plant based during various periods throughout the year for religious reasons but when I'm not I'm pretty close to being a carnivore.
Agreeing with what you said our state of mind is also important. I've come to realize that what I eat doesn't matter so much as being out in nature and mitigating my time around man-made electric fields/frequencies. I still eat some junk here and there but it doesn't have as much of an effect on me as it once did.
are you confusing meat with the sort of processed meat in the supermarkets?
full carnivore would be eating the whole animal right & nothing else? i have been on a low carb/ starch/ sugars diet for over 2 years & i am lean and healthy. pills kills
It's very curious. Something we don't understand is going on. Many are suggesting light is what we need more than anything for good health. We need to take red light in (and the whole light spectrum) through our eyes and it starts the sequence for building mitochondria which give vitality to life. We need to start studying these results, perhaps start a new science, a real science?
Thank you for all that you are doing. It matters a great deal indeed. I found you towards the beginning of the pandemic because I was simply asking the obvious questions: How did they demonstrate the causal nature of the novel virus in disease? How are viruses identified? I assumed that most people were asking the same questions but couldn't find anyone attempting to find the answers until finding you.
Despite the poor science behind the supposed "contagious and disease-causing" nature of the Sars-Cov2 "virus", it was still a leap for me to consider that no viruses had ever been properly shown to be agents of disease. I admit, somewhat ashamedly, that I expected scientists to respond to your claims immediately with data from well-planned challenge experiments and isolation data using proper controls. Instead I found the strongest support for your claims in the total absence of response by the virologists and related professionals.
I understand that it stings to consider that something you have believed all of your life is nothing more than a fairy tale but it is bitterly disappointing to see so many otherwise intelligent people shutting down the possibility of an informed discussion on a subject that has this much relevance to the human condition.
Once again, my sincerest thanks.
Yes indeed. When I realised in June 2020 that virology was a fraud I understood that any disease allegedly caused by a virus was suspect and we had been deceived, I was very angry and started my Word press site and now on substack too.
Once again, Dr. Sam, I must disagree with you. Viruses DO exist--and I can prove it right here and now. These nasty little orgasms appear periodically and cause great harm all around the world. Examples: Dr. Fraudsky, Satan Klaus, Bill "kill-em-all" Gates, President Biden, virtually every President of every country on Earth, and the heads of the CDC, FDA, and most large corporations, and on and on. And I will stand firm on this FACT! So, There! Prove me wrong! I love you guys. You are heroes. I pray for your continued well-being. Blessings!
wait, is there any proof that Bill Gates exists? or was MS-DOS possibly created by some other life form, or stolen from another programmer?
MS-DOS was created by someone else, whose name I, unfortunately, no longer remember. Gates BOUGHT it, for $50,000, and, then, licensed it to IBM and the rest, as they say, is history. Almost everything that Micro$oft has made its money from, in part, at least, has been purchased, or acquired, from some other company or individual. Gates' claim to fame should not properly be considered to be creativity, but rather manipulation, legalization, and monopolization.
Interesting side note: My understanding is that Bill was NOT the one who worked the deal with IBM. His parents were very influential in certain circles and it was his mother who arranged the meeting with and the eventual deal with IBM.
I was heavily into the computer world, both hardware and software, from before there was a Micro$oft, and I watched it, as it happened, in real time. Everybody in the biz (that I knew, at least) hated him at the time. He was seen as stifling the creativity of the industry. HIS MOTHER's creation of the joint venture with IBM is what made Micro$oft, not Bill's genius.
Right, thanks, but...the point is that there's a guy named "Gates" who is behind in his payments--to Humankind. WAY behind! We need to bill him. That's the point. That's where the "bill" comes from. He owes us so much that he'll likely never catch up (his problem, not ours) So, I suggest we let him languish in some distant zone for a while. Maybe for an eternity? Meanwhile, we could continue wandering the realms of possibility or we could read to each other from Not-Two Is Peace. I'm recommending the latter! More productive.
Viruses is pretty weak for these evil scumbags
You sure got that right, Kathy. Important (I feel) to introduce a little humor to this MAJORLY DARK event in human history. That said, The LIGHT is here, the Divine Person of Love is always with us. The Bailey's are true culture heroes. Meanwhile, each of us has his and her part in helping turn this picture around, bring Light, sound reasoning, kindness and love.
You say, “These nasty little orgasms appear periodically and cause great harm all around the world.”
Hmm. Orgasms…
Organasms? Organasticasms? Gotta be one of those, right? In any case, I just passed (on the 2nd of this month) my 52nd year in both clinical and non-clinical practice of Traditional Naturopathic Medicine. In that time, I learned that all chronic degenerative diseases are curable by natural methods--unless the Pt (patient) is terminal or unwilling (or otherwise unable) to follow the protocol we Rx'd (recommended). I'm talking cancer, ALS, and every other disorder that came into my office. I learned about the interactions between Pasteur and Bechamp, the folly of the germ theory, and the failure and monstrous perversion of the vaccine industry. There's so much more I learned--and now wish to pass it on.
So if there are no germs or viruses, what do you think causes the diseases you have cured in your practice? Particularly diseases like the cold that I would contend all people have experienced at least once in their lifetime. Honest question. Not trying to start an argument.
I think it is indirectly harmful to repeatedly claim that viruses simply “do not exist”. Doing so turns people off and compels them to think of flat-Earth and/or become utterly dismissive. Viruses absolutely do exist in the minds and practices of, unfortunately it seems, most human beings. Therefore currently, I add a single word, always, in my rhetoric: ‘physically’.
Viruses do not physically exist.
It may seem like a tiny thing, but I hope the previous sentence becomes the one that ‘spreads’.
Perhaps I’m wrong, and the below sentence is superior, and must ‘spread’:
Viruses do not exist.
Which will it be? Does it matter?
I agree with what you say in principle, but I feel there is a need to be blunt here: viruses don't exist - if you think they do, show me the proof. No need to give them an easy 'out'.
Here’s how I see it: “Viruses don’t exist” is vague; “Viruses don’t physically exist” is blunt.
I'm just saying that the phrase 'physically exists' is somewhat redundant since the dictionary definition of 'exist' is "to have actual being; be real".
To me it dilutes the impact, such that someone hearing that is entitled to think "well if they don't physically exist, then they must exist in some other form". And that aligns with virologists' ridiculous claim that viruses are some sort of entity that 'exists' in some sort of twilight zone between life and death???
But they do exist in some other form. To me, that is a major component of the problem. The Baileys occasionally refer to ‘no physical existence’, etc., which in my opinion is so great! Unfortunately the virus existence thing is a trick that the industry and the narrative controllers can take advantage of. Try telling a gay man, for example, taking the latest anti-HIV pill, that HIV simply doesn’t exist. And that’s it. Bye-bye.
People need to understand how they have been participating in their own indoctrination. That is not easy. But it’s necessary. Telling them they’re wrong is not necessary. Telling them they’re wrong is counterproductive. It’s not easy or pleasant to look at your own thoughts and come to the realization that they are not really even your own thoughts. They are someone else’s regurgitation of a sick narrative.
I think we have to slow thought down rather than speed it up. “Yes, it does exist, but only because you’re talking about it.” or “Yes, it does exist, but only because you ‘believe’ it does.” or “Yes, it does exist, but only because your doctor said it does.” “But these things don’t physically exist the way you might imagine. It might be hard to believe me, but I personally haven’t been able to find anything that convinces me these things are actual physical things. Photos alone aren’t enough. Ongoing research assuming they are physical things is not enough…” It’s a struggle. I’m obviously not that good at it. 😂
These are the things I think about.
How about "there is no evidence that viruses exist in nature?" Someday a virus might appear....never know, but for now none have been shown to exist and after more than 100 years isn't it time those involved in people's health start looking for other causes of disease?
I would say, although a bit lengthy, that " what has been claimed to be isolated and called a virus, has not been proven to be the cause of illness"
Just to ramble on about the rhetoric I’m developing…. I also avoid using the passive voice because it often leaves out the agent of action. The biggest recent example of this was when none other than The Pandemic Declarer in Chief, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, used the passive voice to *suggest* the Covid-19 pandemic. I can find nowhere where he or the WHO issued a formal declaration (“I/we hereby declare…”)
Instead, he simply uttered “Covid-19 may be characterized as a pandemic.” It’s super easy to find the video (
So, I ask… Who did the characterizing? Well, the media did for sure. They said the WHO declared a pandemic 10 microseconds after Tedros suggested it without himself declaring it. Then a a large proportion of global media-consuming population for sure started characterizing C19 as a pandemic. Like in Hollywood films, to the best of their knowledge, I’m sure…
All because he, consciously or unconsciously, it doesn’t matter, chose to use the passive voice rather than accept responsibility and use the active voice.
So who would be doing the claiming, isolating and calling and proving? It’s a rhetorical question…
I would say viruses are not as we are told. If anything they are cell debris, the exosome in my books, but they are not contagious or cause disease.
The main thing is that we are 'sold' fear of something of which we need not be fearful,
P.S. All so-called variants are just a load of nonsense.
Gain of Function is just more rubbish.
I agree. A homeopathic remedy doesn’t “exist” - in the sense of identifiable chemical constituents, but I believe it exerts an influence in terms of energetic pattern. Does machine code “exist”? Can you physically isolate the zeros and ones of binary information? No. Yet it still can affect external reality. Function without structure. I’m fine with explanatory models as long as we never mistake the map for the territory. If we get hung up on the reductionist obsession of whether or not something “exists” then we’re simply not going to be able to communicate with each other.
Corruption of language is important to fix, not accommodate. You are invited by people who don’t care about the truth to spend valuable time arguing with them whether a dull knife is really a knife or not. Just cut the crap!
Correct. Treating virus existence separately from contagion by pathogen makes sense. The Baileys, among many others, happen to find both to be false.
“the disease process” is a scary phrase to me. “the normal disease process” is even scarier. Using these phrases seems to imply a matter-of-fact awareness of others whose role it is to routinely consider several things: (1) Diseases all have some things in common that allow them (the “others) to refer to them as diseases. I have no idea what those things are. (2) Diseases unfold as a process, a process being a sort of industrial concept, or at least a process implying an extraordinary amount of control over an observation of nature. (3) There is so much understanding of this ‘disease process’ that it’s common to identify some instances of it as ‘normal’ and the rest of the instances of it as ‘not normal’.
Holy shit! This is exactly what I’ve been arriving at! Well, almost exactly. There’s one destination, but there’s this industry that wants to build a million doors around it and label them all and tell you which one you’re headed to, so…
Yes, unicorns exist as a fairy tale. Santa Claus exists as a fairy tale. Viruses exist as a fairy tale. Let’s put them in the category they belong.
Precisely. A concept or an idea can exist only in one’s imagination or in the collective (or social) imagination. There’s no physical proof (i.e. the necessary and sufficient evidence that is the foundation of robust science) that these concrete entities called “viruses” exist. They do “exist” in the abstract.
Yep. Everything exists, trivially. It’s the *kind* of existence that is critical, crucial, important, and revealing.
When I think of various “kinds” or “forms” of existence, my mind goes to Platonic Forms and “Field precedes Form” and metaphysical materialism vs ontology vs metaphysical idealism. It gets somewhat (philosophically) esoteric. It’s still enjoyable, as long as arguing abstractions doesn’t turn contentious.
Personally, I prefer Romantic Forms of relationships to Platonic Forms, but --
Oh! Wait! I see what you were saying... ;-)
Viruses are a digital fiction
All viruses are CG.
It's madness to me that people are unable to even have this conversation and how divided people are on this subject. I am largely trusting the research that Sam, Mark and all the others in the "no virus" camp have done, but I just know in my gut that it's right... but I know it from a spiritual sense more than a scientific perspective so I appreciate the 3D evidence they provide because it's what's needed to change most people's minds. I look forward to the day when other people approach me and say "Hey, how crazy is it that there are no viruses but we have been playing these dumb games getting vaccinated and feeling scared because they told us that they were real and more importantly, going to harm us unless we take action. I can't believe it took me so long to realise the truth in this!" This whole thing will be over one day, I know that to be true too. There is a reality that exists out there where that is true and I look forward to the day when we're on that timeline.
I will always keep sharing your wisdom because I can't seem to fault it, but more importantly to me, I just know it to be true in my gut. Thanks for all the work you do!
Whew! Steve Kirsh raced away from that statement! The intensity of the queries is telling. No listening. No "Tell me more about how you've reached that conclusion." Just an Olympic sprint to the the end of the interview. I am reminded of the tedious frequency of how so many 'journalists' only want to hear an affirmative answer to their request of "Do you condemn Hamas?" God forbid you might relate some of your own research and experience.
No debate...Steve threw out a bunch of shallow "gotcha" questions and had 'em thrown back at him.
I notice forty minutes ago in the comments a Dr. Baird asking a version of one of the Big Three questions that typically appear in Sam's basement. In this case it's:
If it's not viruses, what is it?
And people might be used to part of my answer by now, to wit: having done so great a work as ridding the world of any reason to believe in viruses, Sam needn't be further burdened with a description of the causative agent of all diseases.
The virus is the idea of the virus believers, and the burden of proof is on them to demonstrate viral causality. Not the other way round.
The burden of proof is not on her to go through every symptom known to humans and provide clinical, gross, morphological, and molecular descriptions of the causative agents, together with a history for each patient stretching back years. AND YET. [sorry for all caps but here in the comments basement they don't trust us with italics] And yet Sam often does provide etiologies. Go girl! She generously, despite having children to play with and hobbit-worthy mountains to gaze at (important to health)...she does generously provide all sorts of etiologies. It seems over and above the call of duty.
ET--ology. It's not just for students of Eckhart Tolle anymore. [excuse joke please, wife in back room right now...she tends to get involved in Zoom healings. I guess she's an Eckhart disciple of sorts. I just found out that Eckhart no longer gets involved in healings as it distracts from the main...well, that's gotta be an article at Substack sometime.]
So, etiology, we were saying.
I generally prescribe twelve random Sam videos to get a feel for how an answer might play out. If it's not viruses, what is it? Your turn. --Thor
If that is true, then what is a plausible explanation why chicken pox parties, intentionally designed by parents to give kids immunity to chicken pox often result in most of the kids getting chicken pox?
Dr Sam has covered that one before:
combatting the repetitive nature of tv, cellphones etc; hypnotising anyone who watches it
The stories about the chickenpox parties are anecdotal and not real science. Could be 20 at a party but only 2 children had any symptoms. So that doesnt really say anything about the cause or contagion.
First it's important to know that chickenpox have various names. You'll see that in a lot of medical journals and books from the past. That smallpox, measles, rubella and chickenpox are identical. Before that it was called leprosy or syphilis.
Here's an example from an atlas of syphilis. All these skin conditions are today called all the above + herpes, herpes zooster, mouth cancer, condylomes and so on.
In a study from 1900 where they had an outbreak of what they thought was berberi (alleged vitamin B1 deficiency). It turned out to be poisoned sugar to over 200 breweries. They said it was arsenic and they said at the time the only substance they knew could cause herpes/herpes zooster was arsenic.
Back in those days the doctors used things like arsenic, mercury and antimony to disinfect the ill and wounded. All these 3 elements can cause skin lesions. Under antimony toxicity they even say that it can cause lesions that look like smallpox.
Did you know theres antimony in Lego's? Or mascara? When we investigate claims like these anecdotal stories we have to consider all factors. But now that we know that all these poisons can cause these symptoms and they are widely used in the industry, I would be looking at those first.
This is all covered in the videos and books by Sam and Mark and others. You might be new to the subject and it looks like you are. Your question is very common. It's a liberating journey. All the best.
The fake pandemic was a military operation. The psychological operation was part of the larger military operation. So was the rollout of the new technology. This was orchestrated by the ruling class at the highest levels of decision making. This has been planned for decades. What made this fake pandemic a success? The internet.
The virus existence issue, and the provenance of the PCR's primers, is a favorite topic of coverup by "covid truthers." It is inconvenient to say the least. I want to thank Mark Bailey for helping me sort out the issues and get my language right on this important matter of core science. Much more here —
People should stick to what they know! Exactly! But cognitive dissonans is working overtime when something have been repeated over and over again from we were born.
When studying the history of germ-theory we see the exact same thing. People talking about subjects they don't fully understand themselves.
Take George Nuttall's famous insect theory from 1899. After forced vaccination was abolished in the late 1800s they had to come up with new things to sell. So while they at John Hopkins "invented" all the vitamins, not to tell people to eat fruits and vegetables, but so sell supplements, the insect theory came around the same time. It was published in the news papers again and again. I have numerous front pages of news papers telling people to fear insects. Flies, mosquitos and even ants crawling into the ears of children causing meningitis.
Nuttall's insect theory:
In a review of the theory William Riley talks about the dangers of taking isolated sentences of a theory.
"Once the mistaken interpretation is published, it may be copied over and over again
until it rises to the dignity of a dogma"
And the good man William is right in what he is saying, but further down in the same review he falls into the exact same trap as he is explaining. Mentioning Pasteur and Koch. But failing to mention Bechamp and Burdon Sanderson who showed us that small microbes in blood and tissue under curtain condition would develop into bacteria. Burdon Sanderson showed that decomposition precedes the development of bacteria and that the bacteria seemed to spring out of nothing. That the germinal matter seemed indestructible because they could heat it up and poison the culture to kill the bacteria but after a while new bacteria would just form from the germinal matter.
Thanks for giving your perspective so clearly. I have largely sidestepped the virus/no virus issue in looking at all the tyranny rolling in since summer of 2021 (and before). I agree it is very important. I have some comments (and questions implied by my many doubts on the matter).
1) I agree that there is and has been enormous fraud in science and medicine, as witnessed by every claim they have made about covid, including using a computer sequencing from the CCP (who have a doctrine of unrestricted warfare on the West) to generate their vaccines and tests (I'm not saying these are limited to what they got from the CCP, but there was a mainstream news story where this was confirmed).
2) The failure to produce the type of evidence of viruses a la Kochs postulates et al casts a lot of doubt on the idea of viruses existing/causing infectious diseases in people.
3) Terrain clearly is very important since whatever microbes that we do know exist, like bacteria and mold, are in our digestive system. In another video you talked about the work of Dr. Suzanne Humphries and her research on disease and sanitation vs. vaccination; I found her work very illuminating.
4) However, I am still not certain that this means that viruses don't exist, just that we should consider that what our dear medical and science leaders say about infectious disease should be almost completely disregarded. There are many unseen forces that we had no idea of the existence of; not being able to find them doesn't mean they doesn't exist. We can impute the existence of massive amounts of dark energy, but we cannot find it with our current technology, for example.
5) There are certainly chaos agents inserted into various organizations, such as those that got James O'Keefe ousted from PV. However, I don't buy that people like Dr. McCullough, Del Bigtree, and numerous others who haven't been convinced of the no virus concept are "controlled opposition" (though some might be; I don't know what undue influence was exerted. Dr. Mercola says he received credible threats that made him remove cheap covid remedies from his website; this could have happened with others). I greatly appreciate the work of everyone who is working to unmask the lies and tyranny; they don't have to all agree on everything.
6) It does appear that Covid, when it did exist (respiratory therapist Mark Bishovsky, in Ken McCarthy's must-read book "What the nurses saw", confirmed that some people were getting something much more serious than the flu), could spiral out of control if not treated properly. Of course, Covid does have similar symptoms to various kinds of poisining. Bottom line: unless we get some inside information on all the things they did and are doing, we can't really know exactly all of what they created that have been making people sick. Of course, covid cases and deaths have been massively inflated and caused by deadly hospital protocols and the vax, etc.
7) There does seem to be an element of a cold/flu "going around" which could possibly be related to a partially infectious pathogenic cause. Just a personal observation.