Excellent. Thanks for the post. I wrote my MA thesis on the philosophy of science and its misuse in language acquisition theory 32 years ago at Sussex. I gave the example of the concept of instinct as an example of the fallacy. We do not know how a baby bird knows how to fly so we invent the word "instinct" to cover up not knowing. Then when asked the question about how the bird knows how to fly we present the empty word ''instinct'' as the cause. All these years later it seems to me that this same empty circularity is rampant in all of science - especially medical - and not just that little part I was considering. A "virus'' is just an empty name for not knowing.

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The virus story is so ridiculous that if it wasn't being used to control populations it would even be funny.

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To sell snake oil no less, in the form of fake vaccines.

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Yes, from conception, it is designed to cause harm.

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The market for antibodies is even larger (quite a bit larger) than for vaccines. There are many ways to milk this siens.

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They won't have the same indemnity from prosecution, like the poisonous jabs do. A big difference.

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They're all guilty of complicity at best, and genocide at worst.

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Funny, as in, ludicrous... !

It's amazing, too, or "funny," how people just BELIEVE in "authority," when the authorities are just making shit up!!!

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The reality though, is a bit worse-- often it is pretty easily knowable what actually causes the disease: Polio paralysis (nerve damage) was caused by nerve poison pesticides (DDT, etc) and then nerve poisons in vaccines (mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, etc); 'AIDS' in the 'developed world' was caused by toxic drug use (in Africa it was actually usually starvation / malnutrition); etc. Of course, those syndromes like 'AIDS' are a bunch of various unrelated diseases lumped together as convenient at the time / place required. Sometimes they are broken out as needed: for example, Polio became Guillain-Barre, Bells Palsy, MS, Transverse Myelitis, etc etc etc to make it appear 'Polio' had disappeared.

So it's not so much 'not knowing' as it is a really versatile coverup for actual causes / crimes (which would be uncomfortable to admit for the pesticide, pharmaceutical, etc industries and their government enablers / co-conspirators).

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Germ theory was/is a great coverup for all the damages that are caused by industrial society. Win/win for the technocrats.

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And raking the do-re-mi for the vaccinators.

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In Africa they did the same as everywhere else - "The Constant Gardener" is just one film that shows the reality of big pharma. Add some fluoride from time to time and we have heavy metal poisoning. Their time( the parasites) is coming to an end.

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Here's some brain food, it's a book (PDF), and it's a voiceover podcast... of HOURS... of lighting a FIRE that I'm hoping will burn down the fake forest of all this fuckery... Larken Rose ROCKS. We don't need no stinkin' govt.


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I would agree, man does not need government, but we do need to live within the 'code'. That means living in integrity, having moral standards.

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Then you'd probably like the above MP3.

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They won't let me connect to that link. I will try on a computer tomorrow!

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The back history of that film would be intriguing to know - how it ever managed to see the light of day and furthermore, what efforts must have been made to minimise its reach.

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Don't forget EMF as a source for many "disease".

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Indeed. If you haven't seen me say it elsewhere or to you already, I have a facial palsy (LHS) said by NHS to be a cancer cause. I worked out that I had been poisoned by sodium nitrite (E250) in bacon I ate.


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I can't "like" that... So sorry to hear it, my friend. xo xo

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Thank you WH. I say to people that if I hadn't had it happen I would not have understood what I do now. Being treated during lockdowns helped me realise how stupid people were being and how I had been misled all those years. Onward and upwards!

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Well said.

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Thank you. I agree.

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When they label something that ends with syndrome ie AIDS, SADS, SIDS, IBS etc.. this means they do not know what it is. A very lazy get out.

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They know the human biology so well by now - they have done this to the human race for so long that they know exactly what they are doing.

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Jul 23
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Yeah, they know certain things... but they're not as wise as they are smart.

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My ex was a biologist that used to work at the Welcome laboratory in Hertfordshire.

She said it went down underground six levels and on the sixth level it looked like a 'testing' centre only this time the chairs, and equipment did not look as if to test animals. She said she felt like she was being watched in there, it became defunct well before she got to work there. So in my opinion they know what does what to the physical, but what they cannot fathom out is the spiritual and how faith and the mind we can heal - this is beyond them.

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The Globalistas think they can cause a nuclear war and just go underground to "wait it out." They are clueless, really. Human beings were not made to live underground.

And I agree with your opinion... Like most psychopaths, they think they know so much more than they actually do.

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I say it is because it all leads to the sin of Rome, Rome sinned, sinned Rome!

All roads do lead to Rome.

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Some people just can't contend with the notion of "not knowing". It is, in my opinion, a significant aspect of how religion as an institutional force unfolded as it did, and similarly how "non-religious" people tell themselves they "follow the science", themselves exhibiting such religious zeal.

There is a line somewhere between a healthy desire to continually learn and discover the nature of the world vs a hubris-fueled delusion that man can explain all things. I think many unwittingly fall squarely in the second camp, mistaking it as enlightenment.

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That's astute! Well said.

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Unless you are taken out of darkness and 'truly" enlighteneted you will not be astute enough to "really" judge either. You need to walk in old and new shoes.

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That is like saying "There are things you don't know, so you have to learn them via a mysterious acquisition which I will not explain."

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It's a bit worse than just “not knowing” because Big Pharma has developed products to sell for said “unknown” thing.

And those products not only create more illness (and profit$) but serve to promulgate the lies of germ theory.

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We know enough now to know not only is Germ Theory quite flawed, but we know some things beyond that, that show us how amazing life on Earth really is... I'm not sure we're meant to know everything, that we need to, or that it matters. But knowledge is always a pursuit, and I'd say that's a good thing, generally. Does that sound like gibberish? LOL

I think we're meant to be explorers, because, well, we ARE.

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I think we’re meant to be truth-seekers! The Truth is out there.

We don’t need to know everything. The really tough questions will be answered when we sit with Jesus in Heaven. But we definitely DO need to beat back lies of the devil, like evolution, climate change and germ theory.

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Usherettes is the longest single anagram from 'truth-seekers'. Usherettes guide people to their seats with a torch to light the way.

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Woof! And nip the heels of those who get on the wrong path! ;)

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Works for me, Bacon Dude. ^_^

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Life would be boring if we couldn't keep exploring.

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You're a poet, but did you know it?

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Great example, thank you. I live in Sussex, UK. I say virus means 'via us' like the sound. It is something arising out of us.

Thus in its traditional meaning it is such as the pus in a wound which is the body's way of excreting stuff it is clearing out.


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Okay. I don't have any doubt that "viruses" are a fiction. Just sayin.

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But maybe you're talking about the idea that they are actually "exosomes," which can also be thought of as "firemen" or "garbage collectors" or... brooms.

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Correct, that is what I say in my link. It is tricky to seperate out the truth from fiction. Pus from a wound contains among other things water and salt, the carrier and not toxic as such, but also nitrogenous waste which is toxic.

Garbage collectors are nearer the reality. Water and salt might be considered the person who carries and nitrogenous waste the rubbish.

If a garbage collector is carrying bags of rubbish one might think of him/her as a rubbish person, instead of just someone who carries rubbish!

In reality they are doing a good job that others won't do. Thank you garbage collectors and exosomes!

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I think it's soooo very cool-- astonishing! amazing!! -- that if the body has some sort of toxin causing trouble, the body actually creates these little helpers to CLEAN OUT the problem! And it's kind of understandable that early on, scientists thought these little sweethearts were The Problem. A "virus." Latin for "toxin." But noooo, it's a HELPER. What could be more caring than to give us that!!

It's amazing, just fantastic to me, that the Human body is so well-equipped to STAY ALIVE and HEALTHY. Our Creator is truly astonishing in making Life so good for us, down to something as weeeeee as these exosomes! It's mind-blowing. So saith the dog. ;)

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"Our Creator is truly astonishing in making Life so good for us, down to something as weeeeee as these exosomes!"

Amen and amen.

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I like that explanation…somehow it makes perfect sense.

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Cosmology is another "science" of failure. Black holes, Dark matter and dark energy are all made up. They were simply invented to account for the fact that the universe is electric. That gravity is not a separate force but a weak version of the electromagnetic forces that organise everything and power everything. Gravity maths show gravity can not hold galaxies together.....it is too weak to do so, to avoid being wrong, the "establishment" invented dark matter and black holes in support of their gravity centric theories. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9brYReflH3A

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My math is shit!! If you go from the source of the Nile at Lake Victoria in a straight line to its mouth at the Med what is the highest point in kilometers of the Earth‘s curvature the river flows over?

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I went down the Nile on a cruise. It was spectacular. You can enjoy your flat earth questions. I prefer to fly / sail around the globe.

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Hello!! I'm not making any assertions. Really, would like to know the proper calculation. With regards to Egypt I would only instinctively ‘assert‘ that the blocks used to construct the pyramids werent chiseled by hand. Not claiming aliens either. If you could share the math would be eternally grateful.

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8" x miles squared is the standard equation for the curvature of the earth. Seeing too far (i.e. seeing things that should out of sight based on this equation) is happening all over the world now that ordinary people have access to cameras with long-range capabilities like the P900 (now pulled from the market) with which to not only LOOK but to RECORD this challenge to the size/shape of the place we live. Mountains. Oceans. Salt Flats, Lakes. The Nile. Everywhere. As for the pyramids, I find it even more fascinating that we have pyramids all over the world, and keep finding more of them.

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Those cameras are amazing. When you run the numbers its impossible for the Nile to flow over a 329.3 km peak arc height. LOL 😃😃 Hear you on pyramids. The best explanation I've seen for the construction of the great pyramids of Giza was the Egyptians mastery of concrete, moulds and of course math. Will post link when I locate doc.

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You might have seen this. If not I recommend.

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Thanks for summing that up so well. I agree that your culprit for disease is more probable than the techno-medical industry and toxic institutionalised "Health" infrastructure's influencer's version of events,( even though they control the distribution of information), but ,as the saying goes you can fool only some of the people all of the time. So maybe they've done the maths, and figure that is enough to win, but not so fast!... evil flourishes when good people do nothing👍

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Bravo! In my 80 plus years I have come to realize that all 'diseases' have been 'created' by poverty, poisons and downright lies. A checklist of symptoms does not define an illness. It does however send a specific message to the owner of the body - about how abused it is feeling by our relationship with it - how we talk to it, feed it (and I am not just talking about food), love it and look after it. No wonder it wants an exit strategy.

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Introducing the most outrageous show of the year: “Who Wants to be a Pandemic Billionaire?”

From the brilliant mind of Sliki Wil-lies comes the newest hit reality TV show that will leave you on the edge of your seat - laughing, gasping, and questioning everything you know! Streaming exclusively on ViralFlix-the platform that’s spreading faster than a pandemic of ‘vaccine’ injuries!

Teams of conspiracy masterminds compete for the ultimate prize - Deep State/Big Pharma slush money!

Their mission? Stage the most convincing ‘viral’ scamdemic by creating TOTAL! MASS! PANIC!!

Name your ‘virus:’ From the sinister to the absurd, teams must invent a pandemic pathogen name that will go viral. Will it be “WokePox” or “D.E.I-ngue”? The choice is theirs!

Ground Zero: Will it be a bustling metropolis or a remote farm where 2 farm workers contracting pink eye is blown up as a Birdy Flu pandemic? Followed by a riveting mass cull!

Warp Speed ‘Solutions’: every solution to the engineered problem must be a highly profitable pharmaceutical product that sails through clinical trials at warp speed - product safety and evidence of ‘viruses’ be damned!

Expect scary graphs, doomsday models from “No Pants Ferguson,” fraudulent tests to ginny up case counts plastered on every screen, forced injections, and suspension of Habeas Corpus. Remember, it’s not a pandemic without the fear factor and tyranny!

Meet the first 2 teams: COVID HOAX DEFENSE captained by Nass-a-saurass Vex, versus The LowLiar, led by the fearless Mel Fraudwood. Watch in awe as they twist the truth and pull the wool over everyone’s eyes!

Who will win in this race to fabricate the most fearsome fake pandemic? Tune in to find out! Only on ViralFlix!

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I MUST sign up. Where do I sign up. I demand the government pay for this streaming service.

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Excellent, thanks a lot Sam.

Bacteriophages are often the last refuge of virus-pushing fools who bring them up as "proof that viruses do exist." This is allegedly because "even the virus skeptics admit their existence." This sleigh of language used by the likes of some admins at Off Guardian is dishonest in the extreme, making the acknowledgement of their existence akin to saying they are viruses.

This video offers us an additional tool to counter such false narratives whenever we come across them.

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I think "viruses" started as a reasonable hypothesis. Bacteria can make a person ill so perhaps there's an even smaller particle that has a similar mechanism? The problem is after a hundred years they can't isolate said particle and reading the scientific literature with a critical eye tells us that. They also can't prove contagion or transmission. So why keep peddling the virus narrative? Personally, I think something nefarious is going on since, after all, the "solution" to these alleged viruses is so invasive 💉 and can permanently change human biology.

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I don't think they ever proved bacteria caused illness to begin with. Apparently even Koch dismissed his own postulates when he claimed a bacteria was the cause of tuberculosis.

The viral narrative is a great tool for the eugenicists. Not only for individual changes through vaccines but also through mass social engineering as we've seen recently with the covid scam.

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"The viral narrative is a great tool for the eugenicists"

I think that's what it comes down to and I wrote about that in my book.

Free pdf --> https://tmpfiles.org/dl/9693891/book.pdf

Physical copy --> https://www.amazon.com/What-COVID-Vaccines-Really-Hypothesis/dp/B0CYZTT8T7/

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Your link “ Free pdf --> https://tmpfiles.org/dl/9693891/book.pdf “ says “404 not found”🤷‍♀️

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sorry, link must have expired...try this one https://gofile.io/d/uHsP0J

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I was able to download it. Many thanks.

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Bacteria dont make people ill.

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Excellent video.

An illness or disease is a condition --

It is not a thing by itself --

It is not something alive waiting to attack you --

It is a result of an insult or deficiency --

It is a process of elimination & evacuation --

It is not an invisible microscopic monster --

It is a physiological condition

and it cannot be transferred to someone else --

Your health is personal, subjective, unique and cannot be caught by someone else.

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Maybe all dis-ease is caused by a spaghetti monster in the sky? I agree with you, our dis-ease is our condition. The signs and symptoms of our condition, whether personal or communal are not the cause of our condition. In a state of capitalism, how much does it cost to care for one another and our condition versus how much does it cost to care for the almighty dollar and our economy? Love or Money, you can only serve one master.

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Great! I always look forward to more content from the Baileys and to learning more! Thank you.

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The official Spanish Flu narrative is a rich TAPAS-TRY of lies stitched together by Re-Al Ma-Dread levels of Bull Shit!

A tortilla of tall tales, folded and flipped until the original ingredients are unrecognizable. Governments, much like a cunning matador, wave the red cape of misinformation, dodging the bull of reality! Their official statements are as reliable as a Churro at a diet convention.

Even the supposed "experts" are nothing more than ham actors (serrano, naturally) serving up jamon-sliced slivers of doctored data, with the cure for any 'flu' as elusive as the perfect Tortilla Espanola!

And, just when you think you've reached the end of the tale, there's always another course of Calamares Calamities to chew on!

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🤣 funny!

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Are you having fun?!

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Ole here and there.

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Sometimes I'll, what I call audio journal, or at times just talk out loud to myself. And go off on a wild rant that I find very humorous!!! (I might be alone in that perspective!!!)

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Funny that you mentioned this.

When I was a young boy, and I was confused about something, my Dad would say.

“Talk it out son, you might be surprised with what you come up with.”

Some of that, talking it out, would make me laugh and sometimes I would even cry and sometimes I would find out that I really had the answer all along.

So, just maybe you’re not alone after all.

That was, “fun”

Your comment made me smile.

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What I meant by alone though, was whether my humorous rants would be humorous to another!!!

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I am sure they would be.

Let’s just keep talking and ranting it out.

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Thank you so much for this John.

It's wonderful your dad suggested you do that.

Yeah I have a lot of conversations with myself, it's rather wonderful.

Sometimes I laugh, sometimes I cry. Sometimes I'm completely surprised at what comes through.

You made me smile too, I really appreciate it.

Thank you

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The Bailey‘s Magnus Opus of work unveiling the germ theory fraud is living proof that Virology invented itself as a field of ‘science’ without the cumbersome need for an actual virus.

The fabricated realm of Germ Theory thrives on pure speculation unburdened by the rigorous demands of the Scientific Method. If we aren’t vigilant, these charlatan viro Lie gists would attribute all diseases to mythical pathogenic 'viruses' and Big Pharma/The Biosecurity Sate would love them for it!

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Bad Vision is caused by a "virus". Alcoholism is caused by a "virus". Obesity is caused by a "virus"...ad infinauseum.

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lol 😃😃🎯

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Yet another scientific masterpiece. Thanks

The US Politburo has renewed the CONvid19 Hoax. It declared that our alleged president has tested (+) for CONvid and has self-isolated, THE FEAR MONGERING CAMPAIGN BEGINS

Mail in ballots and or fraudulent means will be made available so Queen QueMala will be elected .

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Thanks Sam & Mark, fantastic work again!

We should all keep in mind that this can only perpetrated on us because governments exist.


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Thank you both for the downloads. I did watch Steve Falconer's presentation - very good but, I will also download Marks exceptional works.

Cheers and best wishes!

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i just finished watching a video on another topic and was amazed to relearn (I suppose) how much arsenic was used as a cure all in the mid to late 19th century to cure symtoms of illnesses like consumption in London. Coal dust heavy smoking and drinking poor diets etc will do it every time

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Don't forget the mercury.

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Thank you for your excellent post! We all need to look at the real causes of disease ... as in, What are the poisons that make us unwell? The Weston A. Price Foundation has posted two articles by Sally Fallon Morell which may be of interest. (Sally was the co-author with Dr. Tom Cowan on the 2020 book, "The Contagion Myth.")

One is about the cause of anthrax really being arsenic. https://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/anthrax-arsenic-and-old-lace/#gsc.tab=0

The other is about the cause of tuberculosis being iron poisoning caused by exposure to iron oxide when cast iron stoves became ubiquitous in the 1800s. https://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/solving-the-mystery-of-tb-the-iron-factor/#gsc.tab=0

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Virologists remind me of the slightly talented magicians whose repertoire consists mainly of obfuscation and misdirection. As soon as a strong argument is presented, the claims from them seem to be no better than "Look, a squirrel!" while they beat a hasty exit and any attempt to follow them is blocked by their cohorts within the 'media' or 'government' (if those are still different entities).

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Brilliant summary

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