
Sorry, the link for the paper is here: https://drsambailey.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Virologys-Event-Horizon.pdf

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Shh, you don't want to use logic in the fairy tale world that loves to invent things that just adds to the pool of bullshit theories ๐Ÿ˜‚

Occam's razor is dead when it comes to academia as soon as the snake oil salesmen took over.

Same with physics, quantum theory is another stupid invention based on bad methods and the worst assumption of all: that a detector of photons uses no energy and is "invisible". ๐Ÿ˜‚ The famous double slit experiment is total hokum.


And here's an interesting 4 min blurb of how physics and modern science turned into fantasy, fueled by math and imagination.


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It may be my imagination, but virologists seem to be operating not unlike witch doctors. They occasionally cure things because the human body is stronger than the disease being fought. Or, the disease is dead, but so is the patient. But, that's OK because the funding is still available.

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Thank you for the Mark you are both leaving.Just as the Perth Group and Lanka, against all odds, left their legacy, you have already managed with the same style of self-demand and professionalism to give strength and security to thousands of dispersed minds that internally had some of this knowledge but who felt isolated and still afraid to go public.

Thank you both for giving us the security to be able to transmit the message to our children so that they can do the same and live without that fear.

Thank you,

Misha from gamzuletova.org

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Keep up the great work!

This video explains the problem with "peer review" - https://rumble.com/v4bq4r0-911-and-the-flawed-peer-review-process.html

The battle you are fighting is exactly the same this 9/11 scientist has been fighting for the last 14 years!

Wikipedia's block listed 9/11 scientist.

Cancelled by Wikipedia for 14 years and counting.

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/wikipedias-block-listed-911-scientist

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Apr 4ยทedited Apr 4

A negative control experiment or a mock infection is not the only type of control experiment that can be performed. It probably provides the most clarity but it is not the only type of control experiment that is valid.

Lanka's control experiments were not negative control experiments , why then do we call his experiments control experiments? Are Lanka's experiments not valid controls experiments ?

There is a difference between controlling variables and control experiments that run alongside the experiment.

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'mock- infected' lol what does that even mean?

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If you wonder how people's brains get to the point where they automatically prate the party line, two excellent publications address this directly. They are Dr. Authur Firstenberg's _The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life_ and Dr. Michael Nehls' _The Indoctrinated Brain_. Approaching from two very different directions, they outline the underlying loss of brain cells, specifically in the memory-making center of the brain called the hippocampus. Firstenberg documents its shrinkage in humans over the past century or so and lists a progressive litany of triggers.. Nehls explains the spike protein link and how this change in physiology results in resorting to a default decision-making mode which one of his sources describes as "zombie thinking." Ernst Hemingway once stated, when asked by a reporter what it takes to be a really great poet, responded, "To be a really great poet, or anything else for that matter, one must have an infallible, shock-proof crap detector." Damage to one's hippocampus, whether caused by wired telegraphy, 60-cycle AC current, radio transmissions, WiFi, 5G cellular service, spike proteins, or the stress of fear porn, turns off that crap detector. As Dr. Nehls notes, the results are predictable, and in my mind clearly underlie the cognitive inertia which cannot even grasp the true science presented by the Drs. Bailey and their aware colleagues.

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Great topic to tackle, thanks guys!

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Apr 4ยทedited Apr 4

Congratulations Dr. Mark on your new essay. Could it be possible that one day, you make a collection of your essay's in a single printed book?

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But Mark and Sam I object...here is a clear photo of a virus specifically the hPIV-3 virus, being killed, I should probably say mortally wounded, using this new and (deadly to virus's ) silicone pad with these little spikes on it. Think of the possibilities. They can save the planet and become billionaires at the same time. That is where all the big money comes from, saving lives and helping people. I am thinking Noble Prize.....


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The fact they have no control group in " virus" experiments is covered up by a green monkey haha

Even up to convid the virologists were saying the "corona viruses"(essentially what they found was just dna/rna they can sequence with software like NextGen into unlimited digital "viruses) were found in healthy people.

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Thank you.

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I look forward to reading your paper Sam. The comments are also a delight, been thinking with gratitude about damage to the hippocampus resulting in a broken bullshit detector. Roughly translated I imagine this refers to the ability to discern ? And explains so much.

Blessings and appreciation to you all from Aus.

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A pandemic in a pre-germ-theory past included or was characterised as a spread of fear of contagion that became itself contagious. "Hysteria" is not much given focus in a frame that seeks to mask out or subsume psychic and spiritual being to models of material determination - that are guarded, mediated and controlled by an elite 'priesthood' from a 'black box' of definitions by which to interject control as mind-training or conditioning.

Note our original human response to sickness was 'theurgical' - ie: within a felt participation of spirits or powers that modernity assigns to magical, mythical or religious superstitions.

Retribution and curse would be offset or protected against by intercessions of various kinds of which pharmakon was but one - and in which the 'drug' was contextualised by its intent, such as to be prepared, administered or participated in as a ritual of cultural or spiritual identity.

(See Pharmakon by Michael A Rinella)

Rene Girard came to a transformative understanding of human social order by recognising the pattern of scapegoating - a form of Pharmakon by which to offset an imbalanced accumulation of conflict manifesting as sickness - on any level both inner or outer 'disorder'. This operates what A Course in Miracles calls the redistribution of psychic energies - under narratives that protect a sense of 'control' running scarcity & limitation.

I sketch out the above to indicate that the 'pathological mindset' is itself a result of Terrain - but principally of a dislocation or disconnection-fear arising from an imbalanced or split mind - such as drives our development of technologised 'progress' to ever deeper defence against life framed in suspicion, treachery and threat to a stranger in a strange world.

The need for 'masking defences' runs deeper than any rational process of a mind set of defence against reliving otherwise masked out trauma.

So as I tweeted yesterday:

If we take away a baby's toy (even an inappropriately grabbed object) we meet reaction of denial & deprivation.

Give something else first.

Living vital function is its own field of organism-terrain as exchange & rebalancing.

Integrality is un-susceptible/resilient to disintegration

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Groovie stuff! We NEED people to prevent the world from slipping into a repeat of the DARK AGES.

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