Fabulous as always!! Thank you Sam and Mark for your tireless expose of this insanity.


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How do you know that the large-platform virus- and lab-leak pushers (for example, Bigtree, Malone, or McCullough) were duped (as you say in the video)? I once thought that they were duped, because of how long it took me to overcome my own virus brainwashing. But it didn't take me multiple years, and I didn't spend all my time on it! So, what's taking them so long? Or are they not duped at all but instead sowers of confusion?

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What is really frustrating to me is that a platform such as Infowars with the reach that it has continues to promote the bioweapon released from a lab story as if it's 100% fact. There was a short period early on during this farce when they would have John Rappaport and even Andy Kaufman on explaining how the virus itself was in question. But then they dropped off and the Infowars crew suddenly began proclaiming very loudly and repetetively that they'd all come close to death after a bout with Covid. Not only that, but every other Tom, Dick and Harry with a podcast was doing the same ie. Joe Rogan and all his buddies.

Considering that I haven't had so much as a sniffle in the path three years I find it improbable that all of these characters came down with the same symptoms during the summer months. My conclusion is that they were either all lying to promote the anti-China propaganda pushed by the US gov. or they'd all been simultaneously hit with a toxin of some kind.

More recently on Infowars, Kate Dalley and Dr. Merrit explored the no-virus angle which was refreshing to see, but I still think there is a coodinated effort among alt-media to maintain the lab created bioweapon theory intact because it has strategic value for some other purpose down the road.

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Controlled opposition.

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The lab theory is in essence a Red Herring, red for communist China . It creates distraction whilst other evils are going on re abortion, euthanasia, LGBTQ+ etc.

Plus various money scams which is what most of this is about really, indebting people and nations.

Plus vilifying China in part as an excuse to take back manufacturing which the Chinese have not proven very good at. So much of manufacturing that went there from the west was much better made in the west.

Of course raising war rhetoric gives governments to spend money on our behalf (illegally in my books) such as sending arms to Ukraine.

Re Wuhan I did this if you haven't seen it already.


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Excellent points! Despite what a lot of people think the profit motive appears to be front and centre throughout this whole enterprise. How much money is being made from test kits, masks, gloves, all the ridiculous PPE you see in Chinese cities, and then the jabs themselves. Ramping up these money making scams every flu season is pure Rockefeller style snake oil salesman genius!

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Spot on, especially the Rockefeller, a.k.a rock lover or Philistine. There is a bigger Stone coming out of heaven to crush these rock lovers once and for all.

And He is a Stone that will not Roll.

But I understand He loves Rock and Roll to dance to.

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"controlled opposition" may be the words we are looking for. Either that or they want to string things out for money.

I worked basics out in 2 months intense research in 2020 and have been filling in details ever since, whilst doing posts on other matters at the same time. So if I can do it, why not them?

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Thank you Sam.

Blessings you you and those you love.

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I wish you were in the U.S. and could be our family doctor.❤ May God Bless you and all of us too.❤

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So lovely to hear your voice of reason..keep up the great work

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Hello from UK

Many thanks indeed for your post. As regards cases as I say they are all a load of nut-cases!

Kind regards

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That study was debunked by ViroLIEgy when it first came out: https://viroliegy.com/2022/02/11/challenging-sars-cov-2/

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Excellent thank you. I have taken a copy.

I met a chap in 2020 via work. He and his brother were at boarding school during 'flu epidemic UK 1957/58.

He said they were the only ones not down with the 'flu and had to look after the boys that were ill in the sanatorium, those that weren't sent home.

This made me realize that there was something fundamental flawed about the transmission theory. And so I arrived at the "no infectious disease" truth which some had said in a YouTube comment early in 2020.

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Took a look. Pretty obvious problems with this study…

Here’s a link to the article:


And here’s a link to the clinical trial:


No control group, huge red flag here.

The volume of inoculate used is not specified as far as I can tell. But we know that these cell culture based mixtures do NOT contain isolated or pure viral material, so inoculating anyone with it really tells us nothing, especially without a control group!

They even gave 10 of the participants remdesivir for 5 days prior to inoculation and then lumped them in with the non remdesivir group for analysis.

It’s a bad study. Useless really.

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Imperial College research on Covid 19 is dangerous as it is misleading at best, rubbish at worst.

But then anagrams of Imperial is 'A imperil' 'aim peril', so perhaps we should have been concerned form the outset of idiot Ferguson and all.


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THANK you Sam...

They just gotta TRY to... keep on beating that "DEAD MATTER," until it doesn't make a dime for their worthless time, and when they start LOOSING money just on Ads alone!


I heard that a "dead matter," micro-buggy hopped out of a lab in China, and hitched a RIDE on a Boat Captain on a cruse ship, without paying for a ticket for the cruse!

(Not Tom Cruse!)

Barman Bailey said . . . "a fool is born ever minute!"

But today's Piggy Pharma's paid "news gurus," and most of their watchers, and listeners are NOW being RE-BORN every minute!

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...like Democrat voters at election time in the USA. So I've heard. And I thought only God could raise the dead!

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More than likely any and all who call themselves Americans whom wouldn't know a Constitutional Violation, if it could be explained to them besides, even by their personal Pfizer AD supported BOTH SIDES of the "Dog and Puppet Shows" Piggy Pharma "new gurus" media CORPSE!

And that is the DEAD leading the MORTALLY DEAD into the arms of DEATH.

Trump Started the "WARP SPEED," and Bit-a-ton AMPED it up... NO difference in that arena!

ISN'T a dimes worth of difference between EITHER SIDE, only the SPELLING!

My... god... God... or GOD wouldn't KILL Innocent children for any reason, even tho their pay-rants did wrong!

Other's fictional god, God, or GOD would BLAME the "innocent!"

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Dr Sam, a genuine question. I'm struggling to explain to folks how they they sick. So, when we say that there hasn't been a case / proof of human to human transmission for say Flu, how we do in plain language explain how the same people in a household catch the same thing after the first member? I know in really it doesn't happen. My wife was sick with what is called flu & I didn't get it but when people ask: if it's true how do does a cold pass from one family member to another ?

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The transmission phenomenon has never been sufficiently studied and that keeps germ theory alive and well. There are answers but don't expect the medical community to seek them.

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Appearances are deceiving. Flu' cannot be passed on. People are going down with toxic poisoning, principally due to vitamin D deficiency in northern hemisphere above a certain latitude. Not everyone is ill to same degree because we each have individual immune system in different states and are not a herd despite what we have been told.

Fear is also a main driver in depleting immune system, 'Oh no, I'm going to get it!' So you may well do so. It is written what you fear will come upon you. My main link on vaccines with various sub-links.


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Really interesting & spot on

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well done, Sir

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But, but, they have cartoons and colour pictures. Surely they didn't make those up?

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How to get the average person in the street to understand the truth about vaxxines.... ALL vaxxines? Most just aren't interested. And how do we dislodge the reverence we have for the Western Medical model of Medicine now that it is known to be flagrantly corrupt? I'm a retired Australian Naturopath and Medical Herbalist with a Science Masters degree and having lectured the Health Sciences for the last eight years of my working life. My first lecture was an explanation as to the wonders of Modern Medicine, such that if you rip your leg off in an accident, a cup of Chamomile tea won't be of much help. The modern marvels of Anaesthesia, X-rays, Microsurgery, and much more will all be necessay. Who would have thought that the most important objective of Humanity, to attain and maintain overall health, has been corrupted by our most trusted advisors? It's not "money" that's the root of all evil, it's "the love of money that's the big problem. I love your work. Regards, AL McKone

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Hm. Thats not an answere to my question. They are also researching DMT und doing good stuff. Yes Ferguson is a bad person, but here we have an experiment, in which you can see the transmission. You can buy samples of all variants by distributors. What about your lab experiment Dr. Baily?

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Another phenomenal Dr. Sam video. Yes without the tests the medical cartel would be unable to provide the aura of legitimacy that enables them to pull the big con. Listen to Turfseer’s hit song THE TESTING TRAP at https://soundcloud.com/turfseer/the-testing-trap

More songs about Medical Tyranny.

Vax passports on the way out? Don’t be so sure. Listen to Turfseer’s mega-hit PASSPORT TO HELL. https://soundcloud.com/turfseer/passport-to-hell

Shakespeare meets Vaccine Injury Denial. Listen to Turfseer's PERCHANCE TO DREAM: https://soundcloud.com/turfseer/perchance-to-dream

The odious “FACT CHECKER.” Meet him here in Turfseer’s hit song. https://soundcloud.com/turfseer/fact-checker

Sick of being accused of asymptomatic transmission? No contagion here. Listen to Turfseer’s hit song I’M NO SUPERSPREADER: https://soundcloud.com/turfseer/im-no-superspreader

Turfseer’s Twilight Zone tribute song in which the “monsters” are now “viruses.” Listen to THE MONSTERS ARE DUE ON MAPLE STREET on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/turfseer/the-monsters-are-due-on-maple-street

Turfseer’s entire "Scamdemic Collection" can be found here on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/turfseer/sets/scamdemic-collection

Subscribe to Turfseer’s Newsletter. Songs, Music videos and more.

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Nov 22, 2022Edited
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Hello from UK

Well said. I love Monty Python and if I may I did this on Daniel Andrews in Australia. I think it is quite funny IMHO. Includes link to Mr Gumby sketch.


I am not PC of course.

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Nov 22, 2022
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The whole chemical lobotomy zombie apocalypse thing may not be that far fetched at all! Ingredients in jabs that break down the blood brain barrier or are able to cross it (hydrogel, lipid nanoparticles) could open up that scenario with mad cow type symptoms in the affected. People have been reporting changes in behavior in their loved ones and neighbors for some time now. Maybe it's just psychological stress but you never know.

It's also curious that the last episode of The Walking Dead aired on Sunday... maybe it was all preparatory propaganda paving the way for the "real thing?" Something about walking among the dead and the dead shall rise again rings very true at the moment. It's like living in a surreal dystopian survival horror movie that never ends.

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In essence correct. Body chemistry changed by neuro-toxic ingredients in vaccines etc. May be triggered then by transmissions in air waves as body may be more sensitive to transmissions, think analogue radio aerial where holding it improves signal and one's body extending the aerial.

But also there are subliminal imaging techniques on the visual media which would be difficult to track.

Of course with regards to each vial whether vaccines contain the toxins believed to be in them is questionable as we cannot test each one. Big pharma will put in saline to make them harmless and give the appearance that all is well for some.

Until the chamber containing the poison shot is reached. But that's Russian roulette for you, makes life exciting.

However, I am giving it a pass as I am not mad. Mad as hell over the deceit, just not mad enough to risk harm or death for no benefit whatsoever.

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That's a good point about the vial testing because only a very small number have been tested for ingredients out of an extremely large number pertaining to each batch and brand. And the various testers have come to different conclusions. At the end of the day the ingredients are a moot point since no rational person should be injecting any such thing into their bodies in the first place.

I remember reading into microwave based mind control and mood effects in military docs and patents combined with micro-antenna embedded tech in humans. Can't say for sure whether this is already active or being tested but it sure points in that direction. I'm assuming that several large scale experiments are being run simultaneously across different demographic groups worldwide.

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All good points.

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Never had any covid test and never will. It's fear that drives people to do the most senseless things...even after almost 3 years of doing them.

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Good. I had to have test for immuno-therapy for alleged cancer. I was tested before each session, 9 in all. Immuno-therapy probably equivalent to 9 vaccines I think. What was really in it I cannot be sure, although the small print suggests similar carrying ingredients plus the 'magic secret' formula.

Anyway I am still here and rather annoyed, to put it mildly, with the NHS. As regards test I wrote this.


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