The banality of evil... these 'public health' 'people' are truly stupid and evil and nauseating. Soulless, brainless, beady-eyed bureaucrat drones spewing fake-science garbage so fluently and casually, after their last 'successful' tyrannical fraud and mass poisoning... 'How can we do it better next time???' they wonder with glee.
The banality of evil... these 'public health' 'people' are truly stupid and evil and nauseating. Soulless, brainless, beady-eyed bureaucrat drones spewing fake-science garbage so fluently and casually, after their last 'successful' tyrannical fraud and mass poisoning... 'How can we do it better next time???' they wonder with glee.
The banality of evil... these 'public health' 'people' are truly stupid and evil and nauseating. Soulless, brainless, beady-eyed bureaucrat drones spewing fake-science garbage so fluently and casually, after their last 'successful' tyrannical fraud and mass poisoning... 'How can we do it better next time???' they wonder with glee.