I have Virus Mania and cannot wait for Terrain Therapy. What an inspired title as it constellates every single thing about your and Dr Mark's work in a nutshell. Thank you for your empathy, compassion and awesomeness. Love Linda (UK)

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Good Morning Dr. Samantha

What a breath of fresh air blowing into my life, thank you for your wisdom and healing energies. I now have someone who can explain what I have always felt after my 64 years on the planet. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

P.S. my mom taught me a lot of this as I was growing up, just great old fashioned wisdom gained over years of experience.

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As always, thanks Sam <3

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When people who pretend there are viruses get caught, their faces tend to flush. This is a healthy response on the part of the body and suggests that the soul of the person is not entirely necrotic. Briskly slapping the cheeks can restore equilibrium.

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Hi Sam have you seen any info on the latest research from overseas Re there is no Covid virus but a lab made parasitic pathogenic biological substance that has been causing people to become sick. Thanks

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First, the “lab leak”/"bioweapon" fiction is an old story. Second and more importantly, it’s all just more of the same propaganda spewed by the mainstream to promote their campaign of fear. The fear du jour is of "pathogens" never scientifically proven to exist — i.e., isolated and purified via Koch's/Rivers' postulates. The entire Covid "plandemic" is thus a psychological operation (psyop) and media event. Accordingly, the powers that be (TPTB) provide the mainstream media outlets with the same stories and talking points, literally having them read the same scripts on air to us, the gullible viewers and listeners (https://twitter.com/akheriaty/status/1596331604070174727?s=20). The current plandemic is a ramped-up version of Operation Mockingbird (https://allthatsinteresting.com/operation-mockingbird), where the media reports literally anything they’re told to (via actual scripts sent to them). And it’s all fiction. The whole purpose is to frighten you or otherwise psychologically disorient you, with its ultimate goal to get you to forfeit your free will and independent decision-making abilities... over to them.

So the “lab leak”/"bioweapon" story is more of the same, another fairytale fed to the outlets to play up and repeat. Dr. Bailey and her husband, knowing the propaganda playbook of TPTB, can dissect these stories both scientifically and psychologically. Naturally, they don't subscribe to any of them, since they're all nonsense.

Dr. Bailey has actually covered the “lab leak”/"bioweapon" fiction in detail here: https://drsambailey.com/resources/videos/viruses-unplugged/bioweapons-bs/

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You may be interested in this article which examines the nature of the bioweapon https://linlaz.substack.com/p/the-mystery-of-the-died-suddenly

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Gain of Function

It’s Gain of Fiction Story Time


Bioweapon BS



Gain of Function or Science Fiction? with Dr. Sam Bailey


Dr Sam delves into “Gain of Function” research and asks are we being gaslighted?


Gain of function garbage


The “Gain of Function” false narrative. Let’s have a look at some of the “fear-porn” promoters of these stories and why they are leading people astray with pseudoscience.



The Straight Unswiveled Truth on Snake Venom Claims with Andrew Kaufman, M.D.




Cowan Gain of Fiction review Update for the Virus Challenge Topics covered: Heart/heart issues Cancer Vaccines


Mike goes through exactly they’re doing in these gain of fiction experiments.


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As they say, lab leak story is a load of rubbish.

As regards Wuhan it was industrial pollution in the valley where Wuhan lies. In winter temperature inversion (it is in the middle of China and very cold then) causes the smog to sit. Respiratory disease is a consequence.

The rest was propaganda, fear driven based on ignorance and a steady dumbing down of populations over decades of indoctrination. My link if you are interested.


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Thank you, Sam! This was very timely as my children just so happen to be currently going through this and I will never give them any drugs to lower fevers. Looking forward to learning more about Dr. William's work in Terrain Therapy.


Mike Donio (https://stillinthestorm.substack.com)

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Please allow me to post my 3:26:24 min documentary "Covid-19 Uncensored" where you and Drs. Kaufman and Cowan are featured in the 7th chapter. It took almost a year to complete. https://www.bitchute.com/video/6UU7KfnHorNc/

1. Controlled Media_____________ 1:01

2. PCR _____________________ 18:30

3. Masks ___________________1:00:57

4. Vaccines _________________1:23:50

5. Adverse Reactions_________ 1:57:00

6. Graphene Oxide ___________2:17:00

7. Covid-19 The Virus?________2:36:00

I've provided a "Timestamped" player for your convenience if you'd like to go directly to a particular chapter.

Just hover over the clipboard at the bottom right side of the player.


Thank you.

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Really nice. Didn't watch all but I noticed the book "the invisible rainbow ' was brought up in the context of the Spanish flue. But there was nothing mentioned regarding it's.content. I think what he was getting at was EMF and the beginning of the use of RADAR. Not everyone knows that.

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Thank you Dr. Bailey!! Your way of explaining is so easy to understand. Wishing you and your family a great day!

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Here's my standard signature on my emails:

Although Ass. Prof. David Ker Thomson does not have a Princeton doctorate in virology, he does have one in fiction (English Department, '97). Some pertinent quotes follow:

"My simulated virus is leading me to a simulated death."--the holographic doctor, Star Trek Voyager, season two, episode maybe five or thereabouts

"The Enterprise arrives at a planet where a virus puts humans in a chronic state of childishness." That's a Netflix description of an episode in, I think, Star Trek the first.

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Thank you! Cannot wait for the book! Yes, and it would make an excellent Christmas gift!

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I was hoping you would discuss the 'febrile seizure' that has to be the biggest fear for parents out there about fever in children, fact or fiction?

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I'm very grateful for some medical sanity. By the way, I don't see a way to donate to help your work without a monthly or yearly subscription. Anyone know of a way to just do a one time payment? In the past that was available through monero..

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Do you really believe that chickenpox isn’t contagious?

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No belief required. It isn't.

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If I may add, I once thought it was contagious. I had not checked until April-June 2020 at 60 years of age.

There is no such thing as contagious diseases, only a collection of symptoms, suspiciously similar when you start comparing. You can in theory transfer bacteria, fungal spores and parasites but not chicken pox and measles for example.

It was done to deceive the masses by medics and big pharma to make money ultimately.

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We are looking at a great opportunity for the empirical scientific method to set the record straight. I'm an optimist so I don't see why this can't happen. The more the "bad guys" try to obfuscate and the more people wake up to the truth the harder it will be to continue with this charade.

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True. If I may add my penny's worth to that, Covid 19 came for that reason, to expose once and for all the gigantic fraud of big pharma etc. Impose vaccination etc. on the world and see who falls for it.

Collate the results. How did we do? Some of use will shine like stars, others will be acutely embarrassed.

But the big pharma lies, indeed all other lies will be nailed dead on the Tree of Life for all to see.

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When you've done the amount of research Drs. Sam and Mark have done then you'd come to the same conclusion. I've done my research but nothing in comparison to theirs.

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Great presentation, thank you! This is the medicine of the future and warriors like you are helping to educate the world.

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Following up on Joe Brinsky below, I guess when I received my PhD in English at Princeton we could call that "gain of fiction." Excuse bad pun. There seems to be no way to delete my pun.

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Thank you Dr. Sam for all of yours and Marks work. God Bless you both. Are germ theory and contagious viruses really what we are being told by this world? A look into what scripture reveals.


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