Totally excellent information. Many, many thanks to Dr Sam Bailey and to her husband, Mark, and to the hundreds of people who are exposing the germ theory falsehood.

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That’s a great clip of William Jefferson Clinton making his personal hangdog “I am sorry” apology for the misdeeds of an institution. What a distraction from a guy who stated: “It depends on what your definition of ‘is’ is.” That philandering rascal should have been a prime candidate for “STD’s”, and who can blame him, considering his partner. Globalists like to admit to imaginary problems they cannot be held responsible for _ to further a narrative.

Refutation of germ theory leads to mind blowing clarity about who is pushing what agenda. Thanks, Dr Sam.

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How much clearer can this be presented? ... probably not much.

Anyone for a scam?

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Good report, I love hearing from honest doctors. My Grandfather was a surgeon and war hero in WW2. He told me: Never trust any doctor - - wish I had listened.

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God bless you Dr. Bailey. You have the courage to stand up and speak out. You’re an inspiration.

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I have a question from "virus mania" relating to p90. "... researchers were unable to find any active viruses in tumors."

If viruses do not exist (which seems to be a fundamental tenet of the book, and which I am willing to accept), then what were the above mentioned researcers looking for? What was it that they "didn’t find". And on p92 "... [viruses] are particles of particular sizes and shapes and other identifying features, which ..."

So it seems virologists claim to be able to identify particles and label them as viruses. If these specific shaped particles are are not viruses, what are they, and why are they not viruses?

(I am curious, not antagonistic.)

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I deep-dove on viruses last year. Hmm. Actually the year before. Jeez.

My longterm readers know about my research method, now that I no longer have access to the libraries of Harvard and Princeton. I consult only my enemies. "Enemies" in this sense is a provisional term. I don't actually have any enemies. I mean that I only consult the opposition. So when I deepdove on viruses, I consulted virus believers. Not skeptics. Not, for example, the Baileys or Tom Cowan. Generally speaking, the information well in all things has been tainted in our era, so my enemies-only approach is, I believe, the best method for research if you can't get your literal hands on the literal primary documents.

Viruses? Lol. Isolating viruses? Computers sift through the detritus of a freeze-refreeze-shake-centrifuge-poison-repoison-metal-dye process, if memory serves, the whole thing conducted in compartmentalized separated labs in different buildings far from each other over the course of a fortnight. Fold, spindle, and mutilate is the order of the day. Whatever was in that solution is obliterated to mush. Then re-obliterated and re-obliterated, etc & etc. Mush with bits of every shape and size in it. Then handed over to the computers for their imaginative input. Just the part where the computers have a go at those bits takes hours. Hours! Hours for the high-speed computers in two separate processes to Rorschach the bits. Sift long enough, you can find anything. But in ninety percent of the pictures revealed to the public, what's shown is not even these broken bits. It's illustrations! Colorized to boot. I was already laughing when I was about a quarter of the way through the long journey.

People see what they want to see. Viruses are like art at the MOMA in New York. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Does that blob of vivid yellow paint look like your mom having sex with your dad? Sure Freud. You bet.

And the whole process of isolation is absurd anyway. Even if you could ever find the holy grail of an isolated virus, the word 'isolation' tells you everything you'd need to know about how relevant that 'virus' would be to the multi-trillion-bit human body performing multiple trillions of processes in an assortment of psychological states far beyond the ken of any invader. People tend to not understand scale, either at the astronomical level or the corporeal, which is another reason people tend to dupe themselves into believing that "viruses" could have an impact on the essentially infinitely huge human body. They think a body stuffed chock full of trillions of germs is going to be impressed with a few million newbies. Plus [a minus, actually!] each of these putative newbies, these viruses, is many orders of magnitude smaller than germs.

Isolation = irrelevance. And we're not even close to isolation yet.

Viruses? Fractal comedy. Divine comedy. Comedy within comedy within comedy. Comedy all the way down. And turtles. Them too.

Are you beginning to understand why in nearly three-hundred Linked In articles in the last year, I have only had two readers, and none in the last six months? Using pseudonyms at Lew Rockwell and CounterPunch, I started at half a million readers fifteen years ago and with hard work I've gotten my way down to no readers at all.

I write many of my articles in the Baileys' basement, then pull them over to Linked In. If I keep them moving after that, I'm not going to admit it here in the state diary.


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Golly! The closure of so many minds is astounding.

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I don't have a lot of retrovirus jokes lying around, but I'll do my best.

Retroviruses were discovered in 1908 from doing experiments on chickens. Retroviruses are so last century.

Plus, now we know why chickens cross to the other side of the street.

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They are dead cells, and not uniform! I think the two videos of a farewell to virology will fill in the blanks for you, Jack.

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I say that what we are told are viruses are the exosome, essentially bundles of waste for disposal via the lymph system, akin to the garbage/dustbin men taking rubbish away,

As Derek Curtis indicates, whatever they are in any event they are not causing disease.


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cuz viruses don't exist. See a half-dozen Sam vids for details.

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These specific shaped particles, whatever they are, they are not contagious. For anything to be called a virus, it must be proved to be a contagion.

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Great Sam

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Such a great video. x

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Like most contagion experiments the one’s talked about in this video were just as barbaric. I was squirming around the 10 minute mark about what they were doing to those prisoners.

Although some of us rejected the shots many still took them sadly. We didn't learn from the Tuskegee experiments.

If you live in a toxic way expect to have a damaged terrain.

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I am offended that no one has challenged ME to have sex with an infected lady. I'm triggered by that, although I would never accept. I just wanted to be asked. Is that so wrong?

What's Tom got that I don't?

Never! Well, "never," am I right? Hmm. Could I see her picture first?

As you lot know, I licked urinal handles for free during the high point of the pandemic. It was my gift to the world.

But that was disrespectful to me. I now charge--and I'm serious--fifty dollars per lick. I respect myself. If I can figure out the technology, which includes Zoom and Pay Pal, I'll start a lick-shot business on Zoom. Don't judge me. Pay me, pal.

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Go for it

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There seems to be some Communication between animals bodies when it’s time to shed as trees appear to communicate between each other when it’s time to defoliate But it’s been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt it’s not caused by bacteria infection and viruses absolutely do not exist so there certainly is mysteries going on here We human should stay very humble and try not to screw around with these type of things so I was just kidding when I said go out and screw a prostitute I think you should probably find yourself a good wife and stay true.

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I reckon Syphilis arrived on that ship that also brought the Black Plague - those naughty sailors.

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You could have used a picture of a woman with the banana.

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no one's touchin that one, bro

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Excellent video! One of the things that's always seemed suspicious about STDs is that monogamy prevents STD, but if someone has multiple partners now they are exposed because of "risky" behavior. How do the STDs know one's sexual history? And where does the STD come from? And what is it about monogamy that offers protection? How does the STD know that someone is in a monogamous relationship?

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Wow, excellent as always Sam (and Mark)!

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Well, as usual that was very good and helpful. The only thing I would say is that governments cannot be racist as we are one human race. Governments are however highly corrupted and many within it are very biased towards people of different skin colour to themselves.


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If you were capable of using a microscope, you could see the syphilis spirochete bacteria in infected tissues from people. The bacteria may be hard to cultivate in a petrie dish, but the same syphilis bacteria that infect people can be seen under a microscope, so they are real.

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I think that you totally misunderstand the terms “infected tissue” and “infect people”. What you (only seem to?) misunderstand is understandable. Germ theory is part of the rape of the mind, part of brainwashing, part of menticide, part of being thoroughly indoctrinated with false beliefs — disguised as (so-called) “information” and “education” and “scientific knowledge” — from the time we begin to learn to talk.

Yes, bacteria and fungi and molds are visible under a microscope. These extremely small organisms have never been (robustly scientifically) demonstrated to be (so-called) “contagions”, i.e. cause diseases, illnesses, sicknesses or any sort of (so-called) “infection”.

I kindly suggest that you abandon your beliefs in the lie called “germ theory” and instead begin to study up on Terrain Theory.

You can even visit Dr Sam Bailey’s website. She provides her contact information there. She’s answered my emails. She can direct you to excellent sources of information for getting started understanding Terrain Theory.

Good luck!!

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I did study up on Terrain theory and syphilis infection, and studies showed that some women had such healthy Terrain that they couldnt catch syphilis off infected men, no matter how much exposure they got. Even hookers can be healthy. So the health of peoples terrain can vary a lot, and I think I helped my terrain a lot by not getting a Covid vaccine.

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I also think that one can help his or her terrain a lot by diligently avoiding all of the products of BigPharma and by diligently observing proper nutrition. “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” ~ Hippocrates

Finally, there’s the health of the body juxtaposed with the health of the soul. I like singing and pondering and praying the lyrics of the hymn “Praise to the LORD”. “Praise to the LORD, the Almighty, the King of creation. Oh my soul praise Him, for He is thy health and salvation.” Ultimately and essentially, the LORD GOD of creation — even of primordial darkness and evil as per Isaiah 45:7 — is the health and the salvation of your soul, regardless of if you believe that you have a soul or not.

Thanks for the reply. From your references to “infected tissue” and “bacteria that infect people”, I assumed that you were an advocate for germ theory.

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I think that Dr Bailey is oversimplifying infections, and her measles graph is a good example. Did Sam Bailey catch measles when she was young ? or did she get the MMR vaccine when she was young ? I was born in 1957, before measles vaccine existed, and back then everyone caught measles before adulthood, and had immunity for life, including me. Sam doesnt mention that catching measles naturally gives you immunity for life, because she is too young and got vaccinated instead. But now measles is returning, because vaccine immunity doesnt last a lifetime, and is getting weaker with each generation. So history didnt start when Sam was born, and she should ask her mum about her catching measles before Sam was born. You should ask Sam if her measles immunity comes from catching measles, or getting MMR vaccine, because I think that applies to everyone.

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I think that Sam Bailey has a video specifically on the measles.

I appreciate your healthy skepticism and your intellectual curiosity. I love the grey area between those who are completely certain that their cognitive knowledge is 100% informed by the facts and nothing but the facts and those who completely reject or deny or discard or dismiss or discount ideas because of whatever (so-called) “reason”. “But whatsoever is the object of any man’s appetite or desire, that is it which he for his part calleth ‘good’; and the object of his hate and aversion, ‘evil’.”

That being said, intellectual honesty and curiosity and healthy skepticism are the foundation of bona fide science. Today’s (so-called) “science” is anything but bona fide. It’s driven by ideology, dogma, indoctrination, money (corruption by the Rockefeller’s model of allopathic medicine and BigPharma), what the government decides is suitable for grants, and worse. The (so-called) “scientists” in their white lab coats are treated like (secular) high priests. The visceral feeling reaction I get when the propagandists say “Scientists say…” is DISGUST. Yeah. I’m that jaded. I’ll try to find the Dr Sam video on the measles.

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Are you going to ask Dr Sam if she has got measles immunity from natural infection or from Measles-Mumps-Rubella vaccine ? Go on.

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Do you really think you caught the measles? And was it caught because you kind of virus ? Or was it a part of maturation? And because you were around others that were maturing your body decided to do as well ?

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Yes I am sure that before vaccinations were introduced in 1960, measles was common and everyones mum could recognize it at a glance. Ask your mum if she remembers. My mum does.

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Well said. So it's singing, not sinning!

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So you found studies that Sam Bailey didn't refer to in her video here? Can you cite those?

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There have been more studies done on syphilis than you have had hot dinners, so I am not going to dig them all up for you. Serious people do their own searches for studies. I am also replying to Gary S above about measles.

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And still no answer to my question. Where'd you get your samples?

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I kindly suggest that you exchange more information and have a serious Q&A discussion with Dr David Thor on this thread about your measles virus and your measles vaccination and measles-as-very-contagious questions. Dr David Thor is much more qualified to answer your questions than I am.

I’ll bow out of the discussion now. I have more important issues to tackle than the question “Is it an objective certainty that the disease named ‘measles’ is caused by the virus named ‘morbillivirus’?” As for WHY this is a non-critical issue for me, see https://tessa.substack.com/p/was-there-a-pandemic

Thanks for the friendly exchange of views.

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"studies showed"

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And yet here we are. Weird microscope challenges without descriptions of the scope or the samples or how you got the samples.

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People can be like that. Reminds me of the Mozart opera Così Fan Tutte, ossia La scuola degli amanti, K. 588

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It is interesting however I have seen somebody after having sex with a their Random partner come down with symptoms of bloody ejaculation which allopathic medicine would call the clap. Now something transferred here apparently but it wasn’t a virus. And it has been proven that bacteria is harmless, not germs but rather janitors. There are things that we just do not know . One more good reason to find a husband or wife and stay faithful to them to your soul is separated from your body

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self dirtying shock, also territorial boundary loss or violation shock.

These are GNM basis for physical processes we call diseases - usually in their healing or restoring phase.

Self-betrayal can be met as a result of false-framed pleasures, freedoms or gains of fiction. We can be appropriately educated - under re-aligned self-honesty. But blame and shame mask over to hide 'sins' and so give them power in personal and socially masking defences

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Dr. Sam never said nor implied that spirochetes don't exist. And she also (quickly) mentioned that these bacteria are the clean-up crew.

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Thanks I will take your word on that, but does that mean the spirochete bacteria is an infection ? or does it actually belong in ones body ? I do find some of Dr Sams ideas hard to understand.

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According to Terrain Theory, the bacteria are not the cause of the disease. The bacteria are the result of the disease. This makes more sense than it seems at first. Something needs to clean up decaying tissue. According to Terrain Theory, the bacteria are the clean up crew.

Your next question might be: What causes the decaying tissue? The Terrain explanation is one of two things: deficiencies (think vitamins) or excesses (think toxins).

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Clock's ticking. I asked you three hours ago where you got your samples. You had time to insult me in those three hours. Skip the insults. Facts, man. Facts. Time to reveal where you got your samples. What order of magnification? Details, man. Details. I'm in the market for a scope, so I'm very interested.

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It is actually still bedtime here in NZ. Back in 1967 when I was 10yo, I caught my sample of measles virus from airborne infection like everybody else did before vaccines were introduced. Are you too young to remember that ? Ask your mum and she will explain. So I got sick from an airborne sample of measles when I was 10, and have been immune ever since. I focused on measles because it is easier to explain than slow-acting syphilis.

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Born 1950, or so I'm told, I assume I was there, but don't remember it.

Did I "catch measles" ? (And did that give me life long immunity?)

I remember red spots all over, and being itchy, and mum (a nurse by profession) declaring I had measles and was restrained from attending school (worth all the discomfort).

However, I have no idea if I caught red spots from the air borne measles thing, or if the spots arrived in my milk, or water, or on my peas and carrots.

My point? ... correlation does not prove causation.'

How do we KNOW what causes anything. Virus theory seems to be a blind stab in the dark that missed.

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See you do remember after all that time. I dont know who I caught measles off either, but people are contagious for several days before they get any symptoms, and one of your classmates would have had it already. Look up "Pox Parties" and you will see parents take their children to gatherings to catch Chicken Pox from a sick person there; isnt that causation via intention ? I know mothers that have done it to their children for the convenience of getting it done. Do you think that is proof of causation ?

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Well, I remember the red spots, but I have no way of KNOWING if they were signs of measles. No blood tests were taken.

I have no way of knowing if others are or were "contagious" before spots.

The medical paradigm declares measles are contagious ... but by what evidence?

Since no one has isolated a virus, perhaps I was sensitive to something in the unrefrigerated, pasturised milk, that I along with my classmates was encouraged (read "required" to drink).

Or not.

But since the supposedly causitive agent has not been isolated, its anybody's guess as to the real cause.

Perhaps a swarm of insects, of appliation of DDT, or chemicals sprayed on nearby market gardens, or the vegetables we ate, or fumes from the CSIRO laboratory, adjacent to our primary school.

Perhaps it was measles, perhaps a virus is involved, but my understanding now is that there is no scientific study that provides any evidence that measles are caused by a virus, or that viruses have caused any illness.

It seems that you believe if certain things happen together ie the occurance of one event is correlated to another, that there must be a causal link between them.

We can correlate that everyone who ate carrots in 1861 has since died. 1:1 correlation... but it doesnt establish that the carrots CAUSED the deaths.

I understand the example is somewhat trivial, but it illustrates the point. All the other possible causes must be ruled out, etc - along the lines oh Koch's postulates.

To date, this has not been done - ever, by anyone; at least that is my understanding.

If you have information showing the studies that have isolated the cause I would be very interested to see the study - as would others on this thread, I suspect.

Until then I do not accept your statements that I "caught" measles from anyone - there are too may other plausible explanations. Terrain is a good starting place.

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Dude, we're all old in here. I doubt that there are many sexy young people wrangling in the comments basement of a Dr. Sam vid.

You need to sleep and I prolly need a nap and my mother died of old age, but here's a weird fun fact that I offer you as an olive branch: my wife at 60 had her sixty-year-old vaccine scar turn red for a week. No idea what that means.

Now, to bed. If you do have a working microscope, I'm seriously in the market. I never know how to order things on line, is why I seized the opportunity to get info. Anyway, to bed with both of us.

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How did you get your samples?

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You might wanna read up on Dr. Mark Bailey.

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Where'd you get your samples? What kind of microscope? What amplification?

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