Thanks for helping us blind sheep 🐑 get to the truth.


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IF....any of us are "blind sheep," we wouldn't be here, and that includes you as not being a "blind sheep!" REALLY!

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I’m sure though that they were pursuing gain of function by flawed methods because either they think that viruses do exist or they know it's a fraud. Either way, they brew up their stews of DNA/RNA soups and assemble lists of sequences in computers so that they create something which will cause the need for their jabs. That is why these people must be held to account - because they locked up the world and ruined lives and economies on a hoax.

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Very well done! It must get tiresome rinsing and repeating month after month, and now year after year, but sadly and thankfully there are people awakening at different levels and times and in this fast-paced world the latest info is what matters to most.

What Del said needed to be addressed, although I wonder if he said it to antagonise so he could have an excuse to back down from the invitation Dr Kaufman recently announced? Time will tell if he is honourable or just a puppet to his sponsors.

Good excuse to re-explain why lab leaks etc. are a red herrings though. Learning about origins is vital. And of course it was a "PCR Pandemic". No way it could have been pulled off without a pseudo-test. Great use of previous clips and humour. Experiencing your new videos are a highlight of my weekend, then a few days later I have the joy of sharing them. Much gratitude for what you and Mark are doing.

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Thanks Sam, I have a clip of China saying they hadn't isolated it and a clip of Fauci saying they used software to model the genetic sequence and now finally someone has filled in the details (with science) regarding what many of us knew/suspected. Much appreciated.

Bigtree et al have nothing to fear. They will all be accountable for their fraudulent actions, irrespective of there being a sars cov virus or not.

However, that Subcommittee in the USA may well be opening the door to eventually discover and expose the fact that there was no deadly contagious novel virus, if not the whole virology sector itself.

Will this be their escape hatch?... China lied to us etc

The fury of the human race when it finds out that the global economic and human destruction was all based on nothing?

When they find out the whole vaccination industry is based on fraud?

The pharmaceutical companies are going to crash and the modern medical fraternity's reputation will be in tatters.

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When you look as Prof. Deni Rancourt's work the pre-vaxx all-cause mortality supports the NO VIRUS model since the deaths can all be attributed to collateral damage stemming from things like tyrannical lockdowns, medical malpractice, poor nutrition, job loss, poverty, suicides etc. - Here's Rancourt - https://rumble.com/v1ycyjo-what-really-killed-millions-denis-rancourt.html

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Thanks for this link. I knew about Denis from Twitter but this is a huge piece of the puzzle for me. My husband had chronic leukaemia that did not yet require treatment and he spent a week in hospital with no visitors allowed, so the loneliness of isolation and who knows what treatments, probably played a part.

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The elderly got killed and the ICU's were mostly filled by Vitamin D3 deficient black skinned immigrants in Sweden prevax. Despite still being a minority.

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In this epic presentation, Dr Sam covered every nuanced issue that has raised my blood pressure. Bigtree interviewed Dr. Martin one time. He smiled and asked Martin to keep in touch but Bigtree has never invited Martin back on the show. (censored) This is a pattern. He also dropped the "magnetic arm" investigation he promised to follow-up on, with no notice or apology even though the phenomenon was verified by Jefferey Jaxen. (censored) Now Dr. Cole an open license of denial on the issue of GRAPHENE OXIDE. So something really stinks like week-old fish. I suspect it's money. Now, Under extreme pressure from Highwire viewers and cash supporters who halted their donations in protest, (like me), Bigtree has relented and promises to bring the NO VIRUS group back on the show. Stay tuned. Don't blink.

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His biggest financial supporter is actually linked to some organization that hopes for "safer vaccines" Del has never been "anti-vax". He is there as a very well placed controlled opposition. Some of the research is good. But if you are not leading people into all truth, then what is the point?

Del also admitted in a previous Highwire episode that the no-virus/terrain theory conversation was one that his audience was apparently not ready for. Sam actually did a rebuttal video for that several months ago (Sept, 2022): https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/Viruses-Baileys-Cowan-Kaufman-Respond-To-Del-Bigtree:b

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Thanks for bringing that episode back our attention. Pharma drug dealers would like nothing better than to see Del Bigtree continue to promote the Virus theory. If he succeeds there will be more tyranny, fake pandemics, lockdowns, poison vaccines and depopulation. Is that the future Del Bigtree is hoping we will buy?

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A quote from a recent interview with MIT Prof. Retsef Levi from his mortality study in Israeli supports the NO VIRUS paradigm: "Our findings were very, very clear and dramatic. We actually showed that the loss of life caused by the Lockdowns is likely to be hundreds if not thousands of times more than all the life lost by the Covid-19 virus." -- Dr. Levi's report appears to agree with the work of Prof. Deni Rancourt ie: NO VIRUS REQUIRED! - https://tinyurl.com/2rt3k394

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Thanks. The implications of your work will cause a shock to the system. How has this fraud gone on for decades with 99.9 % of the people in the field not questioning anything? Is it just intellectual and mental laziness? Who are the top 5 fraud attorneys in NZ? Who are the top 5 personal injury attorneys in NZ? Please work with them to provide evidence that they can use for the largest class action suits.

All PCR lab testing firms must be sued as well as all doctors that have DIAGNOSED "covid", h i v", etc. Also a law suit needs to be placed on pharma for claiming that their drugs reduce VIRAL LOAD when there is NO viral load !! Do NZ attorneys have the guts to make billions !!

Also please post on what the current death rate is in NZ for the "vaccinated'. Worldwide the death rate is up 15% from pre-vaccination of covid. Also, travel to Israel and create a documentary since they have had 4 injections and 5 boosters !! What is the new death rate in Israel? Keep up the good work !!

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Re "How has this fraud gone on for decades with 99.9 % of the people in the field not questioning anything?"

Satanic deception. People were happy to believe a lie and make a lot of money.

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True but I think it is mainly laziness which is the biggest virus. Think about all the medical students, Drs, nurses, professors, etc worldwide and none of them use their brains or common sense. It is unreal.

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Unreal is too right. The question is, does working among big pharma drugs mean that they also inhale something that messes with their brains? Perhaps the atmosphere is not conducive to much critical thinking.

Mind you if they dose themselves on big pharma drugs that will be even worse.

And one mustn't forget money and position, the god like status in many people's minds.

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Del Bigtree couldn't possibly be more ridiculous when he says this stuff. My goodness!

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Yes. He's outing himself. He still has room to turn it around with his promise to have the NO VIRUS group back on the show.

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Dear Drs Bailey and others, I keep hitting TLAV, Derrick Broze, Bigtree, CHD, and more. Thank you again. This tidal wave of truth and wisdom will overtake their obstinance and commitment to scare-mongering about the "next" plandemic.

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I agree John!! Thanks. The implications of Sam's work will cause a shock to the system. How has this fraud gone on for decades with 99.9 % of the people in the field not questioning anything? Is it just intellectual and mental laziness? Who are the top 5 fraud attorneys in NZ? Who are the top 5 personal injury attorneys in NZ? Please work with them to provide evidence that they can use for the largest class action suits.

All PCR lab testing firms must be sued as well as all doctors that have DIAGNOSED "covid", h i v", etc. Also a law suit needs to be placed on pharma for claiming that their drugs reduce VIRAL LOAD when there is NO viral load !! Do NZ attorneys have the guts to make billions !!

Also please post on what the current death rate is in NZ for the "vaccinated'. Worldwide the death rate is up 15% from pre-vaccination of covid. Also, travel to Israel and create a documentary since they have had 4 injections and 5 boosters !! What is the new death rate in Israel? Keep up the good work !!

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Those guys just admitted they don’t know and can’t be expected to know. In light of that, my simple ask has become that they stop making the claim and stop producing product based on the foundational assumption that virology is legit. I respect that they do a lot of research on other topics, but they are deeply green pilled, and you know what Sinclair Lewis said…

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Dear Kyle,

Did you mean "Upton Sinclair"? The writer and socialist party candidate for governor of California? That line about "it is difficult to get a man to believe something when his salary depends on him NOT believing it"?

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Oh, it’s Uptown Sinclair? Yes👍

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I fear, that once WHO get more powers there will be another #Plandemic, of course it will be the jab, the excess deaths are already there, they will simply announce there's a new virus or strain of convid, and too many will fall for it

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They have to be closed before then !

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The truth about the excessive deaths in hospitals and care homes, in early 2020, in England, are showing a direct correlation with the excessive use of the Midazolam and Morphine combo, to 'hasten deaths' aka murders. Government protocol NG163 in effect is a licence to kill. Of course the increased numbers of deaths, were used as a powerful weapon of fear, for control. These facts are spreading worldwide. Dr John Campbell on YT, with a huge following in America, has a video about it. Andrew Bridgen, an MP here, says he will bring this up in the UK parliament. Watch this space.

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Well said. I am in UK too, West Sussex. I wrote this which includes Andrew Bridgen. I am not PC.


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They have already used this same " origin" trick two times.

The poli-media in this says "think about where something came from not if it actually exists".

It is how intel works.

As we know many " leaders" work for the opposition, its far better not to be lead (except by inner wisdom aka your Self).

The origin of fear ( estrangement from the Self).

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Meet "The real Maurice Hilleman". Good friend of Fauci.

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I hope this is taken as a genuine question and not an argument, because I have a self interest in knowing the truth, regardless of what it is.

I have been reading the “lab leak,” “no virus,” and other arguments looking for proof of who is right. So far, despite my inquiries, nobody from the “no virus” camp has been able to provide an answer to what killed my wife.

Please read the story linked below and explain, if covid doesn’t exist, what killed a healthy 58 year old woman in 10 days.


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I'm so very sorry for your loss. May she rest in peace.

Unfortunately strangers are not in a position to know why your wife died. There are sooo many factors that affect health (nutrition, stress/emotions/beliefs, toxic exposures...), and each case must be considered individually. This is one of the many problems with attributing causation to "viruses" that were never even shown to exist - the virus dogma distracts from the real causes and real solutions. Once again, I'm very sorry xoxo

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Ken, I speed read through your diary of events. Good job! So my observations and a question. Per the prescription. Antibiotics cause adrenal glands to go berserk (temporary relief of symptoms like fever and pain) and they do a lot of damage to the endocrine system and the gut microbes. Why was she prescribed 2 antibiotics? Bacteria, as the cause of disease, have never satisfied Koch's postulates. What was the blood glucose level before her most recent test? Was this a sudden upward spike or was she being treated for diabetes?

Hundreds of prescription drugs have pneumonia listed as side effects. I don't call them "side effects": they are direct & harmful effects with no long term benefit. Example: relief of a fever prevents the body from removing toxins through sweat glands. You feel good for a few hours but then toxins remain in the body? Chemicals to stop coughing - what is the body supposed to do with all the dead bacteria, tissue breakdown products and industrial wastes? Leave them in the lungs to become pneumonia (short term)? or who knows what long term? It's fighting nature and losing. Better to soil a few tissues. We die from colds and flu because we don’t let our bodies and our bacteria do their job - cleaning our airways. Not only do drugs, "treating symptoms", prevent the body doing its job, but they also poison our livers and other vital functions including our microscopic friends in the gut. I like Sayer Ji’s word for these poisons: Harmaceuticals. I would fail at medical school, which is to everyone’s benefit.

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Thank you David for taking the time. I will digest your answer in more detail when I get a few minutes to concentrate on it. It appears that I would agree with everything that you're saying.

But consider that I shared my wife's case in the context of evaluating the arguments for and against the existence of a "virus" that caused covid. Amy's actual death may have been from a virus, an unknown pre-existing condition, inappropriate hospital procedures, lack of access to proper treatment - I'll probably never know.

In the context of the "virus" argument, I think it's important that Amy and my son had the same symptoms simultaneously - and me and my son's girlfriend to a far lesser extent. So Amy's actual death may have been due to many factors - but what caused her 10-day illness in the first place is more central to the "virus or no virus" question. There are people on both sides of that debate whom I highly respect, and I think it's imperative that this debate is solved, whatever the truth might be.

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Ken, you are alluding to the idea of "contagion" in your observations. This has been rigorously tested! If you read those references I have posted and search Sam's brilliant videos you'll see that contagion for any illness was never proven. Neither by the extensive "Spanish Flu" 1918 experiments (before imaginary viruses were posited) nor by the British Government Common Cold Unit which existed for at least 40 years after WW2. This unit: (1) never isolated a virus (2) never came up with a flu vaccine. In over 40 years of squandering tax payer money they gave us was the word “corona” which was a misinterpretation of the images of breakdown structures from liver tissues used in the cultures to "grow viruses". This misinterpretation was confirmed recently by nephrologists who say those spiky circles are a common occurrence in the world of sick livers.

It’s common for a cluster to occur but it’s not because of spreading germs. For example the geographic cluster of disease that will arise from setting fire to vinyl chloride. Another cluster (behaviorial similarity) would be people getting sick from taking the same injected poison. The McCluster (temporal and geographical) from introducing fast food into Japan and seeing the healthiest people in the world join the rest of us. In a family cluster it could be from eating the same spoiled chicken or the same medications. I would agree this doesn't explain all clusters - never discount psychology, fear, medical indoctrination and delusions playing a role. We respond to magnetic fields, electrical fields and radio frequencies. How about subliminal signalling?

One of my favourite parts of "What Really Makes You Ill" was exploding the myth that conquistadors and slave traders brought disease to the Americas. It's shocking to see how the indigenous people really died.

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I forgot to add: in 40 years of trying, the Common Cold Unit never proved transmission of colds and flu from sick to healthy subjects. Sam covered this nicely.

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One of my facts was wrong sorry. The spiky objects were monkey KIDNEY cells, also called Vero cells NOT liver cells. I've been researching liver damage and my little grey cells can only process so much!

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These are all things that I plan to research further. I may have to retire so I have the time!

Thank you,


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The debate is not about proving what causes disease, it’s about exposing virology as a fraud. There simply isn’t scientific evidence for it. And it functions as the lynchpin of a destructive allopathic system of health care that was foisted on the world by a couple robber barons and has become a preferred medium for worldwide totalitarianism all the while chipping away at the general health. We, virtually all of us, were brainwashed to see what we think is contagion and transmission. In your tragic case, based on your writing, the most obvious culprit/catalyst would seem to be some pollutant or toxin in or near your vacation condo.

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The debate, as far as I'm concerned, is whether a virus exists, regardless of origin, that resulted in a condition known as covid-19, or whether such a virus does not exist.

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We know that profits exist ! Pharma is a trillion dollar worldwide mafia.

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Rockefeller, with an assist from Morgan, destroyed and outlawed the old medical order. They created the schooling and the licensing, and demonized those who didn’t conform labeling them “quacks.” From there, all health care and research dollars flowed to allopathy and its cut, burn and poison paradigm. Meanwhile, it drove the cost of medical care sky high, looting the treasury and burdening and destabilizing individuals, all the while slowly making the populace sicker and more dependent. And what’s the foundation of this wonderful edifice? Unobservable, supposedly ubiquitous (I always wonder why if they are everywhere people are needed for their spread, but I digress), zombie (are they alive, are they not) strands of rna. So that’s the story, and they’re sticking to it.

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Good point but it's actually worse - the Mafia don't have immunity from prosecution. You shouldn't insult the mafia anyway, they might be on our side now after what happened to Italy.

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There is no debate because there is no proof of any virus existing. Viruses and virology are a fiction. The debate is about exposing that fiction. If it wasn’t a fiction there would also be no debate as to the existence of viruses as the opposing side could just show viruses and show them infecting people and animals and destroying cells. The fact that multiple people in close proximity are sometimes sick at the same time is in no way proof of any particular causation unless yhat causative agent can be demonstrated to exist at the site and its mechanism observed in the actual processes of disease. None of this is true for viruses. I know it’s hard to accept after all the programming we’ve been subjected to. But while difficult, it is straightforward.

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Well said. Did you know that 'pharmaceutical' is an anagram of 'Uh a malpractice'!

There are a lot more anagrams here in my post that should have got people concerned a long while ago.


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People die of mysterious reasons all the time. Hospitals and medical care can be a huge risk. DDT caused polio for example. Unknown toxins are all around us. An autopsy is not perfect but still the best way to find out.

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Harold, You would enjoy the book MEDICAL MEDIUM !! He proves that DDT killed many and it is still being used in many nations ! please help get it outlawed worldwide !!

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Amazon claims they have it Is this the one ? .... Medical Medium: Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal [Paperback] [Jan 01, 1855] William, Anthony Paperback – January 1, 2017


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Ken, imagine a 100 year campaign to blame ‘nergolops' for disease with no evidence. Then we dare to ask "do nergolops really exist?” Then you ask "well if she didn’t die of nergolops what did she die off?" The simple tragic truth is your wife died and no-one can tell you what killed her - you feel angry and helpless. I truly sympathize. My wife died of "breast cancer" but knowing the allopathic diagnosis did not inform me of what actually caused it: fluoride in the drinking water, toxic dental work, having her tonsils removed as a teenager, chemicals breathed during decades in the beauty business, the Round Up I used before I knew better? Sure as hell it wasn’t a virus or nergolops. I have found “What Really Makes You Ill” to be a good additional reference to "Virus Mania".

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This is a tragic story, but I am unclear as to whether Ken’s wife was vaccinated. My husband died of pneumonia after being fully vaccinated and I am suspecting remdesivir. His lungs were scarred and his kidneys shut down. I appreciate Sam’s work but it takes time to understand the no virus theory and I appreciate the work of some of the people being demonized for not taking things far enough. They are speaking about the adverse events of the vaccinated, an important topic in my mind. Seems to me there is a continuum of understanding. We need less polarization, not more.

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No - Amy and I are/were both adamantly opposed to the jab. According to Amy's hospital records (she was only there a few hours), they didn't put her on remdesivir but she was ventilated.

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Thank you and for sharing your story. This journey is all consuming but I try to leave no stone unturned. Ventilation is worrisome and not used in my husband’s case. Take care, e

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I am so very sorry for your terrible loss. And it must be maddening trying to figure out what happened, especially with regards to virus or not virus. Do you suppose she might have caught the dreaded spike from someone vaccinated (I think the shedding factor is real), enough to throw her own immune system into havoc... ? A young woman I know, whose husband was vaxxed (she was not), gave birth to their first child and it had a stroke 5 days later (luckily she lived and seems fine so far). Anyway, that's perhaps a clue...

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That, I believe, is certainly a possibility - even considering that my son had the same symptoms at the same time as Amy - and his girlfriend and I both were "infected" for just a day or two at the same time. Also, there were the many deaths that came before the jab. But in my wife's case, you have offered another possibility to consider - thank you.

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I have come to the conclusion that all those deaths that came before the jab had nothing to do with "Covid". In any given year, the flu and pneumonia is "an old man's best friend". Pair that with a fascist fear machine and murderous hospital protocols, and voila! The flu became a "deadly novel virus." I think you'd find this in-depth article and chronology of events for the initial ground zero of covid (in Italy) quite enlightening in this regard: https://21stcenturywire.com/2023/03/07/italy-2020-inside-covids-ground-zero-in-europe/

There's also an excellent documentary about the New York hospital (killing field). I'll have to look for that again...

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Thank you.

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And here's another enlightening article; this time about the Ebola hoax: this is excellent: https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/category/ebola/

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So sorry you went through that. I retired from cardiovascular technology in 1996 and am quite familiar with medical "mistakes" of many kinds. This is probably no consolation, but I recall stories like yours throughout my 30 year career .

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I am so sorry for the loss of your wife and your children's mother. I pray you find answers and peace.

My husband was hospitalized in August of that year. He nearly died. I ripped him out of an ER where I knew I would not be permitted to visit and took him to a hospital that permitted limited visitation. He was vented for 11 days. Hospitalized for nearly a month. He was treated horrendously by many of my "colleagues." I despise them.

The amount of evil deeds and compliant/cowardly health professionals that characterized these last few years has turned me into a person who craves justice.

I am also skeptical about this subject. I really think I brought it home so I second your question. I ran a fever for 9 days, lost weight, my sense of taste and smell disappeared, but I did ok once I started doxycycline, a steroid, and ivermectin... I had them on hand ahead of time from a telehealth visit with an flccc doc. I had to order from an out of state pharmacy. I live in f'ing Pennsylvania. My son also got sick and improved on an antibiotic. My daughter never got it, even tested negative for antibodies. I wish you success in your quest for answers. I hope you find a way to make heads roll.

Btw I also am a healthy person...this is the ONLY time I have been sick in the last 10 years...and the fatigue/shortness of breath with stairs lasted months. My sense of smell never completely normalized...had to change the perfume I wear...also coffee tastes different.

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Sounds like hypoxia, perhaps caused by radiation poisoning, which causes oxidative stress.

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What makes me believe it was infectious is that I was sanding wood and caught a lungful of sawdust when I forgot to pull down my n95 mask and the sander bag flew off. I worked in an urgent care the following day and saw many "covid" patients. I was sick within 24 hours...disrupting the normal mucosa layer left me susceptible...otherwise, I think I, like my daughter, would have stayed impervious.

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Thanks Sam, brilliant as usual, Yah Bless <3

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Great work Doc, but your every day person is too lazy to research any of this. Thus, they're able to continue this charade and fraud upon the greater unwashed. Those so called truthers you mentioned are just part of the paid psyop and controlled opposition.

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So, when they make vaccines, it contains debris and are added different things that are not good to us. And that is what makes some sick from vaccines? Other than that, they are totally useless?

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Precisely. No vaxx can be made from or to protect against something that doesn’t exist.

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Bono- Look on the Moderna website under STRATEGIC partners !! They have been mocking us to our faces since 2010 !! They brag about how Moderna was created in 2010 by Gates, DARPA, Pharma, Presidents Obama and Schumer !! Then in 2021 they have the PERFECT VACCINE !! How financially fortunate !! lol. 10 years is NOT WARP SPEED !!!

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Yes, a pretty good summary.

Vaccines are Russian roulette. One (or more) shots may be the real 'bullet' and cause harm or death. If they are just saline then nobody will be harmed (or any the wiser).


P.S. They are not useless to big pharma as they make an awful lot of money.


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I agree with Dr. Sam. I live in the United States and I'm angry and sometimes wants to pull my hairs out because of what the idiots of politicians and still some doctors and nurses believe in the ghost virus. Not only them but some of the citizens of this country too. Even my family 🙄 thank you, Dr. Sam for your videos. I'm even recommending your book Virus Mania to friends and family here. There is any way I can find your book in Spanish?

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Another amazing video Dr Sam. Where would we be without you?

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If you lived in Australia I would be on your waiting list Sam. As things stand I will keep trusting God.

Blessings from Sydney Australia.

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