All totalitarian states fail without exception. The drivers are fundamentally flawed lacking substance or moral values they accumulate detritus to themselves as a superficial but inherently weak defence. Its more of a how long can I keep going? before I am found out? It is baroque,grandiose and immature. Not realising that we are immortal they act as if they are invincible. Its all a charade!

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Nothing lasts forever

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Oct 11, 2023
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Oct 10, 2023
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One doctor on the backside of his thin book wrote, asked how many we will be back on Earth in 5 years, and he finished I hope that not all have died.

It's insane what's going on, and most persons don't care, because nothing, reality, not allowed in the news, Facebook and so on. My friends in Denmark don't trust that a single one has died by the mRNA "vaccines", because so told by "health" ministry.

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Oct 14, 2023
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I have not read your sending, but I know what you tell, and during life have been thinking about this, and other Jewish scientists inventing good or bad subjects. But beside especially recall Rothschild.

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The state is the enemy. I am an anarchist in as much as it actually means NO RULERS. We can have leaders but they can have NO executive power . That must lie with the people in all cases . DECENTRALISE.

Love this woman’s way of thinking . Especially because the message is enveloped in the sweetest blonde blue eyed package . Hats off , gents .

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Thank you Team Sam - for continuing with the reminders - how quickly we (are predisposed to) forget and it was only 5 minutes ago - here in OZ - that we were under Marshal Law and Vaxx mandates - No Jab No Job policies State and Federal. V for Vendetta - ViVa the ReVolution - as for Sleepy Joe when he speaks he seems to have part of his Sinus cavity missing - perhaps his son's Cocaine fetish might be inherited?

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Very nice video of W.D.'s article - thanks! People might like to know that as well as still contributing to Winter Oak (he has just started a ten-essay series on egalitarian anti-modernism - https://winteroak.org.uk/2023/10/06/was-jerusalem-builded-here-an-exploration-of-egalitarian-anti-modernism-part-1/) W.D. now also has a Substack: https://wdjames.substack.com/ Please do follow him!

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Followed. Thanks for the recommendation, Paul.

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The State is like the collective ego with its desire to master(control) .

The ego does not care if it harms or destroys its host.

The State never tells the public of the war it wages against it.

The only reason it has " authority" is that it is given , and the the reason it is given is fear .

“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.”H.L. Mencken

The false premise that you cant govern yourself.

If you are in fear the State promises safety .

The reset is about fear

So it is primary our inner state and that we choose love to make that change from being lead by the world and it unconsciousness to being lead by our inner wisdom( our Self).

Choosing love is Self mastery as that is who we are, not this wretched slave of the phantom fear (State).

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I just love the depth of research that’s being put in these videos. This one woke me up from the fake democracy narrative which I was struggling to decode. Thank you both. Not only the virus is bogus but democracy and the State as well!

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Thank you Dr Sam Bailey, very informative and educational.

I remind myself that whenever I point a finger, three point back at me!

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Another excellent presentation. I vividly remember in school being presented with the historical concept of "the divine right to rule". Even as a youngster I thought that was an absurd concept. Yet through the ages there has seemingly always been a tiny minority who passionately believe they have that right. But what is more disturbing is the delusional majority who believe the same. Larkin Rose poses the the simple question: is an individually born with the inherent right to rule over another?". If your answer is no, then how can you rationally explain government (to rule the mind)? A group of people coming together to empower others with a power they themselves do not possess...

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yup. Lot of ways to come at the absurdity of "leaders." It isn't just that leaders are bad, they don't exist. So there's a joke at the heart of the business. I can prove it. In order for there to be a leader, there has to be a leader appointer. But leader appointers necessarily have more power than leaders, so the leader appointer is actually the leader.

Repeat the dynamic as needed. No leader beyond the self could possibly exist. History, therefore, is comedy. When people in the notes under Sam bang on about how "bad" this or that "leader" is and how shocking it is that "bad" "leaders" concocted a virus, they do so, as far as I can tell, for my personal comic amusement. Do they really think I don't see through their part in the play? Pass the popcorn.

History is everyone pretending there's a naked emperor seen by a child. But there's no emperor to be naked in the first place and--it gets even funnier--everyone knows this. Another way to say this is, to the extent that I participate in the public drama, I am myself the naked emperor pretending to be an innocent child.

As the Last Great American Hitch-Hiker, I've interviewed in-depth more Americans than a thousand Joe Rogans. And all of them know there's no leader. But in public, they pretend. Further proof of the essential comedy.

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Brilliant thanks for putting this up.

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I'm really glad to see you cite Winter Oak. It is an overall excellent website, even if it generally appears to accept the core ideology of virology (while unequivocally rejecting authoritarian state measures). Its publication The Acorn offers lots o interesting material, such as this from the most recent issue.


1. For a digital dismantling!

A leading French mathematics professor has called for all research on AI to be halted and for the digital world to be dismantled. Professor Romain Couillet describes his remarkable personal turn-around, at the age of 40, in an interview in the September 2023 issue of the real-green real-life newspaper La Décroissance.

Thanks very much, Dr Bailey!!

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Some 'truthers' persist in promulgating the falsehood that something changed in early 2020, that our goal should be to get back to pre-covid normality, a time before democratic, liberal governments went insane. That this is nonsense is clear from a reading of this brilliant essay by W. D. James.

The state was conceived as a weapon against its citizens, and promoted as such by spokespeople like Hobbes. Developments such as democracy, republics, the vote, etc., were merely tactics introduced to persuade the people that their opinions mattered.

The late Irish-born economist, Raymond Crotty, recognised the sinister nature of the state. His working title for his posthumously-published book, When Histories Collide, was the much more apposite, Our Enemy the State.

The good news is that the state can only function at all when citizens defer to it. It derives its legitimacy from popular support. One consequence of the covid-scam is that more and more people are withdrawing their support for the state. This can include not voting, not watching TV, etc. There are still things we have to do or we'll end up in court. So don't break the law but otherwise boycott politicians and other 'leaders'. Don't listen to what they say and don't follow what they do. Just ignore them - they hate that.

It can't be long now before states fall around the world and people can at last be free and happy - if they want to!

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You folks love government. You love appointing a master. All of you who participated in democracy knew full well that these pathetic masters you appointed as scapegoats would be "disappointing." The whole point of democratism is to have a "leader" to blame.

It was fine when your democratism hurt distant others. Now it's coming home. How's that workin out for you? You pretend to be all "surprised" because they invented viruses to attack you? That's comical. You're still looking for a pretend master to blame. Kelly Brogan knows better but even she won't challenge Sam on this. You challenge democratism, you lose followers.

For fifty years I've talked with you democratists alone, individually, often over a beer, and you fully admit that democracy is nonsense, just as all forms of leaderville are nonsense. But in groups, you lie together. You pretend leaders exist. You pretend there's an emperor, clothed or otherwise. Nevertheless I have known you individually. I remember.

If you were genuinely curious, you would have found me (David Ker Thomson, Dr. David Thor, etc.) long ago. More to the point, if you were genuinely curious, you would have found yourself.

There is no master. Never was. Find yourself. But you already know that.

Now back to the usual comments under Sam's videos blaming the usual pretend masters.

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There is no democracy that word was invented to make people agree to be governed in the same feudalistic way. Lots of puppets and scapegoats to blame they are actors not masters and they are only masters/idols to you if you give them it and believe they are thus empowering them.

The Democracy dogma

Agree that there is no instrument you can point to "the State" it disappears like the ego on inspection and all there is is us mankind a bunch of actors playing some sort of game or separatism in a dream . Perception follows belief and there are some people know this and use it .

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Demo in Democracy is from demos. Demos is not the individual it's basically what we would call a local council area these days.

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It is not the concept people think it is.


Its pure dogma.

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BD, I especially liked this of yours: "all there is is us mankind a bunch of actors playing some sort of game of separatism in a dream"

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I manumitted all slaves (leaders) when I was age eight, at a border crossing. They were free, at last, to go do something useful. I didn't at the time know the word manumission, but I understood clearly the threat when people in goofy uniforms threatened my six-foot-seven father and when they stole an object of mine. I understood that the "border" was fake. I certainly understood the nonsensical nature of someone else telling me what to do. Obviously I never voted nor filthed myself into democracy.

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What democracy? "rule by the people" twisted into " the mob choose this leader" .When the central banksters select and choose their presidents and PM. Running a corporate media election process ( aka the circus ).

Voting .. I use to vote until I was freed from my past conditioning knowing that " no matter who you vote for the( central bankster's Crown )govt always gets in".

And that this, doing the same thing again and again and expecting a different result, is due to (insanity) , the belief in " a democracy" ( that isn't ).

As votes are all registered with the Govt, legally registered means they are partially owned and controlled by whoever they are registered with .

The State is an idol( for many people).

But as I said when you look for this thing the State you can only find unconscious human beings that are desiring money/career(bigger ego) stuck in past conditioning, obeying someone else'$ rules and acting out not able to question their beliefs or actions kinda like meatbots.

Follow the money and we can see the political beliefs and policies come from there.

The media amplifies unconsciousness .

Without all those people glued to their phone or the internet the whole digitization/ automation(AI) agenda would fail, its being done by a small group with consent.

Some of the worst things in our history were done by well meaning human beings.

All actions from fear are wrong actions.

All the fanatical lunatics and fascists in history .... it all comes back to them choosing fear.

Psyop convid(the AI run global virtual pandemic thought by the masses to be real and so made real in effects of fear-rules) brought out all the subconscious collective fear, then we saw the fascist State in action(fear).

If people want freedom 1st they have to know they are free.

As you said( paraphrasing) " Know thyself".

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yeah, pretty much.

Nowadays I'm playing a game of seeing it all in energy terms. Or as something inside my self or Self. Like my energy apparently attracted a near-infinite mass of idiots but each idiot is some version of myself, and all of us inside the, I don't know, Godhead. Terms to be worked on as I go along.

I tend to favor drama and game metaphors to think about it. Incarnation or, as you might call it, meatbot-ness. At the practical level it's taking one moment at a time and fidgeting it ever so slightly away from fear.

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Oops I meant mortal

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theology without christ is a lost cause thomas hobbes and your jesuit connection...? the vatican see is the terrorist organisation, axis of evil.

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How does the Vatican manage to go under the radar every time?

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Perhaps because the Vati can!

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I was also once reminded that the late Dr Stephen Covey said, "Never speak ill of those absent for you will lose those present". IS that true? JFK follows that simple point very well leading up to his Presidential place.

Listening to the constant 'divide and conquer', them Vs us, black Vs white MSM, etc is so typical of a dualistic mind, but, how would LOVE respond in this situation? What would LOVE say? How can we create a WIN (everybody wins) from this situation? How can I learn and grow from this for the benefit of humankind?

Having been a fan of Dr Thomas Cowen (read his x 3 books) and the amazing Dr Andrew Kaufman, you guys ROCK. It's not necessarily what you say, but your heart-centred delivery, which to me comes from a far, far bigger place of simply KNOWING what is right, what makes 100% perfect sense. Terrain Vs Germ, Finding the aetiology/ies Vs treating bodily ‘messengers’ (As I call them, aka bodily Signs and Symptoms).

We’ve been lied to, deceived and provided so much misinformation by ‘our’ ‘elected’ leaders (Corporate HQ is a Coup UK Government) for far too long, moving down the ‘wrong’ road using petro-chemical+ patented big P-harm-aceutical drugs.

Knowing that there are over 561,000 patented drugs, of which NONE of them cure us of anything, but simply remove a messenger! Silliness at the highest level in my opinion.

I’m not anti-anything, I’m pro-health.

To say I get it, when there's nothing to get sounds funny.

Which reminds me that OSHO once said, "As soon as you think a thought, laugh at it!".

Seriously though (mindful not to be too serious because that kills passion and then that can lead to destroying people's lives!), I'm truly grateful for the work you and your wonderful husband do.

Thank you for sharing.


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