Drs. Sam And Mark. To me, the most relevant doctors and speakers of truth

over the last 3 years of this CV lunacy. Thank you both XOXO

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When I was a kid we moved to Arkansas. We lived way out in the country and were out in the woods every day. This meant picking off ticks every day. The dogs would always have a bunch on them as well.

I never heard of a single case of anyone getting sick from ticks nor did it seem to bother any of the dogs.

One of the defining features of "Modern Medcine" is to simply make shit up for money.

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I had two ticks, one in 2021, I cannot remember when the next one was. My wife has had a couple too. I am suffering from other things but the ticks are clearly not a problem. We had had fleabites more recently.


Re your quote "One of the defining features of "Modern Medcine" is to simply make shit up for money." That is one of the best quotes I have seen, thank you!

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Fonzie of Happy days would whack on a malfunctioning TV or jukebox & make it turn on. He had no magic powers. His whack didn't actually fix anything. The vibration from the whack caused loose connections to make contact.

This is not unlike what vaccines with their adjuvants do. They cause inflammation in the body, which will nip an impending or brewing illness in the bud before the person exhibits any symptoms. And this is why vaccine adjuvant do not work after you're already sick because the inflammation they'd trigger already exists.

Most who get a flu shot have no side effects other than a sore arm. Others get sick with flu-like symptoms because the adjuvants triggered a cleansing & healing event.

Cleaning your vacuum cleaner bag out before it fills up & chokes off the vacuum, which in turn can cause incoming debris plugs up the hose and a mess when you change it. This is known as preventative maintenance.

If you've ever had the flu, and felt better afterwards than you have in years, you might understand that the process likely fixed other things going on inside you.

Prior to modern medicine, doctors would induce a fever to treat illness & disease, including cancer. It worked sometimes.

A personal example is a few plantars warts on my hands that had been there for years disappearing soon after a having an upper respiratory illness with a concluding fever & night sweats. My body went through a cleaning, maintenance & repair cycle. Due to the laws of energy conservation, it only performs such maintenance intermittently. Plantars warts detrimental enough to trigger a cycle on their own. Unfortunately, we've been (wrongly) taught that fevers and coughs are bad for us and that we should treat them with drugs such as Tylenol and cough suppressants. These drugs are the equivalent to jamming a cork up your butt to stop the ejection of toxins via diarrhea. Nurses force patients in intensive care that just had open heart surgery to cough a few times a day to expel mucous & toxins to help prevent pneumonia, even though the patients sternum was just split down the middle and they have stitches inside. Now why would they do that, yet suggest or prescribe a cough suppressant to anyone with a respiratory infection?

BTW, Autoimmunity is when your body is stuck in a cleaning, maintenance & repair mode for some reason. Imagine your cooking oven stuck in self cleaning mode, for months or years. Not good.

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That is a great take. Thanks.

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I read the book 'Bitten', which was an interesting investigation into Burgdorf and his admissions of messing with ticks and other insects for the purpose of creating biological weapons. I'm a proponent for distrusting the germ narrative, but I have trouble reconciling these sort of stories that claim there is some pathogenicity of microorganisms, either natural or man-manipulated. Do they really believe in what they are working with in their laboratories??

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My younger sister, who has Down Syndrome, got a severe case of Lyme. We got rid of it with Borrelogen. Regular doctors were completely worthless. We had to go to a Lyme doctor, and before that we joined an online support group for Lyme at Healing Well. The suffering was real.

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May I ask, what were the treatments offered by the Lyme doctor?

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Heavy duty antibiotics. I can't remember the names. But my sister could not tolerate them. So we moved onto Buhner's protocol, from his first book. That protocol actually seemed to be slowly working. But then my sister developed an allergic reaction to one of the herbs (andrographis), which I think he actually warned about (that some might get an allergic reaction). Then we found Borrelogen, which worked really well, without any die-off or horrible side effects that many on the Healing Well Lyme forum warned about. My sister had a very severe case with bizarre symptoms. We think it probably hit her worse than normal because of her Down Syndrome and her biochemistry is different. Also, when we started with the Borrelogen, we also started following a low protein diet, as recommended by Dr. David Jernigan, who created the Borrelogen (I think Dr. Jernigan might be a chiropractor).

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So anti biotics mean anti life? What or how does this 'anti- biotic ' work to 'neutralise this disease then? Yes your sister is possibly taking other medications that may be also playing havoc with her system thus allowing other toxins to create symptoms of another kind of disease. Do you know how anti-biotics work? Not being rude I hope, just curious.

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We did NOT use antibiotics.

NO my sister was NOT on any other drugs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Actually, I find you to be RUDE!!!

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Oh my word we have another here!!!!

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Thanks for reply!

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What is “Lyme”?

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Danielle, thats a good question. I suspect that they either:a) believe it

b) have convinced themselves they believe it because it pays the bills etc,

c) believe it by default due to the lack of critical thinking or, for many of us, misplaced or naive, traditional trust in informational systems like Rockefellered medical journals,

Or, d) no need for belief: the evil work of “proving” falsehoods to be true in order to spread social acceptance/normalizing of falsehoods,such as a gospel of germ theory, or gender fluidity, etc.

just my 5 cents. Those cents are Chinadian and becoming quite worthless, alas.

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Thank you, Sam and Mark. Another myth. How many more? Doesn't look as if you're going to run out of subject matter any time soon. :)

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How many more? That is a 'mythtery'!

However, in reality as many so-called virus caused so-called diseases that big pharma and its cronies can invent. In June 2020 when the penny dropped for me I knew that if I looked up a disease and it said virus caused I knew that it would be a deceit. I now look at all disease quite differently.

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I was bitten by a tick. Six months later I felt ill and had the red bull's eye. Why? How? I did take anti biotics but don't know how the helped or if they did but I did stop getting what felt like the onset of flu every week or so. That was nine years ago and I've never been really fit since

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I'm wondering what antibiotic you took, and if that could be the source of your ongoing problems. I too had a tick bite, in 2010, that resulted in a bulls-eye rash at the site, about two weeks later. The doctor offered me doxycycline or amoxicillin, and I took the latter for 30 days, along with a probiotic the dr. also recommended. My rationale was that the amoxicillin was closer to a natural product, and the doxy was known to cause sun sensitivity, which I definitely didn't want just before a sunny vacation. Knowing what I know now, I may have declined even that.

Anyway, the rash got to be fairly big, a 5" x 7" ellipse at its biggest. It felt hot to the touch, and blistered, just like a second degree sunburn. It even peeled like a sunburn after it resolved. There were NO other symptoms, then or since. And no other tick bite has ever had any similar reaction, just maybe a bit of itchiness at the site of the bite.

My interpretation is that the rash is a reaction to the tick bite when the tick's saliva is poisoned by something (glyphosate?), and the body clears that poison thru the skin. When people get long-term symptoms after a tick bite, there are surely other factors that are being overlooked, just as the virus story keeps people from looking deeply enough to find the real source of their illnesses.

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I thought that comment about glyphosate is to be highlighted, a logical thought.

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Thank you for this insight. I have a feeling the medications I've been taking for bipolar are the problem. I stopped taking them in March following blood tests indicating CKD and only two months later it seems my CKD is in remission. But my family doctor and psychiatrist say, no, it's nothing to do with the medications. ?!!

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Did you try taking an antiparasitic drug?

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I have been bitten by a tick but I did not obviously suffer from it. I did a post on it.


Really if 6 months expire before the symptoms one has to question why it was the tick after so long. So many other things might have been the cause.

I have suffered from sodium nitrite (E250) poisoning via bacon I ate. The chemical is allowed in processed meats but is not necessary at all.


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Deer ticks only..

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Jun 27, 2023
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Maybe the tick did inject something toxic then. I certainly had otherwise unexplained illness of some sort. Don't know if the anti biotics helped or not as I've never felt truely well since.

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Two anecdotal observations: 1) the spread of urban/suburbia, has increased certain species of animals in closer contact with humans and their domesticated animals;

2) the spread of Rockefeller AMA ‘Gold Standard’ medical practitioners, products, media advertising revenue and treatments have increased the fear and number of new dis-eases.

Certainly do appreciate the Bailey team’s commitment to providing facts.

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I too appreciate the Bailey team.

I was walking in the Swiss mountains.

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Sorry. My bad that my general comment came as a ‘reply’ to your situation.

FWIW: our worst tick day ever, came after a fun day’s outing on a remote, uninhabited barrier beach. The three of us spent hours that night, back home, pulling them off each other’s hard to reach places, hair & crevices.

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Deer ticks?

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Luckily I only had one to deal with. But it only took one!!

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Jun 27, 2023
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Thanks. My doctor at the moment is very young and seems to be completely brain washed so I will try to heal myself.

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Sweet Dr. Sam. Thank you for my dose of sanity in an otherwise insane world❤🙏👍🌹

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This retired DDS finds it refreshing indeed that the literature can be exposed for what it is: a scam among scams, with an identifiable agenda. In this case more false support for germ theory as gospel. Lectures in the public sphere in the Temple of Fear.

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So pleased to see this come into my inbox today of all days - discovered a tick on my leg this morning! I'm in the UK. It's the third one I've had in the last 3 years, despite never having had one in the previous 64!! I was terrified when I found the first one in 2020; I bought a tick remover tool then and dutifully sent the tick off to Public Health England at Porton Down to be identified (wished I hadn't later when I got a lot more suspicious of such places), slightly less terrified when I discovered the second, and even less so today when I found the third. I didn't think it was a tick as my husband had had a look and said it wasn't (but he didn't have his glasses on...) but when I pulled off what I thought was just dried blood I saw it wriggle... I had already heard dodgy stuff about Lyme Disease, hence being less terrified this time. BUT - are we getting more ticks now? If so why? Is this why I've had 3 in the last 3 years but none before that? I have not changed my habits or habitat in that time. I know my son in New Hampshire gets lots of them. Questions, questions....

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Connie! Count yourself lucky. I moved to New Hampshire (USA) in 2020. This year has been a bumper crop for ticks. To see or have to remove multiple ticks every day has become the norm where I live. I actually said to someone, "What? Are "they" dropping them from the sky this year?" :) IDK, maybe it's just an imbalance in Nature. They claim that it's the reason for the decline in the Moose population, as they show photos of them covered in ticks. I'm not fearful of "Lyme Disease" I'm just grossed out by the ticks. They are disgusting little creatures, especially once they've latched onto you. And they love to find their way to warm, moist areas of the body. 😳

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Yeah, whenever I see "Porton Down" I think "psyop" which is probably a little ridiculous, don't really know a thing about it.

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Growing up in the 60s, and not that far from Porton Down, all I really knew is what everyone was told which is that they were trying to find a cure for the common cold, which looking back on it was just ridiculous - what a waste of time and money. Now of course I know that nothing we were told was the truth about anything! And even prior to the last 3 years I did think it was odd how those two Russians (father and daughter, their names escape me now) were poisoned so close to the place.

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'what a waste of time and money.' Exactly! I have been waking up to this fact over the last 3 years. I think the truth has been that biological agents as causes of disease just don't work.

Toxic substances are another matter and labs can invent all sorts of new ones although really they are probably much the same.

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Yeah, the Skripal case. That one's a doozy. But both Russia and the UK were in on that. The Russians knew.

The Russian ambassador said: “I am not trying to say that those who work in Scotland Yard are not professional. But I do think that we could all stand to benefit from having Sherlock Holmes with us today.”

That's what's gets me - they're all in it together at the top. They all know each other's psyops and they all use the same MO in them too.

In response to what the Russian ambassador said Jess Phillips says something moronic which could only be expected of her.


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My wife and I are in the UK and have had similar experience. The ticks have not caused us any issues, but I have not had one before 2021 to my knowledge.

Part of the increase may be down to increase in deer populations and wildlife generally.


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Sorry my comment isn't about Lyme disease but I have been wondering (I might've have missed it), has Dr Bailey ever commented on the claims being made by Karen Kingston and several others like Dr Ana Maria Mihalcea with regard to the covid injections being bioweapons? Kingston states they are electronic nanotechnology devices (specifically the 'lipid' portion - a nanotechnology/electronic device, which can be affected by certain frequencies, e.g. 5G). Further (Kingston): "The mRNA cationic liposome nanotechnologies are being used to introduce non-human DNA into the cells of adults and children to turn cells into disease-causing, toxic spike-protein bioweapon factories". Kingston states the covid injections are gene-editing. Kingston claims that billions of global citizens (including the 'unvaccinated') have been infected with mRNA lipid nanoparticles through vaccines and other ‘spike protein’ exposures. These may include mRNA lipid nanoparticle attacks on air, food, vitamins, mineral, prescriptions, drugs, and other supplies and necessities. I've looked at Kingston's and Mihalcea's evidence for their claims and it seems solid. For those unfamiliar with their investigations on the covid injections I suggest you subscribe (I just subscribe to the free articles) to their substack accounts or at least read some of their articles - https://karenkingston.substack.com/ https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/

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None of the tech works.

They mean well in looking into it, but all of the issues are easily explained by the toxicity.

Notice how even the non mRNA shots have the same issues of myocarditis and clotting issues as the mRNA shots?

Also, moderna had issues with the lipids way before COVID and this stage of mRNA. But somehow people focus on pseudo-science like spike protein, ignoring that the issues happened way before convid.

Past vaccines which depended on other adjuvants and toxic metals have a different response and do not cause clotting.

Occam's razor should be followed, especially by the truth movement, but they seem to rather come up with more nonsense!

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But how do you know it doesn't work? I have read a lot of other material which explains how it could work e.g. refer Pete Ramon on FB - https://www.facebook.com/pete.ramon.5

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Watch Amandha Vollmers latest take on this. That will answer your question.

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The interesting thing is that ALL the "information" we have about the mRNA shots (among others) is "how it COULD work." The researchers and manufacturers SAY that the mRNA causes the cells of the injected person to make spike proteins that then cause the body (the same cells? different cells? different tissues?) to make antibodies against the spike proteins. But, try to find any scientific studies that conclude, using the scientific method, that that's what actually happens.

Where are the studies that show spike proteins being manufactured in the cells of an injected person? Where are the studies of how antibodies are made specifically in the presence of those spike proteins?

All the clinical trials do is collect statistics on how many people who got the real shot got sick (in the case of COVID, got symptoms AND tested positive) vs. how many got sick with the fake shot. And the only source of these statistics and their analysis is the very corporations that stand to make billions if/when their injection is bought up by all the governments in the world and made mandatory.

There's not a bit of evidence that the COVID shots do anything by way of how they're supposed to work. There's lots of evidence that they somehow cause blood clots, myocarditis, menstrual and pregnancy irregularities, neurological problems and much more. Unfortunately, there's no money to be made figuring out that process, so we have no studies on those injection effects.

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All vaccines can be considered bioweapons.

If they contain anything other than saline (nobody tests the vials just before injection so we don't know), then they are poisons. It has never been a good idea to inject poisons into the body.

Except for big pharma profits of course.


There may be different poisons in the latest variety of vaccines and they might be more toxic, but then many people's overall health has been broken down by all the other toxic substances around and reduction in vitamin D levels in particular.

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Hmmm... Ok, so 'Lyme disease' was first 'recognized' in 1976 with a cluster of juvenile arthritis and skin lesions... Well, what actual thing in actual reality is likely to cause those problems (without looking for some bacteria to scapegoat)? Answer: Vaccines... Eczema (and other skin conditions) and arthritis are common vaccine damages.

And 1976 was the year of the great Swine Flu scamdemic, when a non-existent 'deadly virus as bad as the 1918 Flu' was claimed (based on one supposed 'case') by CDC to be possibly on the verge of running rampant and killing millions, hysteria was created to terrify Americans, and a Warp Speed experimental vaccine (Gerald Ford for that one) was hastily created and injected into 40 million Americans. (By the way, does this sound pretty similar to something we lived through recently? THAT is why we have to fight this concept and not just the one 'covid' scam... They WILL do it again and again).

Certainly there were other vaccines being given as well at that time (though nothing like the deluge of poisons today). But the timing makes me wonder... because 'Lyme disease' sure sounds a lot like vaccine side effects to me (and I have had some of them from vaccines in the past-- eczema, Bells Palsy (I was in high school, and I had no idea about vaccine effects at the time... I actually thought this might be Lyme disease!! Arrrrg!!!)).

But this is a clever way these people operate. For example, Polio (actually caused by nerve poisons in pesticides and vaccines). They instead blame some 'virus' that can never be found or proven to exist, create a poison vaccine to 'prevent' the 'virus' which is now given to basically everyone. And of course, blame the harmful effects of THAT vaccine on other 'diseases' that will 'need' to be 'treated' with more poisons....... It would not surprise me if 'lyme disease' is really vaccine side effects. But you can bet there will be an mRNA 'lyme disease' vaccine coming soon...

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Spot on!

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It's true! The public do insist on their right to be poisoned! My mum had Parkinsons and believed her doctors knew what they were talking about when they had her on 26 different meds. The doctors also insisted they knew what they were talking about. Only one looked at diet and environment.

I learned a lot and eventually it led me to you guys and others like Harvey Bigelsen and Tom Cowan and the terrain idea. Finally something makes complete sense, and I have no doubt mum would have benefited from taking this path.

Thank you both for all you do, it is very much appreciated 🤍

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I have a facial palsy caused by sodium nitrite (E250) which i had to work out myself. UK doctors quite useless and not one, not one of them checked about my diet. They are a complete waste of money. They diagnosed me with cancer and I was given Immuno-therapy until I realised what was going on. Ingredients of immuno-therapy given to me in 2020 seemed to be very similar to current vaccines.


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This is SO good. I wish there was a way to communicate this with the people I know who have Lyme without them shutting down and being totally offended!

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I think one has to start with things that won't be too contentious. I have said it to others but I had some success re the vaccines by mentioning the cause of my facial palsy. Poisons in food is something everybody should relate to. If one can then say that pharmaceuticals essentially act like the poisons in food it might set off the mind worm.


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We live in an area with an abundance of tics and have observed people become ill if untreated with antibiotics after a bite. I’ve lost trust completely with the germ theory based practices, but still want to know why people get sick. Correlation indeed does not imply causation and with this something is missing. Thank you Dr. Bailey, for all your informative videos and writings.

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Try toxicity and the levels thereof for these individuals that you talk of.

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I lived in tick heaven, Massachusetts, for 12 years. I and many other people got tick bites often, and I don't remember any of those many tick bites leading to illness. I have a feeling that if the general belief is that tick bites lead to illness, that any illness will lead a person to wrack their brain to remember a tick bite that preceded the illness, in order to have a reason for it. And, the power of suggestion can lead someone to get sick because they've noticed a tick bite. That's my hypothesis anyway.

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Reposting from earlier comment to another who also said it's in the head: Nah, I'm not buying that "it's all in the mind". I found a very tiny tick on my leg a few years ago and soon after, the classic bulls-eye rash developed along with a nasty fever. That subsided but in a couple weeks, my knee swelled to the point that I had to walk with a cane to get up stairs. Believe me, it wasn't just in my head. I'd found ticks on my body in the past but this one definitely carried something the others didn't. I didn't go the anti-biotics route but used the herbal protocols of Stephen Buhner and after a year, was successfully recovered and can run again. So, it was something and it followed directly after that one particular tick bite. I've had tick bites since then but none did what that one did. So, you can tell me I had nothing but an active imagination but I'm pretty sure I can tell the difference between fantasy and reality. Your hypothesis is nonsense.

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I did not say "it's all in your head." I said that in looking for a reason for a real illness, it's often the case that people will latch onto something that they have been told is a likely cause of their malady. The malady is real; it's the cause I'm questioning. It may well be that your tick bite led to your bum knee (assuming it was the knee of the same leg); it also may be something else entirely. I'm glad to know that you didn't fo the antibiotic route, and that you did find a good treatment for the bum knee.

I got the bulls-eye rash from a tick bite in 2010. I do think that certain ticks carry some toxin such that the body's efforts to clear it take the form of the bulls-eye rash. I had no fever though, and no other symptoms before or since. I did take antibiotics for 30 days, starting about 14 days from the bite, but if it were today I doubt if I'd take antibiotics at all, knowing they do more damage than good.

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Thanks Sam. love your common sense approach, Yah bless <3

MMS - story of Jim Humble by Sacha Stone


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Since watching Dr Sam's and Mark's videos, I have a much better understanding of topics that confounded me and I thank them for that. However, sometimes there are topics that seem contradictory.

In this case we are talking about Lymes disease and It's supposed cause and effect on humans, but how do paralysing tick bites fit into this (if at all). Here in Australia, it is a fairly common issue with dogs and cats being bitten by a tick and it causing paralysis.

Is this the same phenomenon but with a different outcome for animals?


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See my comment. Also, maybe ticks are actually venomous and the required treatment is anti-venom therapy and detoxification.

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