I have respect for Dr Peter McCullough as an internist cardiologist, but I found his opinion on his peers fairly condescending.

I have full respect and admiration for The Baileys, Dr Stefan Lanka, Dr Kevin Corbett, The Perth Group, etc. (too many to individually name).

They have been mistreated, mocked and maligned for their hard core facts and “science“.

All of you, keep up your amazing work. You are doing us all proud.

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Condescension - that was also what struck me most. And I realised that he has always revealed that trait since I first saw him in 2020. Mark and Kevin were 180 degrees different. Calm, non performative, sticking to the point and god knows there some repulsive - lies - leaking out of McCullough's lips.

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They were always calm Yvette and always wanting to have the conversation. But even now, no one is willing to talk to them and put forward a healthy scientific debate. As scientists and acquiring minds shouldn’t they seek and debate the next hypothesis?

I feel there are many now who know the wheels are falling off and there is a panic in the air.

Interesting times we live in.

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Follow the money... even with McCullough... he has HIS remedies available

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I fully concur with the content of your post, Anne.

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I have much admiration for Dr Peter McCullough, BUT was shocked to hear him state that the so called vaccines were not causing cancers !!! I am a retired nurse/ midwife this is typical of a doctor unable to see past his own speciality

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I don’t think he is unable to see. He just refuses to see truth. I remember when I had to face the truth about the pharmaceutical industry. I quit my job as a pharmacist in disgust. I could no longer do it. It is very hard to realize that you have been duped and that your career is a fraud. You have to start completely over. I’m glad I faced the truth though it has been extremely difficult. I realized I could live without the money. It is much better to have a clear conscience and refuse to participate in the democide and extinction of all life.

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Thanks for keeping on saying this, Lucy. It must be a hard thing to have done, I suppose the same must be true for Mike Yeadon. You walk tall and free because of what you have done in coming out of the sorcery of big pharma.

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Wow, Lucy, that took real courage & integrity!

I can't even imagine all you went through!

If we could get like 20% of people who work in medical field / pharma / labs etc (even non-medical eg secretaries, janitors, clerks) to just decide to leave those corrupt fields n favor of integrity/ saving world populations... what a difference that could make!!

I often think we need to help average lay people like those working ordinary jobs in those fields to understand how awful those industries are. Many of those employees are not there bc they have expertise in health so they can work anywhere.

Ie, remove the foundation, support - if eg Pharma cos have a hard time getting secretaries, clerks etc to work for them, they won't be able to function

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Thank you 🙏

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I was forced out of my job as a RN because I refused to take an experimental drug that I said I did not need. I did not want to inject pregnant women and then they started with children, it was literally sickening.

My eyes were then well and truly opened.

Good on you Lucy, you can most certainly hold your head up high.

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To be fair to him, Dr McCullough said he is still waiting for more data.

I am surprised and disappointed that he included paxlovid in his protocol.

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I haven't checked his protocol but I have said that any neuro-toxic drug should be avoided.

As paxlovid anagrams to 'pxl avoid' it should be avoided!

P.S. Some people might wait for ever for more data. It was obvious to me by June 2020 that virology was fundamentally flawed and vaccines a poisonous scam, so really he should have grasped this by now.

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I already knew before 2020 that I would never take any jabs ever again especially flu jabs etc. I felt they were a scam and completely unnecessary before going down the historic rabbit hole of virology and vaccines. When 2020 came along I was floored by the response from everyone around me. It just reinforced how much of a scam the virology/contagion myth was even without being totally up to speed myself.

Now, it's just laughable that anyone still believes this nonsense. I suspect the ones who do are making bank selling their treatments.

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Yes, I know many people were aware well before me. It was just that I managed to turn my thinking round from 'vaccines are of some use, but not for the 'flu' (I had not had a vaccine since about 1990 after a head injury and that I did not request but accepted in my ignorance), to all vaccines are bad and the 'flu is not what I was told (albeit vaguely).

Thankfully I was never indoctrinated and in the more practical world of building surveying.

As you say it is laughable that anyone still believes this nonsense. And yes, lots of people are making money from it, even some truth telling on substack. I won't do that and I pay a small amount to maintain my WordPress site. Well worth the cost in my books, and I gain far more as I see people waking up to reality.

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Oh I have no problem at all with people on SS and elsewhere talking about this issue and accepting something in return as long as they are honestly seeking the truth of the matter, but there appear to be many (we all know who they are) that are fully aware of the no virus material and either continue to ignore it or even run a campaign of ridicule and ostracism against the no virus camp which in my opinion borders on the criminal.

And these characters are making bank more than anyone based on treatments and product protocols for something that doesn't exist and still based on some kind of fraudulent testing regimen. They are essentially treating flu symptoms as if they will always be potentially deadly.

It was refreshing to see Andrew Kaufman on David Knight's show on Rumble the other day breaking down the whole virus lie for beginners. This is what needs to keep happening at a certain level so that the big hitters with larger audiences can't just keep ignoring that next level down. They will have to fully address this at some point or become obsolete.

Who will want to get their "news" or "truth" from people and organizations that couldn't be bothered to go deep with virology and vaccines because they still had supplements to sell?

I can just see it now... Alex Jones and all the fake clowns and grifters he has on his show will have a lot of splaining to do and a lot of egg to wipe off their faces when they eventually have to admit that they were wrong for going on four years.

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Well said, thank you. Re "...borders on the criminal." I think the border was crossed some time ago. They have perjured their souls for money.

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Thanks for the tip re Dr Andy's new video. I'll check it out. I'm always looking for explanatory videos for the uninitiated. :)

I think this is it:


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Yeah, too bad people are waiting forever for more & more data refuting Germ Theory... but simply accept the Germ Theory lies WITHOUT EVIDENCE!

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And if I may say, without even giving it just a little thought! This was what got me thinking things re so-called virus weren't quite right in spring 2020.


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Why won't he read Dr Mark's "A Farewell to Virology"? He could easily read it and discuss the contents, could probably even arrange to discuss with Dr Mark!

I think Dr Mark & Dr Kevin hit the nail on the head: People like Dr McCullough simply don't understand, and perhaps don't think they could understand, how the science works & the lack of science behind Germ Theory/ Virology.

If Dr McCullough was TRULY just trying to do the right thing, he wouldn't embarrass himself with statements like "the no-virus idea first came up a couple years ago by a layperson in Alberta". If he really believes that, he obviously has made ZERO attempts to learn anything about the "no-virus" perspective!

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I am all about fairness, but what “more data” is necessary?

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What data did they have to impose all those c19 measures, including mandatory vaccination?

Recall that pfizer's original data for their vaccine approval had NEVBER BEEN viewed by independent researchers!

Remember this "more data are needed" scam line was used re ivermectin and HCQ, vaccine deaths and injuries?

It is a basic used by opponents of a debate - as we have seen.

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Yes, and I was sincerely wondering what McCullough needs more data for.

Reminds me of Christine Massey’s recent responses from the university that refuses to answer her questions. They say a particular study is ongoing (cannot supply evidence of isolation/purification because the study is not concluded!) as a way to not answer the foia request. Similarly ridiculous that McCullough would need more data, for what I’ll assume is his lack of comprehension or his failure to actually look at existing data (ie read the scientific papers). Here’s Christine’s article for reference.


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Perhaps both Christine and Dr Mc need to wait two weeks!

Where there is a will , there is a way. So they have the will, they will find a way to lie - no matter how blatant and absurd due to their control of the media and the professions.

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After nearly 4 years of this covid nonsense, he doesn't have enough data?

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You and I have plenty of data already.

I am surprised that he did not speak to Dr Ryan Cole whose clinical experience informed me of this matter as Dr Mc appeared on various forums with Dr Cole.

And I thought his reasoning was, surprisingly, quite unlearned.


Don't rely on any one person to cover the whole field in this matter, or any matter, Curiously, we all have blind spots. Dr Mc is one example. Back in early 2020 one brave American MD dissed the then fashionable line that c19 thingy was ARDS based on data and his clinical observation. When I asked him to apply the same analytical standards to HCQ, he declined.

There was Berenson and his anti-ivermectin fetish.

And some like the Fat Emperor just completely ignored the treatment side. Since he is a layman and claims to be data, evidence-focused, why he excluded treatments is unclear to me.

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So why have admiration for him,if we already know that viruses are a myth,thanks to drs' sam & mark then he surely knows,but continues with the,must be for reward.

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I think it would be comparative to those who won't even stick their heads over the parapet.

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Sep 19, 2023
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Based on the medical definition for a virus today I think we can safely say that they don't exist.

If you want to continue labeling toxins or poisons viruses then where is the contagion component as required by the modern medical definition of virus?

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covid-19 virus is a myth

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Sep 19, 2023
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Arsenic is not a virus. It is a chemical element.

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Sep 19, 2023
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When definitions of fundamental words are changed -- such as “virus” and “isolate” -- there’s deception going on.

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All depends on the concept/definition of the word. Those using the word have a clear (okay, somewhat clear) idea of what they're talking about. As defined by the mainstream, such things have not been shown to exist. That's the whole point of the Baileys' work (Lanka, Kaufman, Cowan, etc.).

It's very challenging to be specific when one party insists in using a word based upon a false assumption. I think that's the crux of the whole problem - why the dialogue about "viruses" even continues.

Hence, people's outright disgust by those (esp. with a med education) who persist in making these unfounded claims.

But, yeah, poisons/toxins/viruses do exist. Just not contagious (as we generally think of the concept) as you stated.

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Same response as above...

Based on the medical definition for a virus today I think we can safely say that they don't exist.

If you want to continue labeling toxins or poisons viruses then where is the contagion component as required by the modern medical definition of virus?

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heads up

check post called -VIRIuS from SIRIuS- on my stack

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Sep 19, 2023
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Dude... if you say gay today... the first thing that pops into someone's mind is the latter.

I think you're fighting a losing battle here.

Virus stopped meaning just a poison a long time ago. It refers to something entirely different today.


"A virus is a submicroscopic infectious agent that replicates only inside the living cells of an organism. Viruses infect all life forms, from animals and plants to microorganisms, including bacteria and archaea. Viruses are found in almost every ecosystem on Earth and are the most numerous type of biological entity."

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Please do not attempt to change the definition of “virus.” Yes, “toxins” are “poisons” and I’m comfortable with those two words being interchangeable. The word “virus” even though it may have been derived from Latin roots, has a very different (current) meaning than “toxin”. I urge caution in accepting/promoting a new meaning of the term “virus”.

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Medicine is an over-rated profession.

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The root of the word medicine is from the Latin, meaning healing hearts. Modern western medicine is certainly not a healing art.

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Modern western medicine is certainly not a healing art as you say. Interesting re Latin. I note 'I ice mend' is an anagram of medicine.

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The medicalisation of health led to monopolisation under pharma.

medicine has been false-framed to definitions that compound and protect sickness.

The vital element is not 'chemical mechanism'. But the latter offers the framing for the marketising and weaponising of 'thescience' of bought technologism (truth be damned).

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And from there we get the abomination of the World Health Organization that seeks absolute control of every human body in existence so that whatever is deemed a requirement for the collective will be forcefully mandated resulting in extremely large profits for Big Pharma and all their investors.

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That is what I meant by global monopoly running regulatory controls as permission to live or not - subject to status under arbitrary parameters. Much deeper than profits - though that drives the greedy & the needy.

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And particularly the individuals who chose it and stay, for whatever reason, knowing they are breaking their Hippocratic oath.

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110% agree

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Yeah, well, it pays a lot better than flipping burgers.

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Really good and informative video.

Many of the (so-called) “heroes” and “leaders” of the health & freedom movement are agents of chaos and are deceivers and are actually working from within the movement to bolster the pharmaceutical industry.

These “heroes” and “leaders” are toxic to one’s mind. I have contempt for them and I condemn them, regardless of the (so-called) “good work” many claim that they are doing in warning people away from the toxic shots.

Shots, fraudulently called “vaccines”, have ALWAYS been toxic.

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Yes. Every “vaccine” causes harm. That was the whole intention. All a person has to do is read the package insert to know it is poison. I refused to inject anyone with anything during my entire career. Glad I didn’t participate!

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The fact that so many human beings allow for the vaccination-poisoning of their own bodies and the bodies of their (unable to give informed consent) children is proof positive that the pharmaceutical industry has captured A LOT of minds. First, they capture the mind. Then they destroy it. It’s called “menticide”. It’s pernicious.

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I like that... menticide!

Bit like... govern...ment!

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Regarding the suffix “-ment” used in the word “government”, there’s a difference.

I could copy and paste from the online etymology dictionary site, but I don’t want to bore you.

See https://www.etymonline.com/word/mental#etymonline_v_12594 and https://www.etymonline.com/word/-ment#etymonline_v_32036 if interested.

I used to believe that the word “government” literally meant “mind control”, but I was corrected. There are plenty of things about which I probably still need to be corrected.

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Yes I know that government does not literally mean "mind control." It was just a bit of fun but it looks like we are not allowed to have a bit of fun these days without someone immediately popping up on the Internet to correct you just in case.

This overzealous intellectualization of everything text book reference to everything is what makes me want to shut it all down at times.

99% of what people post online is most likely not factual. Much of it is humorous. Some people even try to correct humor.

Some people need to relax.

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I agree with you. I’m way too serious and not lighthearted enough.

I thought it was okay, though, to poke fun at myself regarding my true belief that “government” literally meant “mind control”. I read it on these forums, so it had to be true. That was my foolish thinking.

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-ment is suffix used to convert a verb to a noun. How anyone could be fooled into thinking government = mind control is beyond me.

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Yes we know. Anything else you want to teach the class today?

How's this one...

mental retardation

Close enough?

Homophones are fun if you're not anal-retentive and over anal-ysing everything that comes your way.

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I suspect that the vast majority of people are pretty easily fooled from time to time. There are plethora logical fallacies and cognitive distortions. One of the most common ways one is fooled is confirmation bias. I’ve been fooled plenty of times. I am not ashamed of having made foolish mistakes, because I learn from them. If you never have been fooled, you have my admiration.

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Agree about the vaccines

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I wouldn't call anyone a hero or leader myself, but we all work together seeking the truth. No one should be put on a pedestal.

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But Dr McCullough was wearing a white lab coat - how can we question him now?

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The first horseman of the Apocalypse rides a white horse. Not a white coat, but same implication. White for purity. Tombs can be whitewashed though.

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Ha yeah - White coats, white hats - easy to tell the 'Good guy;s' it's so refreshing to know we are beginning to see through the veils my own coat is Tinfoil lol

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But was he wearing a stethoscope around his neck?

If not, then you can't trust a word he's saying. Run.

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Smiling out loud now.

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I didn't know that was possible but you learn a new thing every day.

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It is possible and it’s such a delight to learn a new thing…as often as possible.

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Ha - it doesn't get any cleverer than a man in white lab caot with a stethoscope - "Trust me - I'm the smartest guy in the room" lol

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Then they tell you to open wide and go ahhhh....

What more proof do you want.

Oh and that funny tapping thing on your chest like they're sending morse code to the little alien operators in there.

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Ha yeah - they're looking for intelligent life on the end of the stethoscope that fits into their ears ...

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Such an obvious ploy , or so it seemed to me too.

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This 'uniform' has fooled a lot of people for a long time lol I think such attire is reflective of a mindset and is finally disapperaing - a generalised statement I know and apologies to any/all wearing such

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I thought they went out with 1950’s sci fi movies

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Ha - my favourite genre

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Me too ! I have the DVD library to prove it 👍

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VHS 4 Me- lol

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When people try to fortify their arguments with nothing but their credentials and achievements and ridicule of the opposite claim, I get suspicious . To convince me I would suggest actual evidence to back up their claims...... I'm a bit funny that way. Somewhat old fashioned , I guess. Nothing more boring and USEFUL than the annoying people asking questions incessantly until proven wrong or right. Well , except the useless ones that don't simply answer the questions.

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Germ theory doctors etc know that if the edifice to this theory crumbles the question may arise as to why we need doctors at all.

When through eating correctly, moderate exercise, sunshine, fresh air, pure water and fasting we can cure ourselves without the need for allopathic intervention.

There are only two things that come to mind immediately where external help is required and that is in the treatment of a traumatic experience i.e. a fracture and relief from the pain.

Maybe it would be a good time to brush up on your orthopedic trauma skills.

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I would add healing emotional trauma to your list of healing practices.

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Well said. ".... the question may arise as to why we need doctors at all." Quite so.

I had a look at what nutritionists in UK might be paid. Less than doctors that's for sure. There are doctors in here for the brave to examine.


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I have become my own doctor and am still alive, nearing my mid 70's. I seriously doubt there is anything my doctor could do to promote greater health. Certainly drugs, vaccines and mRNA poisons ain't going to get it done. Just the opposite.

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I am not ready to imply that Peter McCullough has some hidden, dark, nefarious mindset that is no better than those in the death cult. I've detected, via their writings, that many of the germ theory proponents use the term "virus" as a sort of catch-all for a mystical entity that causes, x, y, and z. My wife is a researcher in the biological/medical field and we have many a discussion, putting it mildly, on this germ theory brouhaha. When it's your spouse, the task is doubly difficult to remain composed during the heat and fury of those discussions. Dr Mac shows a kind of what I call the "one crop economy" mien. It's very human to get so proficient in one discipline that one feels omniscient whereby the same person feels this proficiency is like steel cladding. One feels bullet proof.

Yeadon has postulated that viruses don't exist, but Dr David Martin has done great sleuthing work on the various patents that the patent holders have gotten regarding the SARS situations. Martin's phenomenal speech at the recent Strasbourg conference should very clearly show all that he's on the right side of this massive issue.

I don't agree that we just merely gang up and attack people that are not in the know. That, to me, would show our shortsightedness and lack of maturity, humanity, and makes us look like guilty parties that have said unkind things about people that just need remedial lessons in biology, germ vs. terrain, and our understanding and empathetic cooperation. The realizations that things are not as they seem to some people should not be detrimental to our measured and studied wishes to help non-believers with their science.

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Yes both sides of this dispute are at fault, though I’d say it’s not an even 50/50 split. The two sides are:

1) the Alt doctors who oppose the Mainstream but have formed their own “Mini-Mainstream” that still follows the broader Mainstream on certain things (like viruses)

2) the radical fringe of the No Virus camp.

The problem with #1 is they stubbornly refuse to sit down for an extended, thorough, good faith discussion with their No Virus opponents.

The problem with #2 is they seem to have many strange personal quirks, among them this alacrity to accuse (or insinuate that ) anyone and virtually everyone in the Virus camp of being controlled opposition.

Both sides need to have an extended, thorough, good faith discussion that lasts as long as it takes to iron out the differences. A moderator or moderator panel needs to be part of it—where the moderator politely but firmly forces any speaker to verify their claims.

Here’s a rule for the discussion/summit meeting that I would propose: Anyone who either refuses to participate or who stonewalls during the discussion and does not provide adequate verification for their claims shall be deemed Controlled Opposition.

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Very well said. "one crop economy" mien is an interesting phrase and I know what you mean. I studied economics ant A level and it was part of my university course (about 1/6th). When one has everything invested in one thing one is very loathed to admit that it has failed.

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Thank you Sam , Mark and team .

The full impact of your work is only now beginning to penetrate my exhausted but recovering, brain.......as I remember more and more details of my own personal and professional experience .

May God continue to guide us through this odyssey .

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Given how many times McCullough has been revealed to be a know nothing who still believes and still pushes the con job "Pandemic"/"COVID-19"/"SARS CoV-2" disinformation narrative, i have a hard time understanding why he has ANY credibility left.

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Dr. Larry Palevski mentioned once in his weekly "Critical Thinking" podcast with Dr. Sherry Tenpenny that he was on a panel with Dr. McCullough at a gathering in (I believe) Minnesota last winter, during which this topic was raised, and Dr. P made his case for the "anti-germ theory" argument (which, if you've heard him make it, is quite concise in summing up everything the Bailey's/Cowan/Lanka/etc talk about), and-- by Dr. P's account, as the event apparently wasn't recorded-- McCullough's response was something along the lines of 'well, if that is true then everything in modern medicine will need to be re-examined'.

Almost immediately afterwards, it seemed McCullough doubled-down in his "pro-germ theory" rhetoric when appearing on recorded public platforms/podcasts/events/etc. I suspect he's well-aware of the legitimacy of the "anti-germ theory" case but is too entrenched in alternative agendas. There's a document available in Dr. Amandha Vollmer's Telegram channel showing McCullough's many ties to the 'Big-Medicine' industry and well-connected funding for his endeavors. (EDIT: it wasn't ADV who wrote the document but a person named 'Omar Jordan' of the "DarksidePapers" channel, though I found it on ADV's channel... Uploaded PDF LINK here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qhnze8adU_rFGChJQxs2uJAhqwPQXYRC/view?usp=drive_link)

McCullough is a lost cause on this, folks.

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I don't have a telegram account. Do you know where one can get a copy of McCullough's ties to the medical industry that Vollmer cited.

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Edited my original comment to include the uploaded PDF (not actually Vollmer's work but it was uploaded and made available to her channel); it is a bit dated now, being written in August, 2021.

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Got it.

McCullough's most recent speech at EU Parliament has brought about another wave of adulation.

The first words out of his mouth reifies the lie that there was a pandemic caused by a unique viral pathogen that caused mass death.

"There have been two waves of injury to the world. The first is frrom the SARS-CoV-2 infection which preyed upon the ffrail and the elderly."

That's not at all what happened. It was murder by public policy- public health despotism and massive data fraud that made the "death toll" appear greater than what it was in Spring 2020.

His contention has always been with "the way it was managed." He's part of the problem.

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Just look at this comment under Sam's video, with all his earnings listed (from public source https://openpaymentsdata.cms.gov/physician/335114). He's literally making millions from big pharma and mainstream medicine.


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My comments on the segment, sent to my newsletter (and copied on my Substack). I use more formal language, as is customary in general posts vs anything i'd say right here.

Dr Sam Bailey notes that McCullough believes COVID-19 is a real unique disease, even though the WHO states that the only way to distinguish “COVID-19” is with tests which are labeled as inappropriate for diagnosis. He also believes it is transmitted via infection, even though there is no proof for that, and pushes “treatments.” After that, her husband Dr Mark Bailey, and Dr Kevin Corbett, a 3-decades veteran of truth campaigns, going back to AIDS/“HIV.”

They discuss numerous things re McCullough’s claims. Here are a few. McCullough (who makes the matter to be “they say no virus” vs “no proof for the existence of the virus,” a fundamental error) attributes the entire start of the questioning to statements by a contractor in testimony to a city council in a city in Alberta. Rubbish, given all the numerous people who had been questioning proof of this existence before that testimony took place, many of them with science background. He brings up as a core proof the alleged gain of function study by Baric at the U of North Carolina, supposedly combining HIV virus and SARS I virus, neither of which has ever been proven to exist via physical isolation and purification.

He claims scientists in China have isolated SARS-CoV-2 and use it in vaccines. Those studies actually created in-silico models from chemical mixtures. No one has ever isolated a whole virus out of an extract from a human. This is admitted by 218 global public health institutions in notarized responses to FOIs from Christine Massey and associates, responses which can be seen in at Massey’s page. https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/68-health-science-institutions-globally-all-failed-to-cite-even-1-record-of-sars-cov-2-purification-by-anyone-anywhere-ever/ McCullough cites antibodies, proteins which have never been authenticated to be associated exclusively with this virus, impossible o do without the physical isolation and purification of such a virus, as is true for any “test” for the presence of this virus.

What “health freedom movement” celebrities seem primarily intent upon appears to be keeping virology and testing services in business.

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I dont understand the comments for admiration and respect in any way for "Dr" Peter Mc whatever. A man is not judged by bits of pieces of himself but as a whole. He is a liar for promoting viruses and drugs. I wouldnt trust him and I wouldnt ask for his services, ever.

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It amuses me to see the controlled opposition trying to make out that those who know Germ theory has been falsified and stand up for the truth are somehow behaving reprehensibly by 'splitting' the freedom movement. There is NO freedom movement. There are people who want to know the truth and those who don't. I am an individual whose goal in life is to determine the truth and to disseminate it. If McCullough is wrong I will tell him to his face, if I were ever to meet him. Personally, I think he knows Germ theory is BS but he is a snake. I am entitled to this opinion and no one is going to guilt trip me into keeping my mouth shut just to preserve the unity of the 'freedom' movement.

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Looking through this batch of comments (107 of them as I write), I have the impression that a successful divide-and-conquer strategy is at work.

WE are the problem. Not "them". Our expectations of others far exceed our expectations of ourselves. Left uncorrected, this is a fatal error.

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Many thanks Mark and Sam. I have yet to view the video but I would like to let you know I have engaged people on Peter McCullough & John Leake's substack, Courageous Discourse. I am a not a doctor yet I managed to work things out in 2 months solid research in 2020, realising that virology was fundamentally flawed and all so-called viral diseases were in essence false in cause.

Doctors, even those largely ostracised by the mainstream, have still too much of themselves invested in the lies.

Nevertheless, what he does is to raise awareness in many of the deceits of vaccines, even if only the so-called COVID 19 vaccines. For many people this is the first time they have questioned the issue, and that is a great deal more than has been the case for too long. It provides a base for further discussion with those who understand the full issues.


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