War on Humanity is exactly the right term. If you have not already please consider turning this into a tangible booklet for purchase.

The facts on the ground show conclusively that vulnerable elderly, poor and disabled people were killed en masse in hospitals and nursing homes in Spring 2020 mainly via vents/propofol/fentanyl/midazolam applications. Neglect which resulted in starvation and dehydration also played a role in the slaughter as did mass cardiac arrest deaths which occurred at-home in urban centers- people stayed away from hospitals/ER's due to fear so early stage cardiac arrest symptoms were not treated.

Unilateral DNR's aided and abetted these crimes.

Following this individuals were killed en masse in hospitals using the same treatments as above as well as remdesivir, barcinitib and assorted toxic cocktails.

Following that we have the deadly addition of the toxic mRNA injections. Into that mix we must add deadly impacts of lockdowns and economic devastation. Any and all talk about a "virus" is superfluous- it was mass murder by policy from which large financial investors profited at a record setting pace- the largest upwards transfer of wealth in history- conveniently "Covid" provides cover for that.

Without the fear-mongering propaganda campaign no one would’ve noticed anything unusual about the last three flu seasons because there was nothing unusual, except for the criminal, murderous, and utterly unscientific lockdown policies and "health protocols" in response to the non- existent threat.

What happened in 2020 was simply that the flu was re-branded and repurposed- the term "Covid-19" was invented to turn the seasonal virus into the equivalent of the mythical “Al-Qaeda” meaning to terrorize the population with the false construct of a boogeyman.

The COVID phenomenon cannot be understood without understanding the un-televised 2019-2020 unprecedented financial collapse threatening the entire global financial system. What this manufactured crisis conveniently camouflages is that we are in the midst of a planned total economic collapse- a collapse which was inevitable.

The timing of the COVID fraud became necessary as world markets were faced with an emergency debt crisis in Fall of 2019 which popped up in formerly mostly liquid markets: Repo Markets, Money Markets and Foreign Exchange Markets. Western governments began a rush to salvage this decaying system, stem this cataclysmic landslide, bail out large scale investors and proactively install a security infrastructure to control the inevitable social disorder resulting from this collapse.

This to be followed by a global financial reset, after a period of hyperinflation, destroying both the value of debt and the corresponding paper claims. That’s the coup: global hyperinflation to vaporize the assets of the masses and the states in order to hand over public assets to private investors. This allows the ruling class to mop up properties (bankrupted small businesses, foreclosed homes etc.) in order to stake limitless claims on everything in the world. Without any external threat like a ‘Killer Virus’ this massive financial collapse would have immediately caused panic and threatened dollar credibility. Without the Covid-19 smokescreen this widespread Ponzi Scheme and the ongoing historical wealth transfer would be seen for what they are- ongoing theft by the financial aristocracy.

As the “War on Terror” illustrated, these deep events are constructed to exploit as many different lines of acquisition as possible. With the “Covid Pandemic” replacing the phony “War on Terror” yet another revamped “worldwide crisis” miraculously morphs into a ruling class multi-purpose golden opportunity. We are living through the biggest worldwide organized crime since WW2.

The scale of the deception is too large for even many who consider themselves “in the know” to accept or comprehend and remain trapped in some version of the “Covid” merry-go-round. Others are still asleep or traumatized as the social fabric is being smashed to pieces as the world around them is being completely transformed.

Put simply, Covid-19 was not a widespread medical emergency, it was a money laundering scheme, a massive psychological operation and a smoke screen for a complete overhaul and restructuring of the current social and economic world order.

Covid-19, the disease, is nothing more than a disease of ATTRIBUTION.

Covid-19, the media event, was the Trojan Horse constructed to usher in a complete transformation of our society.

Covid-19, the operation, was never an epidemiological event, it is a business model meant to increase the portfolios of the super-wealthy.

There is no such thing as “Covid 19” except as a criminal conspiracy.

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No words , you have said it all.

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Agreed BUT I still like to know what killed people so horribly. Seemed the symptoms were similar. Terrain in individuals would be very different, wouldn't they? So, was it mostly vaxed individuals who died? Maybe the data isn't able to be collated.

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This is a very interesting theory. Thanks.

I’m just wondering how you would answer the criticism of those who have worked through the periods with patients with unusual, never seen before symptoms such as blood clotting where the nurses were unable to draw the blood because of the clotting. Or unusual symptoms of hypoxia, rapidly progressing cytokine storms or pneumonias.

If the deliberate financial collapse is not going to affect the elites, as you seem to claim, how exactly are they going to avoid it?

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I've yet to see any solid evidence presented (thousands of hours of reading, videos, interviews and research) of anything unusual.

For example hypoxia is not unusual. Silent hypoxia (low blood oxygen in the absence of breathing distress) is a generic condition that routinely occurs with lung infections, depending on the pathophysiological circumstances.

Hypoxia is not specific to so-called COVID-19 postulated to be caused by a virus named SARS-CoV-2. This hypoxia = covid (novel pathogen) notion was advanced by medical propagandists.

Conclusion: Clinicians and influencers can come to idiotic conclusions during periods of pandemic propaganda.




Low oxygen sats are common to many illnesses.The belief that it's a unique symptom of Covid is also nonsense, the most common cause being COPD.

Loss of taste and smell is not unusual. Getting sick in new and different ways is not unusual. Rapidly progressing "cytokine storms" and pneumonia are not unusual.

Happy to look over any solid claims by nurses unable to draw blood and I will respond to that.

The elites- not only survive but thrive off of financial collapse as they transfer wealth to themselves while the rest of us go under. One easy to understand concrete example is that when small businesses go under and houses are foreclosed upon they are purchased wealthy individuals or financial firms for pennies on the dollar. Those assets will ultimately be sold back to the public often through subsidized (more theft) mechanisms.

Go back and see how this was done in the early 1900's in the US and again during the depression and more recently in 2008-9.

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Happy to look over any solid claims by nurses unable to draw blood and I will respond to that.’

This is one of the common issues I have come across between medical professionals who claim that covid19 was a new coronavirus versus those who claim that it wasn’t. Dr. Kory and others made such claims but I am not sure whether they published them. I’ve done some research and it is not uncommon to see micro-clots in the bloodstream but very unusual for them to abstract or prevent the drawing of blood from the veins.

Since you just read about it, how likely are you to respond to the issue in the manner of science behind it, since it seems to bee hands on. I hope you do because I’m personally interested in the science behind it.

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Actually, the issue is very simple indeed. Those who claim the virus exists, are the ones who have to provide scientific proof that should be allowed to be challenged by anyone.

Those who claim a causal connection between a virus circulating the population and pathogenic patterns, incl. micro-clots, are the ones who have to provide scientific, data-driven proof that should be allowed to be challenged by anyone.

Those who claim to have developed vaccines who have to prove that their products comply with the official vaccine definition, and their proof should be allowed to be challenged by anyone.

Those who claim their vaccine is safe and effective have to proof so on the basis of verifiable data, and their proof should be allowed to be challenged by anyone.

Absolutely none of this been allowed by the "authorities", who, as per their paymasters wishes, have suppressed any and all discussion about the "facts" they presented, using coercion, force and harsh punishment of those who refuse to shut up - Reiner Füllmich is a prime example.

What we are witnessing is an Orwellian world where everything has been upside down, and the onus to prove the negative has been imposed on the challengers.

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Thank you. You are making a lot of sense.

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I'm not sure what you are asking Tomasz. If you can clarify I'll try to answer.

I've looked into Pierre Kory and have been in extended discussions with others about him and his record and affiliations. He is not trustworthy to put it charitably.

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Hey Allen,

What I am looking for is the evidence that the micro-clotting Dr. Kory and others have been pointing to as the ‘new symptom’ of covid19 is not a new symptom. Since you have no clinical experience neither have I it may be difficult to determine this.

What do you think?

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One doesn't need clinical experience for that.

I've not seen any evidence from Kory or Cole or McCullough or...to substantiate that claim.

If you have statements by any of them I would be interested to examine the claim.

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This is the first I've heard of "blood clotting where nurses were unable to draw the blood because of the clotting". Could you please link to some articles on this?

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FWIW Erin Marie Olszewski reported 'covid' patients with sticky blood. She was the whistleblower who came up from Florida to work in NYC at the start of the 'pandemic'.

She said all the nurses called it 'covid blood' because it was hard to pull in a syringe. For context, she was one of the first nurses to blow the whistle (through a proxy on twitter or facebook) on ventilators and how they were murdering the patients. She eventually got spyglasses and recorded from inside the hospital (Elmhurst) including nurses fighting to save patients and being prevented from doing so by the doctors. The footage was used in a documentary by journeyman pictures.

She discusses the sticky blood in this interview.


I am not sure what her current views are on 'the virus', but she's always struck me as sincere, honest, courageous and with integrity. SHe acknowledged that most of the hospitals were empty but a few (like Emlhurst where she was assigned) admitted everybody (sick or not) and essentially did all they could to get them into a body bag (vents etc).

Whether by accident or by design I don't think we can rule out EMF as a potential cause of the sticky blood. Even basic live blood analysis can show that ordinary wifi can cause coagulation. The spikes in death at the start of 2020 were highly localised (even down to specific hospitals and care homes) and could easily have been caused by local EMF (wireless) pollution, along with the protocols (vents, midazolam, DNR etc). Large hospitals are notoriously full of EMF anyway because most of them have a ton of cell towers on their roof as well as wifi inside.

During March/ April it appeared to be a multi pronged assault to get the news stories they needed from those specific regions / hospitals .... in the absence of a 'virus' they had to create carnage through other means - just enough to 'sell' a pandemic to the public.

I've covered the blood issue in this video, including excerpts of Erin talking about it alongside live blood analysis etc.


Hope that is useful :)

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EXCELLENT vid, IMHO. (The 2nd one, Don't Blame it on the birds.) T-y!

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VERY interesting, t-y. Picky point: I would have said that EMF was a cause of LACK of coagulation; but gimme time to watch your vids....

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I think we're both right. As I understand it EMF can cause coagulation and lack of coagulation. Microwaves cause coagulation (rouleux) and low frequency radio waves (as in 'radio broadcast') can cause lack of coagulation - as was reported among the radio operators during the 'spanish flu'.

I don't think the second link I gave has the live blood analysis in it (still lots of info though). I can't remember what video it's in .... one of them.

But here's the original study (and lecture) by Lena Pu. She did live blood analysis on a teacher who was getting headaches in a wifi classroom. Her blood was destroyed after just one school day. She also wore a dosimeter and it was just regular wifi. The slides are horrific.


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I just responded to Allen on the theme

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Perhaps, but I don't see any links to anyone complaining about blood clots pre-vax...

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Obviously tomasz cannot provide a link, they can just provide a claim.

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Here is something I’m a bit confused about:

‘ Anticoagulation (AC) and COVID-19 ▴Top

From the earliest clinical experiences caring for COVID-19 patients, physician reports of excess clotting emerged from China and Italy [102-104]. Infections are recognized activators of inflammatory and coagulation responses as part of the host defense, and in COVID-19, although patients present with prominent elevation of D-dimer and fibrin/fibrinogen degradation products as is typically seen in traditional disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), either little or no abnormalities in prothrombin time (PT), partial thromboplastin time (PTT), and platelet counts are seen initially [102]. The term COVID-19-associated coagulopathy (CAC) was created to describe these abnormalities in tests, although typical impaired clotting that results in increased bleeding is not observed [102]. Conversely, nearly all published clinical reports describe CAC as a “hypercoagulable” condition.

Thromboelastography (TEG) has best elucidated the hypercoagulable nature of CAC given its ability to assess both the pro-thrombotic and hypocoagulable dynamics of whole blood as it forms clot under conditions of low shear stress. A group including one of the authors (PK) recently published a case series of TEG studies from the first wave of COVID-19 patients encountered which consistently revealed hypercoagulability with rapid and large amplitudes of clot formation with little to no fibrinolytic activity present [105, 106]. These early insights, along with the large amount of subsequent investigations reviewed below, served as an initial basis for the more aggressive anti-coagulation regimen incorporated within MATH+.

Given that investigations into CAC found severe hypercoagulability, it is unsurprising that the majority of published data report a higher than previously reported frequency of clotting in critically ill COVID-19 patients despite receiving thromboprophylaxis. Helms et al from France reported an incidence of 16.7% of venous thromboembolism (VTE) (mainly pulmonary embolism (PE)) in their COVID-19 respiratory failure patients, an incidence six-fold higher than a matched population of non-COVID ARDS patients treated a year prior. Equally alarming, 96.6% of patients on continuous renal replacement therapy developed circuit clotting. In two studies from Holland, the incidence of VTE in ICU patients was up to one-third by day 7 and greater than 50% after day 14 [72, 79].

In a lower extremity ultrasound screening study of an ICU population with two-thirds on systemic AC and one-third on thromboprophylaxis, VTE was found in 69% of the patients, with a 100% incidence in those on prophylaxis and 56% in patients on AC [107]. The VTE rates reported in the above ICU populations of COVID-19 patients are magnitudes higher than the approximate 8% rate of VTE reported in previous studies of non-COVID-19 ICU patients receiving thromboprophylaxis [108].

In contrast to COVID-19 ICU patients, the rates of VTE in COVID-19 hospitalized ward patients have been lower. Middeldorp reported a cumulative 9.2% incidence of VTE, similar to pre-COVID-19 incidences in non-ICU patients; however, another study found a cumulative incidence of 27% with 4% arterial thrombosis resulting in a composite incidence of 29% [109, 110]. However, not all studies of hospital ward patients found such high incidences, for instance Lodigiani et al reported a 6.6% incidence in this population while Cattaneo et al found that in a population of 388 COVID-19 patients, 64 underwent screening leg ultrasound, and no patient developed VTE [111].


What do you think?

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"COVID-19" diagnosis is INDEPENDENT of any symptoms per WHO "COVID-19" case definition.

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Allen does not have to answer anything. As you make the claim you should provide the answer, which can be data provided by experts that back up your claim.

> If the deliberate financial collapse is not going to affect the elites, as you seem to claim, how exactly are they going to avoid it?

They do not want to avoid it since they have engineered in the 1st place, just like the crisis in 2008/2009.

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Gorilla-ping News! Worst Fears Realized! Monkey Bug swings to Humans!

Good evening! This is Wolf Howler, swinging in live from Chimp News Network. Tonight’s tree top story: The Monkeypox 'virus,' which has been monkeying around in primate populations for years, has finally swung over to humans. Dubbed “Homo-Primate 1,” or HP-1 for short, this capricious virus is causing bizarre and comical symptoms across the globe, leaving health officials scratching their heads - and their armpits.

Top baboon at Chimp Disease Control, Dr. Anthony Fauchimpanzee con-furmed that ground zero was a Chinese supermarket worker newly arrived from King Kong at the famous grocery chain “Banana Republic.” Wang Chimpao, 33, fell ill after after handling a particularly suspicious banana. Sequenced by Genetic Gibbon, the banana was found to have the letters M-O-N-K-E-Y-P-O-X laser-printed on its peel in Comic Ape MS font. Fauchimpanzee remarked at a-pe press conference that this was the first recorded case of zoonotic transmission from monkeys to humans via digital graffiti.

As the virus swings into action, experts advise consulting with a doctor should unusual behaviours exhibit themselves. Mild symptoms include –

Fruit hoarding: Those affected by HP-1 have developed a compulsion to stash fruit everywhere – pockets, bags, desk drawers - fearing an impending banana shortage.

Chimp Chat: Patients mimic others’ voices, with the enthusiasm of a cheeky parrot, leading to awkward situations.

Banana Peel Banter: A tendency to toss banana peels over the shoulder after eating, making any surface a potential slip-and-slide hazard.

Footsie Fixation: Using feet for everyday tasks, such as picking up objects, changing TV channels, or teeth brushing, much to the amusement and confusion of onlookers.

For those experiencing long Hp-1, here’s what to look for -

Primate Posture: Victims develop a slouched, knuckle-walking gait, causing slow, shuffling movements that signal extreme fatigue.

Vine Swinger Reflex: An uncontrollable desire to grab anything hanging - curtains, power cords, or subway strap handles. The sight of humans doing Tarzan like swings between strap handles on the subway is hilarious until someone loses a tooth from excessive swinging.

Loose Sexual Mores: Swingers’ clubs have become the latest viral sensation, and fears loom large over other 'transmissible' diseases.

Tree Top Napper: Sudden, irresistible urges to climb anything tall and take a nap – be it a bookshelf, a ladder, or a co-worker - leading to a spate of accidents.

Coconut Crackdown: An inexplicable compulsion to smash open coconuts with bare hands or heads, often mistaking other round objects for coconuts, with regrettable outcomes.

Health officials urge everyone to keep an eye out for these symptoms and consult with a healthcare professional if you find yourself acting a little too …. Primate for comfort. Dr. Fauchimpanzee leaves us with more inimitable words of wisdom, “Stay vigilant, stay calm, and whatever you do – don’t feed the monkeys!

Stay tuned for all the latest monkey business with Wolf Howler at Chimp News Network!

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Brilliant!!! 🐵😅🙈🤣🙉😂🙊🐒🦍🦧

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HUGE THANKS!! GREATLY APPRECIATED! In the original version I went APE!! This is a much abbreviated list of symptoms! I didn't want to induce a widespread panic!

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Keep it up and you’ll have me dying of laughter. All we need is for “them” to declare a plan$camdemic caused by you spreading fatal belly laughs from continent to continent. Maybe they’ll name the vaxxine for it after you.

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LOL 😀😀👍👍

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PCR is not only wrong for disease diagnosis but also wrong in is basis.


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(P) ure (C) rap (R) eal time!!!

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For real!

And Kary Mullis knew his "test" was erroneously and mistakenly used for decades as a "diagnostic" tool for various and sundry "diseases" yet only spoke up in 2019 against it being so used.

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His test was 1st misused in the 1980s to diagnose another a disease caused by the non-existent virus HIV.

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Mullis protested PCR's being used to diagnose disease long before 2019.

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This resource is pure gold! I can't count the number of times it has armed me with the necessary arrows in my quiver to fight on the front lines of Substack against those perpetuating the "CON-VID 19 Fraud" and its ongoing "War Against Humanity" with the 'latest' so-called scariants - like "avian poo" and "monkey-bollox!" On 3 or 4 occasions I used this natural living treasure without recognizing its original authorship, for which I publicly apologize. I've learned from my past mistakes and now ensure all quoted information is properly credited.

Friends of the Rebel Alliance, pack this heat - for it will help destroy the Death Star that now assails us.

"May the Force be with you!"

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Husband was kidnapped from a Maine hospital's ER in May 2021 whereby the fake PCR test was used, and he was declared to have fake covid, and locked up for 9 days in a newly created covid unit until I could figure out how to advocate for him.

NO visitors were allowed so the hospital staff had full control of the situation.

He went to the ER based on a small head injury from a fall and needed sutures.

The report on Covid 19 fraud and War on Humanity is excellent; I downloaded it and will read it later this evening.

Big thank you!

Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)

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Why husband came out alive is unknown to us at the moment.

The Cares Act provided plenty of financial incentives - via hospital protocols.

Has anyone done a condensed report on those financial incentives instead of reading hundreds and hundreds of pages?

Plenty have been murdered via hospital protocols.

Thank you!

Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)

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Dear Lise, thank you for sharing your story. What a horrible thing that happened to your husband. With regard to the CARES Act we provide an overview in a subchapter of our book The Final Pandemic called "Stuffing Their Mouths With Gold".

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Dr Sam Bailey, and Dr Mark Bailey: This is immense!!! Thank you so very much!!

And we are now finding that the magnitude of the fraud is WAY beyond what even we (those of us who suspected or even realized fraud was involved) had imagined.

Eric Francis Coppolino interviews a doctor in Vienna about the recent information COUP by journalist Aya Velazquez regarding the very revealing the release to her, via a whistleblower, of the corona “pandemic” records of Germany’s Robert Koch Institute, Germany’s equivalent of the US’s CDC.


Coronavirus pandemic fraud was far worse than anyone imagined. All the corona pandemic records of the Koch Institute, the German CDC, were released to investigative journalist Aya Valasquez, who has made them public. Eric Francis Coppolino, 8/14/24.

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A fraud which coincided perfectly with the rollout of 5G. Influenza gets its name as being known to be caused by the "influence of the stars" (e.g. electromagnetic energy):


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Convenient that Kary Mullis died right before the pandemonium.

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F.y.i.: https://interestofjustice.substack.com/p/who-to-declare-monkey-pox-a-pheic?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=825071&post_id=147561157&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=1v66dm&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email

Timed right after the 2024 olympics; W.H.O. TO DECLARE MONKEY POX A PHEIC GLOBAL EMERGENCY ON AUGUST 14, 2024?!!!

Folks, WHO is set to declare another "emergency". We need to get the PCR test discredited and stop the WHO's fake emergency pandemic product peddling profiteering - PHEIC's are fake!

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This “Fraud”, which is explained in the article, is done so well it’s like a magic trick that is done so successfully that it has even tricked the magicians into believing it is real.

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Covid 19 was a liberal lie. Scare tactic to have mail in ballots to cheat in the last election

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This is especially helpful as the WHO mafia just declared a new "pandemic" - based on the same fiction as the last one.

Do you know where a German version can be found for the really lazy?

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Having seen quite a bit of Kary Mullis's stuff - I have no problem believing the entire medical system was inverted by the evil rockerfellers.

Thank you both for your dedication to truth. xoxo

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Thank you for this…again x 1000000!

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I remember my family and I were in New Zealand in the February of 2020, celebrating a family wedding, when all the hype started. We made it back to Australia just in time for Victoria’s imprisonment that the Andrews’ Government called “lockdowns.”

I was a RN and Nurse Immuniser at a local GP Clinic and the amount of pressure, coercion, ridicule, bullying and deceit that was perpetrated upon the patients and staff was off the charts.

I almost immediately started questioning the narrative about cases, social distancing, PCR tests, the lack of annual influenza cases that were conveniently being replaced with Covid. Then of course when they commenced administering the injections, it became almost unbearable to go into work. I was the only medical staffer that refused the jab, and boy did I pay for it.

I was “offered” the AstraZeneca first, then the Pfizer, I refused both. I was ignored by one GP and was talked about by my colleagues to other staff members about my conspiracy theories and ignorance towards the jab. Once all the staff were “vaccinated”, one doctor suggested that all staff wear a badge stating that they were fully vaccinated. I told the Practice Manager that such actions would make me feel like I was off on a train to a camp somewhere and that I might as well don the Star of David.

After the roll out of the jabs, I was kept busy doing ECGs and D-dimer blood tests on our unsuspecting clientele. Not too many people put two and two together. One patient told me that when the doctor was running the Covid vaccine clinic, he wouldn’t even wait for her to take her garments off to expose the deltoid area, he just jabbed her through her clothes. Other doctors would consent the patients stating it was safe and effective.

I think back on those days and I still feel physically ill. There was pressure from AHPRA and the ANMF not to say anything negative about the vaccines. The world was under a mass hypnosis. Some friends were quite aloof when they found out about my decision not to get jabbed. Some patients were mortified, I became a potential granny killer. After twenty years of studying and practicing as a RN, I was told to leave my position as senior clinical nurse and not to step foot back on the premises, only if I decided to get jabbed.

I became depressed for a while, but now I feel enlightened. I could never go back to nursing because I can now see with clarity that the system is failing, and that some things I learnt at university was not necessarily correct. I feel like we have been lied to and there’s no coming back from that.

I found lots of amazing doctors and scientists that I follow to this day. I am so grateful to have found The Baileys. They are a shining light amongst the darkness and voices of reason and reassurance in a world that has gone just a little mad.

Goodness will prevail.

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Casey Means was a Stanford-educated surgeon.

Her brother Calley was a lobbyist for pharma and the food industry.

Both quit their jobs in horror when they realized how many people were being killed by the systems they participated in.

This is an amazing story.

The total collapse of the modern health system.


(0:54) Who Are Casey and Calley Means?

(10:16) Seed Oils and the Lies of the Food Pyramid

(22:20) Vaccines for Newborns

(34:41) Why Is the Medical Industry Ignoring This?

(44:38) The Spiritual Crisis

(52:23) Chemicals Linked to Cancer and Early Puberty

(1:00:13) Ozempic

(1:15:35) The Birth Control Pill

(1:30:12) The Rise of Dementia

(1:36:27) Why Obamacare Is Harmful and How to Fix the Medical Industry

(1:50:55) Infertility

(2:05:21) Michelle Obama’s Weaponization of Sugar in Schools

(2:10:24) What Should We Be Eating?

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Good one to share with your normie friends who scoff at the idea that germ theory is BS....it's a soft introduction to the scam of modern "healthcare".

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