When I was a kid they removed my tonsils, and everyone else's, these crazy medical indoctrinated doctors and surgeons.

It's a mad world.

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Call me a pussy but... the part about grafting foreskins onto mice then slashing them with scalpels and rubbing them with sandpaper was... hard to watch!

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The globalists push the scam of infection and viruses to keep you sick, controlled and permanently in fear.

The indoctrination camps ( universities) funded by the elites, make sure every new student gets his fair share of programming, conditioning, and indoctrination,

Just trust the science,

Always trust authority figures and people in white Coats.

We have all fallen for the fraud and deception .start your life a fresh,

Do your own due diligence, don't trust the science , always analyse evaluate, challenge and critically think.


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I can’t wait to see what Malone, McCullough, Cole, Bigtree, Micowits, Willis, etc. of the so called “truth & freedom” movement have to say.

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Imagine my surprise, with govt its always one damn fake threat after another.

All we need to do is stop believing in the false and their fake narrative will dissolve.


“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.”

― H.L. Mencken

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More virus nonsense. A sore throat is a sore throat. Perhaps your body creates a sore throat because it wants you to slow down eating so it can work on repairing itself rather that the arduous task of digesting food. I seriously doubt these medical whizzes can decipher one sore throat from another.

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Thank you for another great video and for bringing some sanity to this topic. Wish we could get more parents to consider this.


Mike Donio

My Substack is https://stillinthestorm.substack.com

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I had a feeling the next PLandemic would be bacterial.

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Off topic:

Where is the best place to subscribe to Sam... anyone? I was subscribed to her Subscribe star but don't like it.. not well organised and non searchable. Then I changed to her website but we can't comment/discuss there. Substack seems pretty good. Are there any downsides? Many thanks.

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You're Brilliant. God bless you & My book has just arrived. You're doing a Grand job & service to humanity. Merry Christmas

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I support terrain theory but am confused about certain issues. What about sepsis, which if not treated with antibiotics will quickly lead to death?

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I’m so thrilled that you are trying to educate so many people about real science! I’ve been a massage therapist for over 25 years and was amazed over time how my clients were slowly indoctrinated into taking medications unnecessarily.

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Hi Dr. Sam. I really enjoy your videos and has purchased Virus Mania, which I have read about 30% so far.

Question. I got a lung illness whilst away more than 800KM for a project. Coughing and fever. When I returned, with in 3 days, my wife had the same illness. I don’t understand, because we had different diets and different environments. What made her sick with the same thing?

Many thanks

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Merry Christmas, Sam and Mark!

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Thanks obedient one.

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The other point I would like to be able to answer, when terrain theory is questioned, is genital herpes, which new sufferers seem to be quite sure they have caught from a sexual partner.

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