BY this time the so-called doctors that don't see it or don't want to see it for the money still generating the made up medical fiasco and to save embarrassment of some years of time consuming of indoctrination leading to a fake diploma on the wall.

Thank you for all you do Dr Sam and Dr Mark Bailey

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Make sure to check https://odysee.com/@NotSure1984:1/Anatomy-of-the-State---Full-Audiobook:d to understand who is enabling the "medical fiasco" - I would actually argue it's a great success, as it was only intended to harm and kill people, not to heal them.

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Thank you lbrybor, I look forward to listening to it asap.

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You madam are a super hero

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Keep EXPOSING. it's working !!!!!

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That unfalsifiable paradigm that there is a virus whether or not there are cytopathic effects reminds me of the witch test in medieval times parodied by Monty Python’s Holy Grail. Duck the witch and if she drowns, hard luck - dead. If she floats, she’s a witch and gets executed - hard luck - dead.

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LOL! I busted nuts watching that! One drowned! One floated! Now, I'm childless!

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thank you for reminding me to I SHOULD re read this great book.

One can get a copy here: https://mises.org/library/book/anatomy-state

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I wonder at what those days were really like, crowd mentality, the fever of another witch hunt and yet Many great mansions were built' - I only guess that a few wise ones avoided the masses if it were true.

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"It's a fair cop."

That's Brit Speak for something like, "I guess I got a fair trial."


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Unbelievable that people still fall for the scam of "justice"...


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While I agree with your apparent scorn for how the Western idea of "justice" actually works in real life, I totally disagree with the idea that govt is "absolutely necessary." That's about how far I got, I'm sorta zonked and falling asleep, lol. Not your fault. But tell me what you like or didn't like about this audiobook?

Do you feel like summing it up?

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I’ll try to look at this sometime, I’m under the gun right now, almost literally, and in a little bit of a crisis of having my sheep together… My computer is being all stupid, and I’m not techie enough to deal with it in a hurry. And I’m in a hurry…. xo

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Fraudulent Promotions Inc. is proud to present its latest album release, “Mythical Microbes.” This ripping compilation brings together the best in Skunk Rock* featuring:

1. “Blietzkrieg Bad Batch” – Scaremoans

2. “Monarchy for the UKHSA” – Jab Pistols

3. “Vaccines Culling” – The Cash

4. “God Save the Scheme” – Jab Pistols

5. “I wanna be Jabbed” – The Idiots

6. “Meryl Mess is a Pseudoscientist” – Scaremoans

7. “Suspect Device” – Stiff Little Ventilators

8. “Complete Control” – The Cash

9. “Gimme Gimme Mock Treatments” – The Ivermectin’s

10. “Vial Riot” – The Cash

11. “Ever Fallen in Love (with a theory you shouldn’t have)” – The ViroLieGists

12. “Pretty Vaccine Injured” – Jab Pistols

13. “New Ruse” – The Damned Germ Theorists

14. “Teenage Sicks” – The Undertakers

15. “Rise Above Reason” – Black Fauci’s

16. “Mandates Uber Alles” – Dead Family’s

Tickets are sold-out for the global “Mythical Microbes” tour. Due to dismantling of the contagion myth in some hot spot areas, some dates have been cancelled:

Evidence of a Virus Arena – London

Valid Control Stadium – Paris

Independent Variable Hall – Berlin

Madison Non-Circular Reasoning – New York

Skunk Rock * is the street name for an offshoot of Punk. The name was coined due to the foul odor of the viral myths perpetuated through the genre’s lyrics, staged performances, and the relentless promotion of falsehoods by the MSM (Mutt Stream Media).

Get ready to question everything you thought you knew about microbes and mosh to the music of deceit!

For deceptional use only. Fraudulent Promotions Inc. assumes no responsibility for the spread of misinformation, the propagation of bad science, or the litany of mental and physical harms caused by exposure to its product.

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This is brilliant! Love it !

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Fantastic! LOL!

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Huge Thanks! Greatly appreciated!

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Long live Joey Scaremoan!

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Sold out?

Wo is me.

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A ViroLiegist’s Ode to his ‘Scientific’ Method

In a lab of shadows, under dim light’s crest,

A scientist toils with a fraudulent test.

With a wink and a nod, he amplifies RNA ‘strains’,

Nucleotide sequences, free from provenance’s chains.

"Behold!" he cries, "A virus here lies!"

From non-specific data, the truth he denies.

With a magician’s flair, he takes a grand swab,

From an ‘infected’ soul, in a theatrical job.

He places the sample in cultures diverse,

A genetic soup mixed to make things perverse.

But nothing occurs in this merry charade,

So, he starves and poisons, in a grim masquerade.

The cells, once healthy, now wither and die,

He laughs with glee, and points to the sky.

"The cytopathic effects, a virus has wrought!"

But in truth, it’s antibiotics that cell death brought.

Circular reasoning, his faithful old friend,

Declares a virus at this farcical end.

No controls, no variables to compare,

Why seek the truth, when deception pays ‘fair’?

He skips the steps that real science holds dear,

In this farce of research, true findings disappear.

A dance with no balance, a play with no plot,

He crafts his own story, where facts matter not.

The whitecoats run algorithms, in a digital charade,

On a biological soup, a genetically messy parade.

Genomes stitched in a computing grand scheme,

Feather in the cap, for the circular reasoning team.

Through algorithmic smoke, no microbe’s found true,

A mythical mirage, from start to end view.

Onward he presses, with metals so heavy,

Stains cells in a process both crude and unsteady.

Electron microscopy, the grand final act,

He snaps fuzzy pictures, his ‘evidence’ racked.

With arrows he points, and loudly declares,

"A virus! A virus!" but reality glares.

So, here we conclude, this tale of deceit,

From fraudulent tests and fallacies replete.

Conjured and crafted by pseudoscience’s hand,

In shadows you dance, where falsehoods expand.

An ode to the folly, a tribute to lies,

In viroliegy’s realm, where truth only dies.

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A magic show of note!

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HUGE THANKS! Greatly appreciate the positive feedback!

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Wow it might be a coincidence but SV40 is the model Volvo I drive - so does this suggest that Monkey Pox originated in Swedish Bio-lab?

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LOL! If it was a computer lab, the possibility is high. Either way, I suspect monkey business!

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Ha Primates on playdates and bright woolen mittens?

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A swingers club where the participants tread a fine line between going ape and handling each other with kid gloves

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Haha - sounds like those kid gloves are made by spinning yarns sourced from the fleecing of Dolly the sheeple?

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All this talk of spinning yarns is making me truly enjoy this thread.

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And if we keep tinkering and toying – swinging from this thread – we might see the material offered by the virus lab coats continue to unravel?

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😃😃 The fleecing begins with those trying to pull the wool over our eyes.

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Small correction: there is a V40 and there is an S40, the SV40 Volvo does not exist, unless you are driving the "YANMAR’s SV40, our 4-ton class mini excavator, is powered by a 39 HP Tier 4 Final YANMAR engine." (https://www.vcesvolvo.com/equipment/sv40/).

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It's a new strain of 'virus'

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No matter - so long as it has a back seat

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Humphrie Dumb-ty sat on a wall,

Humphrie Dumb-ty had a great fall,

All the king's horses and all the king's men,

Couldn't stitch her 'logic' together again.

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I'm glad you got the Humphries/Humpty thing taken care of because I didn't want to have to do that myself.

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Logic slams the door on the existence of viruses

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You are shrewd and perceptive, so I believe your surname is spelled "Savvy" and not "Savie." If I am in error, please forgive me.

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Monkey business.

(The snake oil fraudsters love to keep their media memes hidden in plain sight.)

The deluded virologists perceive what they believe, if they do not its humiliation and end of their career(its about ego). They do not isolate and they just observe cell death( a normal cell function) and extracellular vesicles generated by all cells carrying nucleic acids proteins as something it is not.

Controlled opposition are the big players here at Substack, as they wanted people to believe in convid( using fear, flawed lineal logic and non sequiturs) so to do they try to keep people believing in "viruses". But as no " virus" has ever been physically isolated or proven virology (and trying to perpetuate the 1861 Germ hypothesis) is a game of fool$.

For me the shift from the fear paradym( made up boogeymen) is the important part as it frees the mind up to use reasoning skills as being in a state of fear does not allow. Being in fear is the ( unconscious) State control mechanism.

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So it's settled, the SV40 component, is just part of a monkey brewed with poisons.

Thank you, that was my last Q on this topic.

No virus exits.....

.that's a big Miracle. 😁

Comprehensively proven and all avenues covered.

Gratitude for the immense work done by all you guys, the best.

The future is brighter if we embrace this astonishing truth.

Praise the Creator Almighty,

For his design is perfection.

A big cheers


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Interested? OK, explore the basic principles of what makes sense and what doesn't make sense.

A fable:

You observe or experience similar discomfort in a group of people. They all have similar complaints.

You want to help yourself, and others, to find relief. So far, your thinking is reasonable.

Next, the King's emissaries officially proclaim that they know the singular cause of the discomfort and also the singular means of relief.

If you accept the claims of the King's emissaries without proof, your thinking is no longer reasonable.

If you find discrepancies in the explanation of the singular cause, it is reasonable to dismiss the explanation and disregard the King's emissaries, even if you don't know the cause(s) of discomfort.

Does that help sort things out?

mark spark


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The discomfort comes from your soul telling you... hey! watch out!

Your soul always knows before you do, that's why it has time to warn you of...

And that's why it is the only voice we must listen to, to guide us through one life and it's in you, in your heart. The compass is where the heart is and always it will tell you the truth but it can only be felt... through the heart, not told and certainly not told by others.

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I suppose just add the Humphries/Humpty-Dumpty joke and that draws the King's men in.

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Great video, this was always a talking point before I was 'no-virus'.

Can you make a video about the WHO sending a million polio vaccines into Gaza despite there being zero cases, because they 'found poliovirus' in sewage?

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Bravo, Dr Sam Bailey! Once again, a superb job revealing the fraud occurring at different levels. First, at the level of the official narrative which makes spurious unproven claims about virus "discoveries" and attributions to them as being pathogens And second, at the level of the "freedom" community which all too often parrots the official narrative.

Indeed, sadly, there are those in the "freedom" community whose financial interests rest upon the virus narrative being valid, people such as Joseph Mercola ("Wellness" Company) and Kevin McKenrnan (and CHD), and others like Suzanne Humphries whose investment in the narrative seems to be ideological. The latter take the acknowledgement by "no proof of virus" advocates of the fact that a substance named SV-40 does exist to mean that we acknowledge the existence of viruses, as if that substance has been demonstrated to be a virus and shown to be a pathogen. This notion is little more than bait and switch, intellectual dishonesty in the extreme.

Truly mind blowing about how attempts to grow alleged SARS-CoV-2 samples in human lung cells (a respiratory virus, after all, right?), other human cells cells or the cells of bats ("bat coronavirus," after all) fail , yet "Cytopathic Effect" results via green monkey kidney cells, which react to anything, including the antibiotic and anti fungal additives used in cell culture experiments are taken as proof for the existence of SARS-Cov-2

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Very cleverly presented Dr Sam, a 'smiling knife' to those germ theory enthusiasts!

Dis-ease is looked through a new pair of eyes thanks to you and many others. Dawn Lester is right, be vigilant, many serpents are looking after their vested interests.

Best health to you and family.

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So you know, the other co-author of "Dissolving Illusions" is also in need of some education on the virus (and contagion) issue. While not as dogmatically against the "no-virus" position as his colleague, from memory Bystrianyk uses the "well, maybe there are no such thing as viruses, but I'm not convinced on the no contagion, and why does it even matter?" line of fence-sitting.

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