It will be the eventual exposure of the sars cov 2 virus fraud as being based on no virus, that will be the biggest shock to the world population. The anger of this deception will be beyond belief.

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Unfortunately I do not believe the deceived are capable of anger. They have lost all sense of self belief and logic and just want everything to continue as it was before regardless of the consequences. The truthers who want freedom from the lies are the ones that upset them and the life they think will continue undisturbed. Thinking logically about the last 3 years and why it happened is painful and humiliating for them. I know some have realised the depth of deception but, most just want to forget.

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Oh, I disagree. Have you ever been lied to? And then found out about it? And the lie killed your family members and/or lots of friends? I can't imagine how there will not be a Mighty, Mighty Rage.

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The problem with your argument, is the yawning difference between 'finding out about the lies' & never being able to wake up from the self-imposed prison of delusion - that everything is just the way it is supposed to be - because there are great 'leaders' who always tell us the truth while making sure of our 'safety & well-being'. It's all a sick & deadly delusion - start to finish, & the only way to deal with it, is to ...WAKE THE F#%k UP!

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Fine. So if we're all deluded, how do we know that everything is NOT the way it is supposed to be?

I'm not saying you're wrong, and I'm not saying people are not living in a state of being unaware (clearly, there are many who are), but how do we know that WE have everything clearly and right?

My "argument" is that when people DO realize they've been attacked and treated wrongly, and maybe egregiously badly, they get angry. Pretty much everybody is going to be angry about having evil done to them without justification of any kind (that makes any sense).

It appears that you are interpreting what I said as an "argument" that people will NEVER wake up from the "self-imposed prison of delusion." I am not saying that at all. This is not a "self-imposed" anything, it's a Psy-Op. Big difference.

I would suggest, and I would ARGUE, that negativity is actually a hindrance in the overall balance of Right/Wrong, Good/Evil, Success/Failure... I think in all things we think and do there is somewhere a division, like the zero on a number line, that puts things into the negative, or into the positive. If you behave/believe as if "People" will NEVER or they will ALWAYS do this or that, you are putting LIMITS on the idea of possibility, on the idea of change, on the idea of REDEMPTION, and you can take that as a religious/spiritual concept, or as a psychological/sociological concept. But I put it to you, if your attitude is rage against the victims of a Psy-Op because they haven't been able yet to "wake the fuck up," then you are contributing to the NEGATIVE.

Try Hoping for/Praying for/ Considering the POSSIBLITY of all these people to become centered and awake, and send them GOOD VIBES to have the strength, fortitude and bravery to do it.

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Maybe everyone is right? Maybe the PsyOps have manufactured such an insidious consent that we are all trapped? Maybe that is exactly how we overcome this - together. Misdirected anger will harm us all?

GOOD VIBES are 100% necessary. Kill anger and fear - those are our real chains.

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I'm not sure about killing anger, for such emotion is rightfully attached to the suffering & death these vile globalist elitists have brought upon us all, however fear is the big enemy. Fear is their main weapon against us, so our aim really should be to deal with their endless threats designed to build fear in us, by realising that they are foolish beyond measure & their threats & fear hold no power over us - as long as we apprehend this sick game. Their biggest concern right now, is that we will NOT live in fear & we will NOT comply with their insanity. Such is our most powerful weaponry.

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Be angry but do not let the sun go down on your anger.

This is because you will not sleep well. We must express anger in the best productive way possible, but at the end of the day it is in the hands of God.

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While it's not hard to see your heart is on the right track - of looking for answers, yet you may well be in the class of the most deluded of all folk - wanting to play nice n friendly, while your enemies are ravenously eating your kinfolk for breakfast. WAKE UP before it's too late!

1. I did NOT suggest we are all deluded. Those folk who can't bring themselves to ask a question or two about our sick & sinking society surely run as it is by demonic leaders - are those, due to a general inability to delve beyond their closed-minded belief that everything is the way it should be, are the sad folk who are hopelessly deluded - by their inability to deal with their self-imposed prison of invalid trust in 'overlords' who would kill them in a second to get their last few cents, rather than offer them a slice of bread.

2. 'We' can only tell (& ONLY we can tell) if we are doing enough to counter the insanity of the mainstream narrative which is constantly droning on as designed - all in order to lull us into a false complacency & obedient compliance to those same evil overlords.

3. It's not at all about doing everything 'right'. Heck don't you know we all make mistakes & fall down occasionally, so it's all about being able to brush yourself off & get back on the horse for another go - while you still have the focus & fortitude to do so. But as for your 'psyop' argument; firstly we need to deal with the fact that we are constantly deluged with one insane psyop after another. It's designed this way to keep us unbalanced & to repetitively seize our attention with a new terror - BEFORE we've had time to work out what just happened with the last bout of insanity. Part II follows ..................

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Part II

But all that is dependent upon one initially being aware of the problem with psychological operations (psyops) in the first instance. Yet the vast majority of folk have never even heard the term & have no inkling they are being played like a hopelessly broken fiddle from morning to sunset - & beyond. So how the heck are they ever going to work it out - especially since they have generally become part of the apparatus of guilt, rejection & suppression - such as the mindless plebs who still call anyone who isn't wearing a mask & jabbed to the eyeballs their mortal enemy, & even refuse to speak to their neighbours & relatives - who in turn know better?

So you might not think it is a self-imposed prison, but to my mind if some people have worked out some (perhaps many) of the details underpinning this insanity, but those on the other side choose to continually denigrate them for knowing something that they refuse to so much as hear, then I say they are in a self imposed prison of delusion, & the sooner we let them go where the current deems to take them - downstream & beyond, the better for all concerned.

So again, what you seem to fail to negotiate, is that the unwavering psyop after psyop trainwreck that is our reality right now, is all about building & maintaining a suppression system within society, where everyone is cowering in private mortal fear of as many terrors as they can invent - all of us isolated & locked down WITHIN our personal prisons of delusion, distractions & overwhelming insanity. Part III follows ....

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Agree 100-. They will wake or suffer the logical consequences. We will need to help them find the right uses for this anger. They are waking now and all around us. Either we recognize this and come to terms or we all fail.

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No, I think we will not need to "help" them do anything... We simply MODEL THE BEHAVIOR we want them to be part of. THEY are not the problem. The EVIL ONES are the problem. How do we undo their EVIL? THAT, to me, is the job.

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Ridicule the ridiculous like the Riddikulus spell in Harry Potter. I constantly do so on my website. Such as Ashish Jha.


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Yes, indeed! They hate that. ;)

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@ The Grumpy Old Man ... You seem to either forget, or otherwise be ignorant of the immense problem of cognitive dissonance. Around 99% of the sheeple are simply unable to negotiate their own disconnected belief system - in which they would rather trust/believe the deceptions, lies & idol worship of their (so-called) leaders, even if those leaders are directing them to jump off a cliff, than to so much as ask a question or two. They are so deeply invested in their cult of personality, to begin to look for the path to honesty & relevance.

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Once again this wonderful woman nails it.

I gave Kennedy, bigtree, a wide betrh 2 years ago, as for project veritas and Carlson joe rogan I already had worked out their apeasment and deception pointed to there position being suspect , highly suspect.

When you hide from debate when you are obviously avoiding meaningful conversations about possibly the biggest single topic in the last few years you know there is something happening in the background.

They are not stupid people they call out others for exactly what they are doing.

If it looks like a duck likes water, can swim and goes quack , guess what it's a duck.

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The problem we have is no matter what the foot soldiers, the useful idiots are still pushing legislation and regulations and enforcing laws , so yes our freedom , rights and liberty are being vaporised.

In the uk they spray our skies daily and yet if you point up to the sky and ask someone what these trails that spread and join up are they will looked bemused offer some excuse and show zero intrest in your explanation.

It's the same with viruses even amongst the so called alt awake the just do not engage in meaningful conversations.

As for bird flu and the constant culling of the flocks and the insane regime of testing that has been going on for 2 years in the uk , mention that and they are most likely think you are insane.

No honestly if you see the looks I get and they quickly run away.

I have a very canny delivery soft approach as not to alarm people but it matters not.

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Try being less clear... I say things like, "I am tired of govt's that just lie and steal." But generally I don't say much at all, I try to engender community and and companionship/friendliness/kindness, because a POSITIVE insert can be far more effective than a negative truth. And positivism is a GREAT weapon against what the Evil Ones are trying to do... which is Divide and Conquer to a great degree.

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Perhaps people need to wake up slowly, one little step at a time. The world is just just coming to terms with the fraud of Covid, the vaccines, PCR's, lock-downs, QR's and the social distancing fiasco. To rub salt further into the wound of knowing the lies that go back decades using fraudulent pseudoscience virology, is probably too much for most people to cognitively handle, but I feel we are getting there at a rapid rate thanks to people like you and Mark. The truth train is well and truly at full steam ahead and nothing can stop the momentum. Choo-Choo!! 😁❤️🙏

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Right on.

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Spot on. It is frustrating when for someone like me I understood what was going on in 2020, much of it by June that year, but others will not be so quick.


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The Corona PSYOP: A “Bombshell” Video by Project Veritas Preparing the “Herd” for the Next Plandemic

The goal is to keep the “herd” in FEAR, by continuously reinforcing the contagion narrative


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Indeed, for as long as the general population is terrified of a hidden enemy (that doesn't exist), they remain primed - even for begrudging capitulation when the next episode in unleashed upon us. This is a really well-formulated battle plan against the population, & if it wasn't for Sam, Tom, Andrew & others, we would all be absolutely lost.

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Fear is a very powerful weapon. HUGELY powerful... just look at what's happened!! yeah.

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Fear is way more powerful than most folk could possibly imagine. It is so powerful in fact, that it actually creates an internalised surrender to the imagined monster - even before it has been 'transmitted'. This is why we are being forcefully warned long before anything has been unleashed - just as we were warned about the horrid & deadly effects of the Co-vid virus (so-called) - months before it happened to hit us.

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Fear is the key. The globalists shouted 'Boo!' and the lemmings ran over the cliff.


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I think that James O'Keefe is honest,but missguided! I have urged him to contact you! This is because he has been betrayed by the outfit he founded. March 2020 I hand wrote to the 12 vdoctors at Ash Trees GP practice in Carnforth asking to debate the issue! THREE years? Yes ! NO REPLY!. Our Vicar at St. Oswalds in the Parish Mag (Reverend FIGG) put in a CGI of the "Virus" and urged obedience to HMG. I reminded Our Vicar (At Warton Carnforth UK) that he was bearing false witness!" What Happened?"you may ask....POLICE banging on my door who threatened me with the jailable offence of MALICIOUS COMMUNICATION!. I wrote to Rev. Figg,s Bishop!.Result? No Acknowledgement!..Me? 75 Ex Royal Navy Warton LA5 England

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Hello Gordon from Sussex, England. My dad was in RN older than you though.

I am sorry to hear all that but not surprised. The CoE is corrupt. My wife and I left a good parish church congregation not because they were a problem but because the CoE did not stand against the Same-Sex marriage Bill in 2013.

I checked on Robin Figg the vicar. Anagrams of his name include.

bi forging

bog firing

boring fig

firing gob

fib go grin

big frog in

big grin of

This might encourage you. As might this.


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Thanks for that!.Like ALL operators they refuse to "Engage"! ALL of them! Looking at Brian Gerrishes UK Column Vids. I see that WEF and Common Purpose may be related. Sock to see David Gilmour and Rod Stewart and even Joan Baez being treacherous! Gordon Bird. 20 Washington Drive, Warton, LA5 9RA UK

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Absolutely BRILLIANT video...one of your best ever! Tha actors are many, and the misdirection and limited hangout psyops seemingly endless. The adherents of germ theory were unwittingly born into one of the largest and most carefully constructed cults in history...rivaling the cult of statism.

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Thanks for the video.

I explained in a few comments sections of other stacks that "directed evolution" is just a marketing term. But, I got no traction.

The idea of "natural selection" was created from the idea of husbandry and agriculture. Human beings have always selected the plants they grow and the animals they domesticate to show this or that caracteristic (sweetness, for example) or behaviour more apparent in the next generations. And also to suppress bitterness or unwanted colors in the wool of sheep. That is artificial selection. Nothing mysterious about it.

They came up with the idea that impersonal Nature did the same. How? Well, Nature works in mysterious ways, we need more money to research that.

"Directed evolution" is just "artificial selection" with a stupider name.

This is what happens when marketers and sophists control the language of science and technology. Everything becomes smoke salesmanship, inflated prices for products that no one would buy if they were not coerced to buy them.

Let's artificially select viruses to make them less pathogenic (Salk, polio virus) or to make them more pathogenic. No, that is not sexy enough for the market. Let's direct their evolution. We are like gods. We are gods.

But non-existing entities do not cause any event in the world. Emotions related to stories are what move people to do things. And rarely they think about the consequences of what they are going to do or about what they have done.

It is too easy to fool us, and peer pressure makes the rest.

I do my best to make myself and everyone else more difficult to fool. And I try to bring them to learn what I have learned: viruses never existed. The virus is a cover story.

Everyone is poorer, mentally damaged and suffering from political oppresion because we never consider the risk of believing myths and never checking the data and the concepts.

Those who want to prevent disease, must start saying the truth.

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The contention is that a virus is transmissible and it replicates. However something can be transmissible but not replicate like a chemical toxin ? So toxins could easily be INTERPRETED as viruses. Labelling a dis-ease as a virus is just an assumption and one based on transmissibility which appears to be correct but could in fact be due to a chemical toxin or other factors ?

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It could be but there's no mechanism that has been explained like germ theory which is why germ theory is such a strong way to think in even if it's incorrect or partially correct. People experience contagion or the experience of such and then they are given a mechanism and accept it.

I have experienced contagion or getting sick when others are sick too. I've listened to the refutation of germ theory and I think a good debate would be interesting and helpful. The greater issue is control and slavery that controllers wish to force on us and I think we must not get caught up on particulars in order to resist.I go back and forth but the discussion is so technical and even with a basic understanding and a 4 year bachelors degree say that I don't know and can't know what I don't know. I don't know enough to say for certain what can exist, what does exist and if it even matters.

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Hi Jazzyj, thanks for sharing your thoughts, agree a good debate would be helpful and there is enough reason to question the whole model of how dis-ease occurs. If we were not so enamoured with viruses and germ theory I don't think nearly as many people would have submitted themselves to all the hoopla of masking, lockdowns and 'curing' themselves with poisonous 'vaccines'. The medical establishment don't want to rock that boat by shining a light on any of this stuff or it might upset their business model. Unfortunately it doesn't mean that the powers that shouldn't be can't poison us in other ways that could be transmissible but at least we would know the source of the dis-ease is more likely to be a US DOD chemical lab rather than a 'scary virus'.

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To be honest it is fairly straightforward, but it takes a bit of rewiring one's brain as it were. I did the bulk of what I have now on Covid 19, a.k.a. the 'flu re-branded, in 2 months solid in April/May on furlough 2020.

Anyway, contagion appears to happen because:

1. People are poisoned by something environmentally, not a so-called virus

2. They fall ill in the winter when vit D levels are lowest typically in the northern hemisphere above a certain latitude when sun is low in sky. The sun provides D if we do the right things.


3. Fear is a major driver, it is written 'What you fear will come upon you'. fear drives down the resources in your body which clear out the toxins causing disease.


More here including above links.


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Thanks Michael, true about the rewiring, but truth once seen cannot be unseen and the old programming doesn't have the same grip as before. So many have a vested interested in the old system and there's a ton of money involved so the truth is supressed, censored and ridiculed.

The brain dislikes uncertainty and wants to be right as a way of preserving notions of identity. Investigation takes effort and often feels uncomfortable. But if we stick with it and do the research of unlearning and relearning, ultimately it is liberating :)

Interesting to see now how media are endorsing the lab leak theory and 'conspiracy theorists' are celebrating, not seeing beyond this too, that it's still premised on a dodgy virology theory that serves to keep us on 'the plantation'.

The powers that shouldn't be are masters of deception. Nevertheless I am optimistic truth will out in the end.

Thank you so much for the info, much appreciated! :)

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What shall I say but spot on. There are a lot of sub-links in my 'flu and vaccines link but I cover Wuhan issue at the start of the Covid 19 Summary, the conclusions of my initial research in 2020, but with extra sub-links included as I was able to look at more issues.

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Correct. Disease is chemical not biological, although the chemical effects are manifested biologically as it were.

Virology is fundamentally flawed and whist something exists and called a virus it is not to attack us but to defend our bodies from attack.

Disease is misunderstood as it is the toxic poisoning of the body, a state individual to each person. This toxic poisoning cannot be passed on except by blood transfusion for example, albeit bacteria, parasites, fungal spores can be.

Nevertheless, the individual body’s reaction depends on the condition of the its immune system so people react differently.

Viruses should be considered thus:

They are either poisons which are chemical not biological and must be dealt with by the immune system.


Or they are the exosome, part of the body's defense system. This is in fact what people are seeing under the electron microscope.


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Thank you very much, Michael, I appreciate your reply and your efforts to shine light on this issue, have saved your blog post to read later.

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Yup. On point.

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If everyone read Arthur Firstenberg's book, "The Invisible Rainbow," we'd maybe be outta these virus woods, and on a beautiful, natural, beach very soon...

That the "climate crisis" is about going TOTALLY electric tells me the Genocide is not just about jabbing people... It's FAR, FAR more insidious and over-arching (pun intended) than that.

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The rise of the Electric State. There is a direction out of all this here. It will be the unexpected direction. The expected direction is where they trap us with their PsyOps.

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Thank you Dr Sam and your staff/supporters - for your continuing to point out the obvious - "Show me the Virus" let alone a PCR and/or RATests that are supposed to somehow magically expose and isolate the deadly disease Well done as you say the cat is out of the bag and more and more people are beginning to see how we have all been duped - well not all

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Thanks for this post and the valuable links!

We must never lose sight of the larger picture of the vile malignance we are fighting against.

There is an insidious global ruling class plot to enslave all life on earth behind all the madness and suffering inflicted on We the People.

How to fight back against this TOTAL SLAVERY!


Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos - ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.

There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!


MAKE THE WORLD AND AMERICA 2019 (comparatively speaking), AND FREE AGAIN!
















Pam Popper: https://makeamericansfreeagain.com

Del Bigtree: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/highwire


Naomi Wolf: https://dailyclout.io



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The original coronavirus narrative was a bit scary.

The new gain-of-function coronavirus narrative is much more scary.

It's been leaked by media labs such as fox news and project veritas.

Given that most people entire world view is 'in silico' there is really no difference between a 'virus' and a 'virus narrative' trending on their social media.

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I am an anarchist too- like you and family. From Greek an=no ; archos = rulers. We must spread the true anarchy philosophy because people think it means chaos, communism, lawlessness , violence and mob rule. I suppose this has been inoculated by the rulers , would you believe? We have the above mentioned atrocities already but there has never been an anarchy in history on a lager scale. So the rulers that create the horrors can do so because of our fear of said horrors. Paradoxical , right?

It is possible to have LEADERS with drive and great ideas BUT they can have NO executive power. What we see now is due our laziness and discomfort with having personal responsibility.

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"there has never been an anarchy in history on a lager scale."

Perhaps that is because lager was invented later!! :)

Ale has been around for millennia. It is even in the name of God in Hebrew, 'ale-im'.

As to whether God is a real ale is debatable but as real can be 'royal' Spanish I think royal ale would suit God!!!

Before Prince Charles became Charles III, the Duchy of Cornwall was producing its own brand of ale, so all this makes good sense to me.

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Love that you mentioned Larkin Rose! I've come to realise that some will see they're being lied too or have been lied too and make changes and take action, while others will continue to choose to believe the lies regardless. Realising the truth is very destabilizing for many and it appears many do not have what it takes to stand up. Not surprised about that really considering the poisons in our water, air, food, on mainstream media and in the education system

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Glad you keep doing these videos Sam. I've never fallen into the bs. The minute I saw footage from people dropping on the streets in China, I knew it was staged. I've been kicked out many places for not wearing a mask, it was always very depressing. I think the truth movement did a lot of good, they've kept us hoping. Like another commenter said, the larger population isn't ready for the raw truth, very are in fact. If we knew everything that's going on behind the scenes we would go insane. I've come to the no virus paradigm in stages and was already red pilled. It will take time but the momentum is right now, a window of opportunity for mankind. God bless the Baileys !

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