Bought your book, look forward to reading it. 200 years of fraud. Dates back to the quack and clown Jenner et al, who milked British taxpayers for £3 million to create the stabbination industry. All the dead and wounded be damned. Not a single person has been saved in 200 years with these poisons.

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Thanks for providing parents with the truth about childhood vaccines. Every parent should have this information. Schools should also be required to take responsibility for any adverse reactions if they require vaccines in order to attend their institutions. As always, these presentations provide us with information to help us to make better decisions and take personal responsibility for the health of our children.

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An important topic as a new generation lines their children up to get the mandated schedule.

The Emperor is in full frontal monty; one must be in full denial to not notice. Pharma factors in pay offs in millions, while profits are billions. Sick.

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Yep. They even have a Covid Sniffer, no not Bidens white House dog that allegedly sniffs everyone's butt and detect 'Covid' No. It's a device you hook to your toilet that sniffs for 'Covid' from your toilet droppings... https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/white-house-secret-dirty-dozen-covid-19-hoax-chief-justice-1 Then, of course, it must alert someone, become now your a danger to society... So, it sends a wifi signal to Bill Gates 'Worldwide Pandemic Alert System" about your poo status, aka Homeland Security... https://www.bitchute.com/video/jcHEhiLSdU8t/ No, I'm not Joking... Then, they can quarantine your entire neighborhood, like they did in Australia when they found Covid in their sewage. Google it. Prove me wrong! They even have a 'smoke detector' that can sniff out a virus from the smell of your poo, too!! Test-Demic 25+ Covid19 Tests NONE Look For A Whole Unique Virus In Nature. They only look for so called 'genetics', antibodies or some side effects of something. Zero, look for any so called virus. https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/20-fake-covid-19-tests-none-look-for-a-whole-unique-virus

February 3rd 2024 Some people say COVID tests are more accurate if you swab your poop instead of your nose. Here's what's going on. Its all fake… https://www.businessinsider.com/swab-poop-covid-test-accuracy-experts-2024-2

August 5th 2021 Chief Justice: 40% agree to Anal Swab to enter 7/11; Bend Over! https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/chief-justice-40%25-agree-to-anal-swab-to-enter-711-bend-over

August 1st 2022 CDC: Doctors to anal rape you with used swabs for fake Monkeypox! https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/cdc-doctors-to-anal-rape-you-with-used-swabs-for-fake-monkeypox

CHINA'S ANAL SWAB COVID TESTING Scientists Say, Fissure This YOUR BUTT'S WAY MORE ACCURATE!!! https://www.tmz.com/2021/01/30/china-anal-swab-covid-test-dummy-video-demonstrate/

Can Anal Swabs Be Used to Test for Coronavirus? https://www.health.com/condition/infectious-diseases/coronavirus/anal-swabs-coronavirus

Value of anal swabs for SARS-COV-2 detection: a literature review https://www.medsci.org/v18p2389.htm

Beijing’s Latest Weapon in Its War on COVID-19: Anal Swabs https://www.vice.com/en/article/7k9m9d/china-is-using-anal-swabs-to-detect-covid-infections

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great joutnalism as usual Dr. Sam,

thank you for your tireless efforts during these turbulent times

only hard currency today is goodwill

goodwill pre-dated Roman curb exchanges

we've come full circle

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First thing that comes to mind seeing the name "Murdoch" is murder and moloch. Moloch which most associate with the use of children as offerings.

Thank you again for all the work you do on this subject <3

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Is there a video regarding the white clots that have been noticed in cadavers lately?

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Question what was poliomyelitis and President Roosevelt’s condition. My neighbor was in a wheelchair from contracting polio from unsanitary summer swimming water . That was the tale I was told .

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