Thanks Sam, (do not be put off by the nay sayers aka paid trolls), another hugely informative and very believable episode for Team Terrain, Yah bless <3

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The poor souls who have been injected with the shot would be so lucky as to be able to shed it on to other people. Not gonna happen, those toxic lipid nano particles are stuck in their bodies organs in there they will stay creating mayhem and death. Does anyone out there have a theory upon what is happening with the so-called head spinner syndrome ?

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What do you say to the blood sample abnormalities in unvaccinated peoples blood. Eg from Dr Anna Mihalcea and co

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What is known is that both of their blood samples contain non-endogenous particles. What is not known is the source, of which could be many.

What is also known is that one group is dying suddenly and suffering many new maladies and injuries of varying degrees. The other is not. This infers that the particles themselves do not cause death & injury. Thus, the vax contains something additional.

The Polio outbreak in the 40s & 50's was caused by pesticides. The polio vaccine was distributed at the same time as the manufacturer and application of those pesticides were reduced.

Thus, it only appeared that the vaccine worked. But Polio still exists as MS, demyelination syndrome, Guillain-Barre, and other newly created classifications of the different symptoms of polio. The causes are now many.

So one must wonder, what is the Covid vax covering up, if anything?

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I’ve been very curious about this for many months. Dr. Ana only has a few colleagues reporting the same findings.

The upcoming event, TEOC, has Dr. Ana and Dr. Nixon scheduled to speaK in addition to the Baileys and others. Maybe it will be sorted out then.

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Have they ruled out the following:

1. Non-spike protein particulates absorbed from the air (e.g. diesel pollution, dust, pollen, dander, smoke, non-biological nanoparticles, microplastics)?

2. Non-spike protein particulates absorbed from food or drink (e.g. microplastics, metals, non-soluble salts like oxalates, other nanoparticulates suspended in food or drink)?

3. Non-spike protein particulates absorbed from other pharmaceutical or illicit drug products (e.g. aspirin, paracetamol, ibuprofen, antibiotics, other non-DNA or -RNA vaccines like flu, MMR, DPT, other injectable allopathic or illicit drugs)?

My main problem concerning unvaxxed blood work is that the never, ever eliminate other potential factors and always fallaciously conclude, "It must be the vaccinated shedding on the unvaccinated." Sorry, it's an affirming-the-consequent (fallacy of the converse). Until literally every other mechanism of blood contamination in the unvaccinated has been completely eliminated from the equation and *ONLY* contact with vaccinated people is left, you cannot conclude with certainty that contact with vaccinated people was the sole cause of anomalous blood in the unvaccinated.

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That is a good summary, thank you.

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Hi Dr Sam. I'm sold that there is a lie surrounding viruses, and no doubt there are similar lies in many other areas of medicine. I visited my vacced family at Christmas 22. No doubt my brother and sis in law had just had their flu jabs and the whole family of 5 is fully cv vacced. The following day I became ill. Extreme night sweats, total loss of energy, worry that I would not re-awaken on falling asleep. This illness lasted 2 days and then cleared as if I had never been ill. Is it possible that there are some nano bots or particles expressed by the vacced which are infectious to the unvacced ? Also what explanation would you give for the wierd smell (described as rotting flesh by some but I would say more like something electronic that had got very hot with a wierd biological smell) exuded by the vacced ?

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I wish Sam or Mark would read and address some of the questions often asked in these forums. It seems they don't ever read them. Which is a shame because there are often legitimate questions that we'd love their input on.

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I agree.

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Similar story.....my wife became ill for over two weeks after being around a recently vaccinated lady, symptoms were odd compared to other illnesses. Took months to shift the symptoms, we eat well, healthy and exercise etc etc . My wife worked in a school all her life too. Who knows ?

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It’s easy to underestimate the power of the subconscious. I dunno.

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I agree but on this occasion I don't think that played a part....it was only a week later that the lady explained what she wanted my wife's help for , accompanying the lady and her two small Foster kids to the health centre and staying in the car with the kids whilst the lady attended the h centre....my wife didn't ask what the purpose of this trip was for, she's not as inquisitive as me!! Back tracking the dates my wife became ill literally the next day after the lady had been to the "health centre " to be jabbed and the day in question my wife spent a lot of time with her. Yes my wife could have caught a bacterial infection but she's had a school lifetime of those and the symptoms of this were very different.......but ultimately you couldn't say its shedding.

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Cars might make one sick. If it is sterilized that will not help, let alone the plastic in it.

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and you don't think my wife drives cars !!

it wasn't sterilised either as the lady owner isn't that type of person.

all just a coincidence hey! !

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I didn't say she didn't I merely pointed out the fact. People forget these things and that cars are made differently with different materials. The same is true of buildings and there is a sick building syndrome which you can look up. Why should cars be any different?

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I'd like to add something to this debate.....people who eat massive amounts of garlic give off the garlic odors, you can smell it oozing out of their skin pours and smell it from their breath when they exhale......so if this phenomenon exists surely then vaccine nanotechnology can be exhaled from freshly jabbed people which others would breath in ???

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Is there any proof of contagion theory at all, for anything?

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Very similar story here - unvaxxed but had swollen lymph nodes 3X and other mysterious bodily inflammations more than once. This has only been happening since the 'vaccines' were introduced. Also frequent bouts of feeling ill, tired with stomach problems after being around the vaxxed.

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Have you discounted the food? Did they sterilize everything to death? Chemicals on surfaces etc.? My builder in UK has a female partner who seems to be fanatic about cleaning and yet her two children are not that well with allergies.

Of course if 5G interacts with chemically changed bodies this might be the issue.

Excessive microwaves will heat everything up of course.

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I'm so glad you addressed this topic Sam! This one is the final nail in the fear mongering coffin and exposes these rotting tomatoes. They're either, two faced deceitful, opportunistic quacks or total morons. I wonder how they'll plead? 🙃

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The former. The operatives are everywhere.

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I have heard from 2 natural health practitioners in the past week alone who have had extremely abnormal periods which they suspect are due to exposure to recently vaccinated family members. One did not know her 16 year old daughter had gone behind her back and got the jab, but the Mum got an extremely heavy period for 3 weeks with massive clotting that she had never experienced ever before and then found out about her daughter - so seems suspicious. Dr Christiane Northrup has talked about this a lot. Another lady I met today said she suddenly had a huge period at 56yrs old after years of no periods and had been spending time with vaccinated family members. This is not to say there is anything to do with a virus - but some kind of toxicity that unvaxed people can get inflammatory health issues from. I have lots of other examples which raise huge suspicion that some kind of toxin is being released that can result in health problems. The majority were not expecting to get shedding - so it was not as a result of expectation by the sub-conscious. It's an interesting phenomenon that is definitely going on - just not sure what from.

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Yes. I watched this video with the expectation that Sam would address this phenomenon, but she completely bypasses it.

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Hey Joanie I am going to answer this with a self promotion haha and point to Rob's comment with great link on the nocebo effect .


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Watched Rob's linked video. Not convinced.

And my daughter's friend's newborn who suffered a severe stroke at 5 days old? Her husband was vaxxed but not she, the mom.

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You do not believe in the placebo/nocebo/observers effect?

I am not sure what you are saying about the shot.

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The 'nocebo' idea is that people suffer adverse health events merely by force of suggestion.

My example of the newborn having a stroke should more than disprove that nonsense.

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People have suffered dis ease(symptoms) from a mere suggestion.

Its like what we refer to as hypnotism.

People in lower states(FEAR) are highly susceptible to suggestible.

A newborn being born deformed or having a stroke or dying doesn't disprove the power of mind ( inc nocebo effect ) at all.

Do you know the content and state of that person's(baby's) mind? you have to in order to dispel the powerful effects of thought and feelings and since we are in the realm of mind we also have the universe and the observer's effect... do you know the parent's nurses and drs state of mind ? Many parents are very fearful nowadays, birth that is natural is now a "medical" event. Some people not knowing the power of their mind, unconsciously unwittingly in fear and guilt manifest their worst fears.

No thought is neutral .

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I totally believe in shedding...my dog sheds on the couch and I can verify this using the vacuum cleaner to isolate the hairs from bread crumbs

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The problem with shedding though is that we are never the same neither are dogs? This is one of the things that Dr Sam does say that germs don't jump ship and just leave a host for someone else that readily I guess in other words they know what they've got it good LOL

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I have written about this. The jabs are 99 percent nano-particles of graphene oxide, which has powerful electromagnetic (EMF) effects. These effects can often be felt by others in close physical proximity, and can even cause the physiological symptoms which have been described as "shedding". Within the jabbed individual, GO makes red blood cells clump together, forming clots. The other purpose of injecting us with GO is to act as a superconductor which amplifies the radiation from 5G towers and from transmitting devices that target human DNA.

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Ha what's Ye Olde adage - "When we Ass-ume -t makes an Ass out of U and Me" thank you again Team Sam - so much 'information' based upon "Ass-umptions - so much Ass-umption passed off as Information - ' SSSSHHH don't tell the doctors

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It's ok, most doctors won't be able to hear as they have their heads stuck somewhere dark and smelly!!

'is tampons us' is an anagram of 'assumptions. Perhaps this is significant.

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Love and blessings from Sydney Australia Sam...and appreciation .

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I would like to believe what Dr Sam says here, but like others I cannot be positive that there isn't something happening, for there does seem to be an effect that resembles what has been described or interpreted as schedding. In the meantime I am encouraged and my mind eased a touch by the likelihood that actual schedding is probably unlikely.

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I think the main take form all this is that there are a huge amount of toxic substances plus radiation and 'airwaves' of all sorts. These are what cause disease as much as anything once in our bodies.

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Its great that the Baileys stick to the science and not get distracted by anecdotal posts. However until Terrain theory can offer better explanation for my and the other anecdotes here I'm keeping an open mind about contagion and shedding, because they are so plausible.

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What is shed, is dead. Intimate contact with exchange of fluids is a whole lot different than the body attacking, encapsulating, degrading then ejecting particles and those particles being alive and capable of bypassing another person's biological defenses, being compatible with their system, and then effecting change.

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Thus whole shedding thing LOAD OF DEHYDRATED BULLSHIT

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Claims are made that unvaxxed blood now appears the same as vaxxed blood under the microscope ? How can this be (if true?)

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Fantastic information Sam, this has been a major concern to my wife and I as there are some of our children who for various reasons got the jab. Because they bring our grand children here and they sometimes stay for a weekend we are in contact with them, as we knew of the dangers from the gene therapy and very few believed us. We are not jabbed obviously. I posted this where ever I could. Thank you for you investigative perseverance into the covid scam. I wish you all the best, we need more people like you in this fight to expose good or bad the truth being hidden from the world population. Good luck for the future.

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Thank you for your continued courage and the sharing of truths.

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