Dr. Stands for DRUG retailer. Nothing else.

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I have now lived here in Chiang Mai for 21 years, and none of the many doctors I have met all know nothing about vitamin, minerals or herbs, and don't understand that most of the diseases can be cured by vitamins or minerals, while drugs don't cure. And they can't understand the blood, as for my wife, telling missing vitamin B12 , and thereby balance problem, and not by too low dopamine, and thereby Parkinson's. And my wife blindly trust the doctors, and has problems with all of the drugs. I have bought more than 600 health and doctor books (70 about cancer) during the 21 years, as result of the doctors who can't think.

In Denmark with the doctors having 6 year education, and learn about more about anything concerning health, there I could communicate with the doctors, around laying more than 30 times in hospitals, since 5 year old, most after accidents, and reading biology since 8 year old.

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You just need real food and clean water. synthetic vitamins another fad (Bvitamin is meat or eggs, Vitamin C = oranges)

im printing mini flyers from this site to help stop the madness www.VirusTruth.NET

easy to make ticket 10 per color sheet of paper, tape to gas pumps or put on cars! I get at least 100 out per week without effort just in my travels

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As a doctor, or doctors, told, years ago, "Are You sick? Then out in the sun". 200 diseases has to do with too low vitamin D.

The 9 years US research finished in 1938 found how good for health the vitamin A and D are, and FDA then tried to patent them!

Among other I daily take a pill with 5,000 IU of D3 +50 - 100 mg vitamin A. Thereby my back pain has disappeared. By accident 16 years ago a spinal cord a bit deformed. Pain for hours, after walking 100 meter. Doctor could help, except by drugs, and I said no. Then I found in some of my 40 books about bone, that it could be cured by "bone cement" but doctors said no. Then in 2 boobs about D3 I found to try D3, after just 1 week with daily 10.000 IU of D3, then I was as newborn.

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why not just sit outside or garden or p!ay in the sun all day for a week ? i was taking vitamin d but stopped. i dont feel different or worse. I wonder are synthic vitamins just another pharma stealing our $$ industry? if anyone has a cure to reverse cataract so i avoid surgery im willing to try..

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Well George Soros's wife is supposed to have a supplements business so that might tell you something! At least supplements are much safer but really one shouldn't need them.

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Concerning cataract, surgery can result in dry eyes. And concerning eye diseases by the result of Covid vaccine more than 1,500 diseases have been the result, in vaccinated person, and more than 100 concerning eyes. Among other somebody blind as the result of blood colligating, and cell died by not getting oxygen, energy.

But for vitamins the A, C and D are important. Up to 100,000 newborn are blinds as mothers missing vitamin A.

I daily eyes give my wife, vitamin A, Lutein/Zeaxanthin, but also curcumin, turmeric, and other are good.

But about vitamin D for some diseases up to 100.000 IU 2 days - as also given to some newborn.

I daily receive more than 200 science sending, of cause many only skipped. And often receive about eye diseases. So I would go searching on internet. And in Google, but Google have been worse and worse since Covid came, so it's to find good questions to put in.

Nearly 4 years ago when measured to suffer osteoporosis, I by doctor was put on the normally used drug. I went to Google to ask about the drugs side problems, and read no side problem. Then 1/2 a year later I received, a book, not especially about Osteoporosis, and there read halfling time 6 - 10 years!!!! And scanning showing jaw bone vanish away cased by the drug. And then in Google asking in other ways, then also there told.

I search about all the drugs my wife is put on, but she take then as the doctor told her. I during 12 years have made my on lexicon, concerning whit what I have had to do, read about. Much better than the 2.500 sides doctor lexicon from 2008.

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Concerning vitamin D, vi have to look at i D3 or D2, as the first is 3 to 4 times stronger stronger, more is absorbed. Besides if getting from the sun, then it takes around 24 hours before it in the skin is transformed into "vitamin" D, and if missing K or magnesium, then not transformed. And after bath much is washed away before getting in as vitamin D.

And this year we got a graph showing how much ng/ml persons in different countries had in the blood opposite to how many dead by Covid. And there we for Denmark saw nearly 70 ng/ml, and statistically low in number of dead persons. Denmark is to much north, and to low i sun, but among other they get vitamin D3 in milk. And in Denmark during at least half a century very good in telling about vitamins and minerals

And we recall the Covid-19 was thrown out, then it was found that by less than 20 ng/ml in the blood then nearly 100% chance to die, while if higher than 70 then nearly 0%.

After industrialization, with now a day persons wearing indoor, then persons are missing sun. And for example the sunshine in US opposite to Africa results in the American negroes shall have 6 times more time in the sun than white skinned.

I own nearly 5,000 science books, and have for many failures in doctor books, and by the doctors. And during 17 years I have used much daily time as result of doctors missing knowledge, and thinking. I 2 years ago for 2 weeks suffered hallucinations, and could not read for 2 week, and 7 doctors could not help me, but I found that I missing vitamin B12. And my wife 11 moth ago was told suffering Parkinson's, and by searching, back in Marts found the reason having too low B12. Se trust the doctors, not me, and take bad drugs. By blood test not with B12, but with deformed blood cells, and thereby nearly 100% chance in missing B12. The doctor, a couple of the neurologist can't read blood measure.

I two times suffered Osteoporosis, 2005, and 2018, and found, among other caused by missing 12. And this year send 12 sides writings to the professor concerning my osteoporosis, and my prove that wife missing B12, and I also, and my osteoporosis caused by this. Years ago the the professor admit that I knew more than him concerning another disease. The problem is that most doctors only are educated for knowing about what the shall work with, and not about other subjects.

Actually I prefer to study mathematic, programming, history, Big Bang, and other subjects, but because of my and my wife's diseases, and especially fighting against the Covid - WEK/WHO international dictatorship, no time to these subjects.

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If you have been listening to Dr. Tom Cowan you should know to not let anyone label you with a "disease" if you did not have the word Osteoporosis to use, how would you describe your problem ? bone pain? excersize usually takes care of that - the more you walk and move the less pain or dehydrated. Find the book Your Not Sick , Your Thirsty. the bodies many cries for water. Dr. Batmangielich he has videos from 12 yrs ago on Youtube . Time to throw out the old "science" books. Trust Nature, dont fear death. another book www.Whatreallymakesyouill.com

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How difficult that is, how stressful for you. You actually can't have much of a relationship with someone who isn't

in agreement with the very basis of life. How lonely. And, strangely they don't see, either.

Years ago now, we knew a young man who 'seemed' to study and know the bible, always quoting it, which

was too fast for us to write down, but we liked him. He strongly advised us both to throw away all the salt,

and don't have it. Meanwhile, I was across the table from him and noticed that while we were in

relatively good health back then, he was not and did not look good, teeth bad, falling out, hair not doing well,

and we looked quite good, yet he was telling us what to do!!

I remember thinking then 'I'd better make sure I'm having ENOUGH salt!!'.

We can't force them to see, because it doesn't work. I just don't know why that is.

All we can do is follow the real science FOR OURSELVES, and thus live a better, healthier life.

I wish I knew how one could 'reach' such people.

A friend of mine has a friend who BELIEVES in the government, in vaccines, in boosters, even though

he himself completely lost his sanity taking the shots and boosters, and subsequently lost everything:

his marriage, his business, his assets. Yet he is looking forward to the government supplying more

boosters which he will take.

My friend is up on all this, and good at explaining things but this man is adamant that he is doing

the right thing. That to me just is strange.

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What sad stories! But you're right... we can't make people see who don't want to see.

I thank my parents for skepticism of all things government! They grew up behind the iron curtain & witnessed too many horrors under their Soviet controlled country. They did not trust govt, at all, and taught us to question EVERYthing!

Even so... my siblings don't have the same cynicism. One took the shots to keep her job (tho at least she was skeptical). The other was on board for months re how horrible & suspicious it all was, but then a couple weeks later a new chemist friend of hers said there is nothing to worry about. She then disregarded everything she had learned in the preceding months & got the shot (her husband too), not even needed for a job or anything. :(

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I just wrote down in my daybook, about how angry I am on the doctors here in Chiang Mai, for knowing too little. My wife was told 1 year ago that suffering Parkinson. If we read in the OANL, Oxford book "Movement Disorders" from 2011, we se in US 42 suffering this, but only 1.5 - 2 millions suffering Parkinson's disease. And on side 1 we also read that control testing of 467 persons, 65 year or older, by doctors told hit by PD, and the turned out that 301 did not suffer PD! But by the doctors here where I live, the tells that all with the balance problem suffer PD, and give the L-dopamine. But actually by missing, too low, in ion, or vitamin B1, or B6, or B9, or B12, can result in PD alike diseases, without as for PD, too low in Dopamine. So in these cases L-dopamine drugs don't help, but make i worse.

And actually, by my wife's blood measure we see that she has deformed blood cells and thereby nearly 100% chance in missing B12. Beside we se missing Ion. But the doctor will not look at the blood measure report. And as I am not a doctor, then I don't know anything.

Concerning salt, around 30 - 40 years we by medical firms were told to daily only take 1 gram, but actually we shall take 10 grams salt from ocean. Actually, now not got from dirty ocean, so instead from Himalaya.

The 27th of May I to Brownstone Institute, after from there reading an article comparing Denmark and Sweden, the concerning the Covid-19 with carotenes and mouth filters. I during a week, relooked at i, with "missing" points, and wrote 6 sides with graphs, showing how instead to look and compare. They wrote that the could not send it out.

My nearest friend, his mother nurse, blindly trust in vaccines, while I since 1970 have said that with time vaccinations will be stopped. Vaccines have never helped, as we se by reading. Smallpox "vaccine" came in 1796, first on 2 children's who later died. And already, in 1798 a doctor wrote against the vaccine as it only harmed.

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Seems to all reduce down to the lowest denominator of what we hear.

With all the mediums in the mainstream, there is a plethora of messages streaming through the airwaves and hence, even individual minds.

The satanic system is lazy, default, easiest path.

I was working diligently and effectively through a severe disability when the gyms closed due to covid.

For about 3 years. So I got back into the easy passive default rut.

Addictive soporific existence.

Need to resist the floating mainstream miasma of the downstream-over-the-falls existence.

This epidemic of crippling inertia is what drives most people - down under, and never to return.


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Pimp is what it means to me now.

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Dr? Ug!

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Love it!

And oh so accurate 👍

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I've quit western medicine entirely. I mean, unless I literally get shot (as in by a gun) or have my body torn apart in a car accident, there's zero chance that I will be seeing any western doctors.

I have acupuncture, TCM herbs, and homeopathy and I will take my chances with that.

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I tell the same to my wife and friends, especially after many doctor failures on me and other persons, during now 21 years here in Chiang Mai. No library I can use, so I buy doctor books, and by readings, have found the reasons, concerning many diseases/subjects, and the doctors get angry - doesn't matter - when I tell, and from writings, shows them about reasons to diseases, and what to do, and what I have done (for example concerning osteoporosis).

As Hippocrates said "Disease comes from inside the body, not from outside".

And in January 2020, when we by WHO and Fauci were warned that now there had come a totally new disease, which would kill 4%. I told anybody "Forget it. Look at it as a Flu, and just be healthy".

Since 1970 I have been against vaccination, and told that in the future all of the common vaccines will be stopped.

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Thanks for taking the time to create such a polished presentation.

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“Doctors are men who prescribe medicines of which they know little, to cure diseases of which they know less, in human beings of whom they know nothing.” Voltaire

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Thanks Sam and Mark, have been on Hypertension drugs for years and stopped taking then a couple of months ago! went to see my doctor today and he asked if I wanted to renew my prescription as it had expired and he was not surprise when I said no, even though my blood pressure was still high. instead he said eat sensibly and walk at least 5 kms a day and take blood pressure measurements every to assess if it is lowering over a period. I was tempted to ask if he followed you both!

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why bother going to these so called "check ups"- ? now that we learned no virus ? im never going back ever , not for any test - especially the fraud of "cancer screenings" sending you down that horrible deadly chemo path.... .

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There is still a massive midazolam scandal going on here in the UK. If you are over 65 and go into hospital with any kind of respiratory problem they give it to you in combination with morphine. Both of which depress breathing. yeah right! it's murder.

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Thats still happening?

Hasn't that been exposed in mainstream media?

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Thank you Sam, spot on again...!!! Yah bless <3

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As always with hypnotic phrases... first we need to define "harm". Haven't found it anywhere. And then the key aspect: doing harm to whom? If patients are subjects, and not autonomous human beings...

It's like with that now prevailing conflict of interests. It is there all over the place, but it is not a conflict of interests to them.

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I'd HATE... HATE... to have the letters Dr. In front of my name... Disgraceful the whole lot of them in their little kabal

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Not only is the system corrupt, but the average person doesn't realize it. Therefore, they continue to get away with profiting off our sickness, causing it, or bringing about death.

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This method of college / university 'education' isn't restricted to medicine. The 'education' system as a whole, is an industry. An industry that restricts nearly all thought to INSIDE THE BOX. The very few outliers have to appear as passionate fanatics and provide prompt monetary reward to the system.

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Hi Sam. You are One Gutsy Lady. So well done for saying it as it is. Due to unforseen circumstances, I am right into Homeopathic "medicine", and it works so well for me. Keep up the good work...and Mark too of course. Cheers, Helen Jackson.

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I enjoy your videos so much, I watch it two times when you release one.

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Brilliant, as usual.

My bible for the whole problem of healthcare is Ivan Illich's Medical Nemesis, which boldly starts with: "The medical establishment has become a major threat to health."

We are absolutely in a paradigm shift about health and healing, and the mRNA fiasco is but the most extreme example of that. My MD father and some of his circle were on to the problem in the 1950's and 1960's when they began to smell how pharma was compromising medicine. Medical Nemesis was the topic of the last meaningful conversation I ever had with him. He wanted me to become a psychiatrist like him. He committed himself to debunk psychopharmaca as dangerous right from the start, and commit himself to talk therapy only, and his critical attitude about medicine, including conversations with some of his colleagues around our dinner table, probably did more to convince me not to pursue that path.

Today, I am involved in a different way, with whole foods, plant-based nutrition and lifestyle coaching, where it is all about taking responsibility for our own health. My guides today are Campbell's China Study and The Future of Nutrition, which he suggests should be the first 60% of most therapeutic interventions. Unfortunately the Lifestyle Medicine community turned out to be mostly a patsy for the AMA and big pharma anyway, although thankfully a number of key figures in this area stayed away from the mRNA vax, including T. Colin Campbell and his wife, who both overcame Covid without problem in their 90's - evidently the terrain is the problem not any flying pathogen.


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Campbell and his wife overcame being treated for a fake diagnosis you mean- right? Im printing mini flyers from this site www.VirusTruth.NET to get ordinary people introduced to the Baileys Cowan, Lanka , Kaufman etc easy to make hudreds on color paper and put on cars or gas pumps.

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Just magnificent, often I asked myself how can this group of so-called doctors do it? how can live with it, sleep with it? clearly knowing are harming and affecting peoples life for ever, damaging our most precious possession, our kids, the future of humanity. This model of medicine goes against saving lives in any possible way.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for such a great and important work.

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"Unlearning is true learning in this world".

All illness comes from the unhealed mind.

"Physician Heal Thyself" is a great quote for if one does not know the real cause of illness how can one heal "others"?

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