I was impacted by this interview with such force that it started Me thinking about sharing it with people in my life that are suffering from the same allopathic medical fraud. Dr. Bailey and now Dr. Brogan have opened so many doors to reality for me. There are several people who have awakened me over the last three years to varying degrees, but none like the two of you. Thank you so much for what you bravely do every day in spite of the constant opposition! Jack Williams. Ps. Dr. Mark is included in this as well.

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Oh pharma, how I hate thee, let me count the ways.....!

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Just a brilliant conversation. I actually came to follow Kelly via her hubby Sajer Ji. I have been a subscriber to Green Med Info for well over a decade. This is an honest question/observation. It seems Kelly has completely kicked germ theory to the curb (where it belongs) over the past few years. But to this day Green Med Info seems to continue to embrace the erroneous concepts of infection, contagion, germ theory as well as the existence of viruses. I am troubled by that. Other than Kelly, the other 11 members of the "disinformation dozen" are all still adherents to germ theory and virology to one degree or another. I feel like the list itself is a red herring...otherwise you'd see the Baileys, Dr. Cowan, etc on it. Sam, perhaps if you interview Sayer we could clear this up. Is he in the "no virus" camp? Thanks again for a wonderful discussion...I will be sharing it. 😀

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According to Wikipedia, Kelly and her hubby Sajer Ji divorced in 2022

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The mind is the terrain.

Modern psychiatry integrated into medicine part of big pharma's drug dispensing snake oil club.

Constantly making up new disease$ holding temporary effects of past trauma(fear) in place with a label( sometimes for life).

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A tonic to be sure...!!!

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Thank you Kelly and Sam , there is so much more to say but for now - I wont say it.

Blessings and appreciation to you both , and to those you love. From Sydney Australia .

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Dr. Brogan earned a degree from MIT in systems neural science, finished Cornell Medical College got psychiatrist training/certification at the NYU Medical Center. So, she knows the subject of psychiatry and neural science well. This doesn’t mean i would accept everything she says about every science field. But she sure rocks in this presentation. I know people whose lives have been disrupted and even wrecked by psychiatric medications, including a woman who was diagnosed bi-polar, whom i initiated a promising friendship with, only to see her knocked down by meds. The very practice demonstrates a basis in the mechanistic materialism science paradigm, viewing the human body as a mechanism rather than an organic open system.

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The first half of the interview was all about Kelly Brogan and the second half added nothing useful.

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It all begins with changing ones lifestyle beginning with what we consume (in our bodies, on our bodies and the information we take in). Take this information and use it as a stepping stone.

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Totally convinced that big pharma is the absolute last resort, if at all, for help with anything related to health.

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Big pharma do death rather well. "What's your poison sir/ma'am?" :)


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A more basic question, not necessarily directly related to the interview, but ... maybe related, as Dr Brogan talks about diet.

Q especially about vegan diet: I can understand the logic behind "seek fresh veggies, fruits, not contaminated, 0 km, from known farmers" etc. But what about all the vegan substitute products, like veganburger, vegansausage, veganhummus etc. I guess I would have to prepare those by myself, not buying those products ready, as those would be highly processed food, right? Any advice? Thanks

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Have just seen a short piece of an Italian journalist, Raffaella Regoli, checking out the new 3d salmon, a pee-based artificial salmon replacement printed by a printer. Shall I take that as a vegan product, healthy for body, mind and soul? Is already on the Austrian market, will come to Italy during next couple of months. And genuine fishing (as agriculture) is again and again more under pressure with new and new laws and regulations. So, I assume that all the vegan replacement products are to be avoided.

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Oh, that's peas, right... Sorry!

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Please read the comment by :

Logan McCulloch

Are Kelly Brogan and her hubby on opposite sides of the Virus theory belief ?

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This was such an excellent interview. I'm inspired by the work of both of these women 🙏🏾

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Women worth fighting for.

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Thx Gerry...a friend just shared that with me yesterday...I had no idea. Gives me some encouragement. Just saw Sayer is doing a livestream with Mike Adam's, who is without question a fear mongering germ theory guardian.

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So this for ladies only? :-)

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