Terrain theory has set me free. I feel sad for the deluded scientists who parrot this viral theory but after all it means everything they studied was myth.

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I have pixies and fairies at the bottom of my garden , now I know it is my responsibility to prove this as I understand that it is impossible to prove something does not exist.

So below is my proof that I do indeed have pixies and fairies .

1. I hear them at night laughing and talking to each other.

2. when I let my dog out he rushes straight across to where the fairies and pixies are playing he barks like crazy knowing that’s where they were.

3. many times the little pixies climb the trees shake off the leaves and in the morning you can see the proof as all the leaves are on the ground.

4. One night I woke and I actually seen them playing just for a brief moment as they tend to disappear once they are aware anyone is observing them.

5. I decided to collect a few fairies and pixes so I left a container out and in the morning I could tell some were in side the container I quickly put on the lid , unfortunately they become invisible so you can’t actually see them.

You may consider I am crazy or delusional even fraudulent or deceptive, but I am an expert on pixies and fairies I have a degree and have studied them for years.

All I can say is trust the experts , I mean anyone not believing in these wonderful creatures has clearly never seen early cartoons that help prove their existence.

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Kevin has clearly been trained (and paid?) to give stock answers for certain types of questions. Anyone who is educated would be able to see the limitations in various interpretations and show some ability to question these limitations.

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I am a pixologist I have been studying them for 40 years , I can assure you they are real and do exists as I have spent my life work researching them , I mean what do you think I have been doing for 40 years in my laboratory all those studies , I have published papers and have photographic evidence they are real, granted they are hard to see any of my photographs but they are very shy and kind of invisible.

They even have their own language which I have learned so I understand what they are thinking and saying.

I named the language gogglygook.

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Thank you Dr Sam Bailey! I am trying to understand terrain theory. Makes much more sense than germ theory! I drop it into as many conversations as possible. It is interesting that the whole pharmaceutical industry is based on a lie. No wonder they protect the lie so adamantly. They know without it the house of cards comes crashing down!!

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Thanks Doctors Mark,Sam and Tom. Virology is Jazz Hands!

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Genomics is not even at the entrance of the Rabbit hole.

The entrance to the Rabbit hole is the Chairman of the Board of Kevin's Co, Medical Genomics, Chuck Farkas.

Farkas is Partner in Bain's Healthcare, Financial Services and Strategy practices.


You never hear of Bain you say?? Then you go into the rabbit hole: https://www.bitchute.com/video/dX9O3Yi-Nn0/

Patiently watch until 10:30 when the fun starts.

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Thank you Baileys Great job as usual ... Much Love ♡ ➣ No Fear - MLNF✨❗️

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Wonderful!! Thank you for your tireless and amazing breakdown of this nonsense, Sam, Mark and Tom!! xoxo

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From the smile of the Cheshire cat we can extrapolate to the existence of the whole animal.

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Excellent video it explains so much for me. From the very start I knew that there was something wrong going on because of my experience as a hypnotherapist. It was the constant repetitive scaremongering that I thought I would never see on such a large scale.

As for viruses, before I retired I have used hypnotic suggestion on those who came to me for stress management who happened to have a cold. Through the suggestion given to those who were willing to try it out, the cold disappeared almost immediately on most occasions. This seems to confirm everything you have said. I am awaiting your book, Terrain Therapy and looking forward to reading it.. Thanks for the courage for all you have done to counteract this big hoax.

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Great discussion, thanks for shining more light on 'virus' isolation. Is it possible that poisonous peptide sequences have been manufactured and released into the environment, and this caused covid symptoms? All the biolabs cannot be making viruses,more likely manufacturing poisonous peptides, like synthetic copies of poisons found in nature? If so, it becomes easy for 'them' to release these manufactured 'micro poisons' into the environment (air, water, food). When people become sick they claim it's a virus, but in reality it's a poison. I do believe that reputable testing labs have found synthetic venom peptides in people with covid symptoms. Let's face it, if many people start getting sick and dropping dead at some stage in the near future, poisoning could easily be perceived as a deadly viral outbreak.

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great work! thank you x

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Bless yuz. 🙏

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Glad to see there are others exposing virology for the pseudoscience it is.

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I mean just watch animals, linking themselves, licking each other, even the arse... :) If germ theory were true there would be no wildlife or people left.

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