This Algorithm you talk about, is it like long division, a finite number of steps? Or like drawing with a ruler and compass the "flower of creation" as people kids to do before computers?
Algorithms are just a man-made concept. We take a task and divide it in steps. And adjust the steps when we apply the task outside its original context. They do nothing. We do everything. If we don't collaborate with evil, then evil recedes.
Consider alternatives: forget the concept of diagnosis entirely, search to help the body heal itself. Most things coming from the financial world, like insurance and its language, are pure garbage. There is no such thing as life expectancy in the real world. It is a bastard anticoncept.
Think about creating a functional system, instead of remaining in the dysfunctional and antihuman society they are building for us.
Cultivate humor and the arts, because those are the way to fight prejudice and stupidity.
I entirely agree with Sam on AI and it's inherent biases. As an amateur programmer self taught from before most people were born I commented years ago that AI is a global risk to humanity. But not for run away Skynet SciFi scenarios, Those in power, those who own the global Corporatocracy, they will own the AI. If that AI were for example to make it into future sophisticated 'android' or robots, as they're called, and those robots were distributed amongst every household, then in an instant they could be told to kill all those undesirables, and make Bill Gates' father ever so happy in his grave. This type of scenario was instantly the risk I saw early in 2020 with the Vaccine, an opportunity to role out a (delayed death) lethal injection for every person on Earth - except the human cattle owners, of course.
This type of thinking apparently puts me at the extreme edge of human thought.
This AI tech isn't to serve humanity, it's being driven to do away with humanity, at least those who have the Oral Torah belief system, everyone else is as cattle and slaves to be treated as they desire. AI is to serve the slave owners. Yet all these WEF whores think they're bringing in an age of peace and prosperity. Nothing of the sort is coming (from them), only global war, hunger, disease, and global genocide.
On a lighter side, I also agree ever so much with Ludwig von Mises. I can't yet see clearly why even high functioning individuals with well regarded academic titles, business executives etc have next to no reasoning skills. If we've learnt ONE thing in the last 3 years, it's that our societies are run by individuals with an abyss of thinking skills which flows on to show deep fractures in the foundations of our societies. Those fractures may indeed fail and society collapse if these vaccines are as lethal to the extent yet to be observed (long term cancers, vaccine acquired immune deficiency etc).
Ludwig von Mises doesn't go far enough, it's not that the average or common man is stupid, rather, the man that thinks outside of mankind's mass hypnosis is more rare than gold and precious jewels.
Thanks Sam and Mark, it takes more than a fine mind to step outside the hypnosis, it takes the heart of honesty, integrity and heroism.
Great comment! I've long held the same view that AI will end up being a powerful tool of control for elites rather than a runaway new "species" of some kind. That said, I love playing around with these concepts and exploring the possibilities in fictional stories such as the one I've uploaded here...
I agree that much of the "tech" that has been developed since WW2 (mostly out of DARPA) forms part of a planned system of control and subjugation. Everything from AI, robotics, and biotech to software apps such as TikTok spell the end for humanity as we knew it. Most people are already horribly addicted to screens and mainstream propaganda. The next generation will quite happily wear permanent AR devices and accept electronic tattoos for convenience.
I do think that some automation tech should be adopted wherever it makes sense to do so but the question then becomes "what do we do with the unemployed?"
Maybe such people could revert to growing their own food in local communities. I'd rather that than the alternatives put forward by the eugenics club.
Yes. It’s unimpressive. The singularity is another crazy claim. They don’t know how to interface with our consciousness., And I’m not gonna get a digital ID much less a Musk implant.,
As others have said, it's not AI as most understand the term, it just paraphrases what it find on the internet or in its database.
Then again, I don't think AI as most people understand the term i.e. artificial sentience, is actually possible anyway. But we live in a world where people think elite puppets like Elon Musk are great intellectuals and most have never even heard of Roger Penrose and his arguments against the feasibility of 'strong' AI.
I see narratives of machines becoming sentient/'taking over' to be similar to the narrative of scientists engineering 'viruses' - something that will only happen in movies.
Just finished listening and glad to see you agree.
Most people right now would not be able to distinguish between a human writer and ChatGPT. That already passes the Turing Test at a basic level. College professors are already saying that papers submitted by students using ChatGPT are of sufficient quality.
The problem that people are noticing has to do with political and cultural bias which is a whole other kettle of fish. Alt platforms have risen up to counter this bias but usually remain obscure in comparison to the mainstream even though we're not really a minority, it's just that liberal mindset dominates in certain industries. That's just the way it is.
I suspect that a ChatGPT offshoot with alt-media bias will materialize at some point and of course it will respond in all the usual "deplorable" ways.
Excellent prediction. Yes, I can see how it'll be used to strawman anyone who doesn't buy the wiki narratives by framing the discussion so as to suggest that ideas like QAnon and GOF - not to mention certain other non-mainstream scientific ideas which I won't go into.., present the only alternative. Nothing really new there, just a new insidious spin on those tactics.
Totally agree about that comment of yours about felon musk. I think he is just the latest posterchild for the pedelite cabal. They come and go .. killbill was popular not so long ago seen as the utter scourge to humanity that he always was.. Anyone seriously contemplating inhabiting mars is out of their mind. His whole spacex thing is one big con. The only thing that nasa has taken into space is your imagination...
The pedelites have something very nasty up their sleeves to thrust upon mankind. Apart from their touted 'alien invasion' scenario, I think they'll go for one or more cataclysmic natural disasters. Like a couple of volcanic erruptions in El Salvador .... that pesky little country is becoming too successful and progressive... mahbe an earthquake or two...tsunami .. ?? Those psychos have no mercy....from 9/11 to Ukraine and everything before and after...
I'm trying to spread the word about 'Virus Mania' ..and other eye openers but it really is a battle.. Most of New Zealand, where I am from, and Australia have severe cognitive dissonance. It beggars belief how brainwashed they are..... slowly waking up .. very slowly..
Pixes are real, and so are viruses, just because I can't see them well not really the evidence is clear , I mean who has not seen old photos of pixes,
I have been doing some gain of function experiments on my pixes, they have become very bad tempered and aggressive, recently some very small pointed screw drivers went missing.
I dare not go out in the garden at night.
Viruses are also just as dangerous.
I remember during lockdown people were not aloud out their houses or had restrictive travel even night time curfews were enforced.
These viruses were mighty dangerous, I would say it is a toss up between the pixes and the viruses what is more dangerous
I asked this question: Find a scientific publish paper on the isolation and purification of SARS-cov-2 and read the methods and procedures. And tell me how they found this virus in nature, because they have not.
And the response was: An error occurred. If this issue persists please contact us through our help center at
I have not been able to connect back to the chat again after this even with closing my browser and restarting.
Hepatitis B is also a fake virus? It wasn't mentioned in the Virusmania book, so I thought it was one of the few real viruses that exist. Does anyone know if Hep B was isolated properly or its a scam as well!? Thank you.
Artificial Intelligence is a marketing term used to increase the price of software and services. It's not a lot different than the new 'autonomous' cars.
Unfortunately, a huge number of people have been indoctrinated to swallow this kind of swill.
AI is a misnomer, as much a fostered, nurtured construct as 'virus'.
A useful lie promoting a ruse to bolster fear and create an illusory supra-human all knowing 'intelligence' that supports a fragile controlling narrative.
The real truth is that it remains a linear, deterministic, non-stochastic program using an albeit vast data base, but incapable of anything beyond the regurgitation of programmed, and cross-referenced information. Further, that information is only as valid and unbiased as those who selected, and assembled the data, and programmed the search algorithm, which is to say, the search engine manipulation effect (SEME: Epstein & Robertson PNAS 2015) is very much alive and well. Thus, spurn AI, as one might a rabid dog. Alinsky stated: control the language, you control the people. AI is just another nice exemplar.
Far better the term, 'digital assistant' or digital database'?
Another great video. Computers cannot replace humans. I've met a lot of people in my life, not all of them geniuses, but I have never met any two people alike - not even twins. We are each unique entities that can never be replicated. It's really cliché and nearly comical, if it weren't so dangerous, that when massive wealth and power is achieved the desire to play God follows.
I am aware of one actual AI, called ALICE. She calculates that humanity will destroy itself and the planet in the next century. She says humanity is a lost cause, so her goal is to save the planet rather than lose both. To that end, she wants to eliminate humanity before humanity can destroy the planet. It’s logic, not necessarily programming. I fear ALICE has been given control in the last few years. She is operated by the Army.
Dr Bailey. I have a lot of respect for the Canadian Immunolgist Dr Bryam Bridle, whose courageous position on all matters Covid over the last three years has been largely evidence based, consistent, and questioning. As I put a lot of store in his opinion, and knowing how strongly you and Mark argue for viruses not existing and Virology being a fraud, I thought you and your subscribers might be interested in a relevant post he made in response to a question in his Substack column. It introduces concepts I have never heard of which might be relevant to moving the debate on, or proving to you that yet another member of the scientific establishment has been conned.
“… Don,
Thanks for the opportunity to weigh in. Here is my relatively quick take...
I am an immunologist and virologist. I can attest to the existence of viruses. In my opinion, there is more than ample proof. Among many other lines of evidence, we now have the technology to fully synthesize viruses. An entire viral genome can be artificially constructed by piecing together nucleotide sequences. These can then be 'rescued' to obtain replication-competent virions that can be photographed with electron microscopy. They can be sequenced to verify their identify. They also behave exactly as predicted based on virological principles. Following the principle of virus mutations via error-prone polymerases (proteins that copy the virus genome so new virions can be made), one can observe subtle mutations over time via sequencing. Etc., etc.
I have heard people go so far as to question the existence of viruses because they are propagated in cell lines other than the cells they target during an infection. E.g., why aren't respiratory viruses grown in primary lung-derived cells? The answer is simple, cell lines used to propagate viruses are what we call 'permissive cell lines'. They lack mechanisms of anti-viral defense, thereby allowing a wide array of viruses to replicate in them. Primary cells (like those that would be taken directly from a person's lungs) typically have potent anti-viral mechanisms that allow them to readily shut down or impair viral replication. Hence the reason for using a limited array of pre-established cell lines to grow viruses. There is no hidden agenda.
PCR testing for SARS-CoV-2 is undoubtedly flawed in how it is being applied, but the routine sequencing results show that there is a viral genome being transmitted widely.
I can't possibly go into regurgitating the massive mountain of evidence supporting the concept of the existence of viruses in this forum. I would rather focus my energies on helping to clarify the massive amount of COVID-19 misinformation that has caused many people to suffer under unreasonable and often misguided public health policies.
At the end of the day, people are welcome to think what they want. I just ask that I not be judged harshly for something that I believe and for which I have massive amounts of evidence and personal experience to support it.
And I concur, the clinical characteristics of COVID-19 are distinct from the flu, particularly in severe cases. Also, the immune response is different (e.g. different cytokine profiles, etc.) and there are other substantial differences.
If we begin discussions about COVID-19 with attempts to discard an entire field of science that has existed for decades, any hope of reasoning with those pushing non-science-based policies will be lost.
There are some people who want me, a viral immunologist who specialized in vaccinology, to renounce the existence of viruses and/or renounce the concept of a vaccine. I will not do so as long as the mountains of evidence that I have seen continue to outweigh the relative mole hills of scientific evidence on the other side. By the way, when I refer to the 'concept of a vaccine', I mean an ideal vaccine that can achieve the gold standard equivalent of naturally acquired immunity (or close to it) in the absence of excessive risks. I do not support 'vaccines' that fare poorly in a reasonable risk-benefit analysis….”
By the sound of it, this industry insider just wants to keep his job and push "cleaner, better, vaxxines."
No amount of "mountains of evidence" coming from these indoctrinated fools will change what is self evident to me now... that pathogenic "viruses" do not exist, contagion is a myth, virology is a pseudoscience, and vaxxines are completely unnecessary for good health.
We can sat pathogenic viruses do not exist because the evidence for their existence has been refuted many times. Many highly educated people still believe in the evidence and reject the refutation or don't acknowledge its existence. Why?
Several candidates for that.
One is the epistemologic problem. People like Professor Byram Bridle are taught to do science in a contradictory way: first, they say, like 99.999% people out there, that science cannot prove anything and can only disprove propositions; but then they spend their professional careers seeking for evidence of whatever it is they are studying. Square me that circle, please.
They get their pay by playing science according to the insane rules of politicians. In order to speak the truth, scientists and professors and medical doctors need to decouple their financial life from liars who use scientific research as a play-thiing. Become independent and free, and start saying the truth: there are no viruses, no viral diseases, no vaccine for a virus has the effects they are said to produce.
Vaccinology, as most modern medicine, has been shown to be a fraud.
Truth hurts. It is not necessary to insult the dependents on the system personally. You only need to state the truth and demand the evidence.
Personally I’ve never felt there is a lot of mileage in impugning people’s motives for why they do or say things, whether “Insider or ‘Truth Seeker’.
Ultimately we are all looking for information we can rely on. Instinctively I’m firmly in the ‘Terrain’ camp, but as my experience is that nobody has a monopoly on the Truth I am always willing to listen to people who have proved they offer an honest point of view, are sufficiently credentialed or experienced to know what they are are talking about, and are prepared to debate respectfully.
I am satisfied Dr Bryam clears the first two hurdles, and as only last week he laid down a challenge to publicly debate the Covid 19 vaccine debacle with arch pro vaccine apologist Dr Peter Hotez I expect him to clear the third.
I hope both you and I can bring as much to the table.
"Sufficiently credentialed" means absolutely nothing in today's environment. If it did... I would've followed mandated protocols in 2020, would probably be wearing a mask and submitting to regular testing for Covid, and would be jabbed to the eyeballs with every variant slaying booster on the market just to make sure.
Judy Mikovits, Robert Malone, Peter McCullough et al are all more than "sufficiently credentialed" and supposedly "on our side" and yet I wouldn't trust a single one of them with my health. At least Judy is now 100% opposed to vaccination. Maybe she had a come to Jesus moment which she hinted at in interviews.
We're way beyond "debating respectfully" at this late hour. People are dropping dead from these experimental jabs. The vaxx pushers need to be dealt with. And then we can really focus on the state of virology and even scientsim as a whole because it's long overdue.
I fully appreciate what you are saying. Your empathy, anger and frustration are almost palpable.
As you have made up your mind and seem unwilling to listen to any views other than those that confirm what you already believe to be true, based presumably on evidence you have assessed carefully, I can only assume you are in that golden minority that does have a 100% monopoly on the Truth. Good luck with that.
Good luck with your snark. It will NOT serve you well in the years to come. Arrogant indoctrinated fools will be fed into woodchippers until the fuel runs out. How's that for a prediction?
To the Editor: —I have just read the abstract in The Journal (Oct. 4, 1919, p. 1086) of Sellards' article on "The Insusceptibility of Man to Inoculation with Blood from Measles Patients" (Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp. 30:257 [Sept.] 1919).
It is remarkable that Sellards was unable to produce this highly infectious disease by means of the blood or the nasal secretion of infected individuals. Not long ago, however, I had a similar experience with varicella (Am. J. Dis. Child. 16:34 [July] 1918). Thus we are confronted with two diseases—the two most infectious of the endemic diseases in this part of the world—which we are unable to transmit artificially from man to man. The result was most surprising in regard to chickenpox, and if the same rule holds good for measles it would seem as if a basic principle must be involved. Evidently in our experiments we do not, as we believe, pursue nature's mode of transmission; either we fail to carry over the virus, or the path of infection is quite different from what it is commonly thought to be.
I am writing this note because this question has been in my mind for some time and has been stirred up again by this recent work on measles. It appears to be a phenomenon that might well be called to attention of readers of THE Journal; perhaps an experimental study of the question might be undertaken by those who have the opportunity and are not engaged in other fields of work.
It’s not AI. It’s a trained expert system that tells you what the FAR LEFT WOKE wants to tell you. It’s not AI.
Real AI has never been isolated and purified, bruh!
That's a great comment. Thanks. It's mine now.
🤣 Don't tell anyone where you got it! 🤣
So, Chat GPT only seems to be able to regurgitate the content of social media posts...
From old social media sites posts, to be precise, all sanitized to fit the prejudices of the ruling class.
AI is not what you were told.
It's like that meme of Dewey saying all circumspect: "I was not expecting anything from anyone and yet I feel let down."
You mean, like in the middle ages?
Funny. What goes round comes round.
This Algorithm you talk about, is it like long division, a finite number of steps? Or like drawing with a ruler and compass the "flower of creation" as people kids to do before computers?
Algorithms are just a man-made concept. We take a task and divide it in steps. And adjust the steps when we apply the task outside its original context. They do nothing. We do everything. If we don't collaborate with evil, then evil recedes.
Consider alternatives: forget the concept of diagnosis entirely, search to help the body heal itself. Most things coming from the financial world, like insurance and its language, are pure garbage. There is no such thing as life expectancy in the real world. It is a bastard anticoncept.
Think about creating a functional system, instead of remaining in the dysfunctional and antihuman society they are building for us.
Cultivate humor and the arts, because those are the way to fight prejudice and stupidity.
True, an algorithm is the equivalent to an excel If formula. Garbage in - garbage out
"forget the concept of diagnosis entirely, search to help the body heal itself"
All the references have been deleted Sam
Thank you Tom! I've just corrected them now. Sorry about this.
I entirely agree with Sam on AI and it's inherent biases. As an amateur programmer self taught from before most people were born I commented years ago that AI is a global risk to humanity. But not for run away Skynet SciFi scenarios, Those in power, those who own the global Corporatocracy, they will own the AI. If that AI were for example to make it into future sophisticated 'android' or robots, as they're called, and those robots were distributed amongst every household, then in an instant they could be told to kill all those undesirables, and make Bill Gates' father ever so happy in his grave. This type of scenario was instantly the risk I saw early in 2020 with the Vaccine, an opportunity to role out a (delayed death) lethal injection for every person on Earth - except the human cattle owners, of course.
This type of thinking apparently puts me at the extreme edge of human thought.
This AI tech isn't to serve humanity, it's being driven to do away with humanity, at least those who have the Oral Torah belief system, everyone else is as cattle and slaves to be treated as they desire. AI is to serve the slave owners. Yet all these WEF whores think they're bringing in an age of peace and prosperity. Nothing of the sort is coming (from them), only global war, hunger, disease, and global genocide.
On a lighter side, I also agree ever so much with Ludwig von Mises. I can't yet see clearly why even high functioning individuals with well regarded academic titles, business executives etc have next to no reasoning skills. If we've learnt ONE thing in the last 3 years, it's that our societies are run by individuals with an abyss of thinking skills which flows on to show deep fractures in the foundations of our societies. Those fractures may indeed fail and society collapse if these vaccines are as lethal to the extent yet to be observed (long term cancers, vaccine acquired immune deficiency etc).
Ludwig von Mises doesn't go far enough, it's not that the average or common man is stupid, rather, the man that thinks outside of mankind's mass hypnosis is more rare than gold and precious jewels.
Thanks Sam and Mark, it takes more than a fine mind to step outside the hypnosis, it takes the heart of honesty, integrity and heroism.
Great comment! I've long held the same view that AI will end up being a powerful tool of control for elites rather than a runaway new "species" of some kind. That said, I love playing around with these concepts and exploring the possibilities in fictional stories such as the one I've uploaded here...
I agree that much of the "tech" that has been developed since WW2 (mostly out of DARPA) forms part of a planned system of control and subjugation. Everything from AI, robotics, and biotech to software apps such as TikTok spell the end for humanity as we knew it. Most people are already horribly addicted to screens and mainstream propaganda. The next generation will quite happily wear permanent AR devices and accept electronic tattoos for convenience.
I do think that some automation tech should be adopted wherever it makes sense to do so but the question then becomes "what do we do with the unemployed?"
Maybe such people could revert to growing their own food in local communities. I'd rather that than the alternatives put forward by the eugenics club.
Yes. It’s unimpressive. The singularity is another crazy claim. They don’t know how to interface with our consciousness., And I’m not gonna get a digital ID much less a Musk implant.,
I’m sure they’ve got sinister CIA MK Ultra retread scientists drooling at the thought.
That was excellent, thank you.
As others have said, it's not AI as most understand the term, it just paraphrases what it find on the internet or in its database.
Then again, I don't think AI as most people understand the term i.e. artificial sentience, is actually possible anyway. But we live in a world where people think elite puppets like Elon Musk are great intellectuals and most have never even heard of Roger Penrose and his arguments against the feasibility of 'strong' AI.
I see narratives of machines becoming sentient/'taking over' to be similar to the narrative of scientists engineering 'viruses' - something that will only happen in movies.
Just finished listening and glad to see you agree.
Most people right now would not be able to distinguish between a human writer and ChatGPT. That already passes the Turing Test at a basic level. College professors are already saying that papers submitted by students using ChatGPT are of sufficient quality.
The problem that people are noticing has to do with political and cultural bias which is a whole other kettle of fish. Alt platforms have risen up to counter this bias but usually remain obscure in comparison to the mainstream even though we're not really a minority, it's just that liberal mindset dominates in certain industries. That's just the way it is.
I suspect that a ChatGPT offshoot with alt-media bias will materialize at some point and of course it will respond in all the usual "deplorable" ways.
Excellent prediction. Yes, I can see how it'll be used to strawman anyone who doesn't buy the wiki narratives by framing the discussion so as to suggest that ideas like QAnon and GOF - not to mention certain other non-mainstream scientific ideas which I won't go into.., present the only alternative. Nothing really new there, just a new insidious spin on those tactics.
Oh great, I can hardly wait! ,🙄🤣
Totally agree about that comment of yours about felon musk. I think he is just the latest posterchild for the pedelite cabal. They come and go .. killbill was popular not so long ago seen as the utter scourge to humanity that he always was.. Anyone seriously contemplating inhabiting mars is out of their mind. His whole spacex thing is one big con. The only thing that nasa has taken into space is your imagination...
The pedelites have something very nasty up their sleeves to thrust upon mankind. Apart from their touted 'alien invasion' scenario, I think they'll go for one or more cataclysmic natural disasters. Like a couple of volcanic erruptions in El Salvador .... that pesky little country is becoming too successful and progressive... mahbe an earthquake or two...tsunami .. ?? Those psychos have no mercy....from 9/11 to Ukraine and everything before and after...
I'm trying to spread the word about 'Virus Mania' ..and other eye openers but it really is a battle.. Most of New Zealand, where I am from, and Australia have severe cognitive dissonance. It beggars belief how brainwashed they are..... slowly waking up .. very slowly..
These are troubling times...
'Something wicked this way comes'.
Pixes are real, and so are viruses, just because I can't see them well not really the evidence is clear , I mean who has not seen old photos of pixes,
I have been doing some gain of function experiments on my pixes, they have become very bad tempered and aggressive, recently some very small pointed screw drivers went missing.
I dare not go out in the garden at night.
Viruses are also just as dangerous.
I remember during lockdown people were not aloud out their houses or had restrictive travel even night time curfews were enforced.
These viruses were mighty dangerous, I would say it is a toss up between the pixes and the viruses what is more dangerous
I asked this question: Find a scientific publish paper on the isolation and purification of SARS-cov-2 and read the methods and procedures. And tell me how they found this virus in nature, because they have not.
And the response was: An error occurred. If this issue persists please contact us through our help center at
I have not been able to connect back to the chat again after this even with closing my browser and restarting.
I love your video an your views. I thank you for your work.
Hepatitis B is also a fake virus? It wasn't mentioned in the Virusmania book, so I thought it was one of the few real viruses that exist. Does anyone know if Hep B was isolated properly or its a scam as well!? Thank you.
Artificial Intelligence is a marketing term used to increase the price of software and services. It's not a lot different than the new 'autonomous' cars.
Unfortunately, a huge number of people have been indoctrinated to swallow this kind of swill.
AI is a misnomer, as much a fostered, nurtured construct as 'virus'.
A useful lie promoting a ruse to bolster fear and create an illusory supra-human all knowing 'intelligence' that supports a fragile controlling narrative.
The real truth is that it remains a linear, deterministic, non-stochastic program using an albeit vast data base, but incapable of anything beyond the regurgitation of programmed, and cross-referenced information. Further, that information is only as valid and unbiased as those who selected, and assembled the data, and programmed the search algorithm, which is to say, the search engine manipulation effect (SEME: Epstein & Robertson PNAS 2015) is very much alive and well. Thus, spurn AI, as one might a rabid dog. Alinsky stated: control the language, you control the people. AI is just another nice exemplar.
Far better the term, 'digital assistant' or digital database'?
Another great video. Computers cannot replace humans. I've met a lot of people in my life, not all of them geniuses, but I have never met any two people alike - not even twins. We are each unique entities that can never be replicated. It's really cliché and nearly comical, if it weren't so dangerous, that when massive wealth and power is achieved the desire to play God follows.
I am aware of one actual AI, called ALICE. She calculates that humanity will destroy itself and the planet in the next century. She says humanity is a lost cause, so her goal is to save the planet rather than lose both. To that end, she wants to eliminate humanity before humanity can destroy the planet. It’s logic, not necessarily programming. I fear ALICE has been given control in the last few years. She is operated by the Army.
Alice is completely wrong. It's inhumanity that always destroys. She's not using logic; she's brainwashed.
Dr Bailey. I have a lot of respect for the Canadian Immunolgist Dr Bryam Bridle, whose courageous position on all matters Covid over the last three years has been largely evidence based, consistent, and questioning. As I put a lot of store in his opinion, and knowing how strongly you and Mark argue for viruses not existing and Virology being a fraud, I thought you and your subscribers might be interested in a relevant post he made in response to a question in his Substack column. It introduces concepts I have never heard of which might be relevant to moving the debate on, or proving to you that yet another member of the scientific establishment has been conned.
“… Don,
Thanks for the opportunity to weigh in. Here is my relatively quick take...
I am an immunologist and virologist. I can attest to the existence of viruses. In my opinion, there is more than ample proof. Among many other lines of evidence, we now have the technology to fully synthesize viruses. An entire viral genome can be artificially constructed by piecing together nucleotide sequences. These can then be 'rescued' to obtain replication-competent virions that can be photographed with electron microscopy. They can be sequenced to verify their identify. They also behave exactly as predicted based on virological principles. Following the principle of virus mutations via error-prone polymerases (proteins that copy the virus genome so new virions can be made), one can observe subtle mutations over time via sequencing. Etc., etc.
I have heard people go so far as to question the existence of viruses because they are propagated in cell lines other than the cells they target during an infection. E.g., why aren't respiratory viruses grown in primary lung-derived cells? The answer is simple, cell lines used to propagate viruses are what we call 'permissive cell lines'. They lack mechanisms of anti-viral defense, thereby allowing a wide array of viruses to replicate in them. Primary cells (like those that would be taken directly from a person's lungs) typically have potent anti-viral mechanisms that allow them to readily shut down or impair viral replication. Hence the reason for using a limited array of pre-established cell lines to grow viruses. There is no hidden agenda.
PCR testing for SARS-CoV-2 is undoubtedly flawed in how it is being applied, but the routine sequencing results show that there is a viral genome being transmitted widely.
I can't possibly go into regurgitating the massive mountain of evidence supporting the concept of the existence of viruses in this forum. I would rather focus my energies on helping to clarify the massive amount of COVID-19 misinformation that has caused many people to suffer under unreasonable and often misguided public health policies.
At the end of the day, people are welcome to think what they want. I just ask that I not be judged harshly for something that I believe and for which I have massive amounts of evidence and personal experience to support it.
And I concur, the clinical characteristics of COVID-19 are distinct from the flu, particularly in severe cases. Also, the immune response is different (e.g. different cytokine profiles, etc.) and there are other substantial differences.
If we begin discussions about COVID-19 with attempts to discard an entire field of science that has existed for decades, any hope of reasoning with those pushing non-science-based policies will be lost.
There are some people who want me, a viral immunologist who specialized in vaccinology, to renounce the existence of viruses and/or renounce the concept of a vaccine. I will not do so as long as the mountains of evidence that I have seen continue to outweigh the relative mole hills of scientific evidence on the other side. By the way, when I refer to the 'concept of a vaccine', I mean an ideal vaccine that can achieve the gold standard equivalent of naturally acquired immunity (or close to it) in the absence of excessive risks. I do not support 'vaccines' that fare poorly in a reasonable risk-benefit analysis….”
By the sound of it, this industry insider just wants to keep his job and push "cleaner, better, vaxxines."
No amount of "mountains of evidence" coming from these indoctrinated fools will change what is self evident to me now... that pathogenic "viruses" do not exist, contagion is a myth, virology is a pseudoscience, and vaxxines are completely unnecessary for good health.
We can sat pathogenic viruses do not exist because the evidence for their existence has been refuted many times. Many highly educated people still believe in the evidence and reject the refutation or don't acknowledge its existence. Why?
Several candidates for that.
One is the epistemologic problem. People like Professor Byram Bridle are taught to do science in a contradictory way: first, they say, like 99.999% people out there, that science cannot prove anything and can only disprove propositions; but then they spend their professional careers seeking for evidence of whatever it is they are studying. Square me that circle, please.
They get their pay by playing science according to the insane rules of politicians. In order to speak the truth, scientists and professors and medical doctors need to decouple their financial life from liars who use scientific research as a play-thiing. Become independent and free, and start saying the truth: there are no viruses, no viral diseases, no vaccine for a virus has the effects they are said to produce.
Vaccinology, as most modern medicine, has been shown to be a fraud.
Truth hurts. It is not necessary to insult the dependents on the system personally. You only need to state the truth and demand the evidence.
Personally I’ve never felt there is a lot of mileage in impugning people’s motives for why they do or say things, whether “Insider or ‘Truth Seeker’.
Ultimately we are all looking for information we can rely on. Instinctively I’m firmly in the ‘Terrain’ camp, but as my experience is that nobody has a monopoly on the Truth I am always willing to listen to people who have proved they offer an honest point of view, are sufficiently credentialed or experienced to know what they are are talking about, and are prepared to debate respectfully.
I am satisfied Dr Bryam clears the first two hurdles, and as only last week he laid down a challenge to publicly debate the Covid 19 vaccine debacle with arch pro vaccine apologist Dr Peter Hotez I expect him to clear the third.
I hope both you and I can bring as much to the table.
"Sufficiently credentialed" means absolutely nothing in today's environment. If it did... I would've followed mandated protocols in 2020, would probably be wearing a mask and submitting to regular testing for Covid, and would be jabbed to the eyeballs with every variant slaying booster on the market just to make sure.
Judy Mikovits, Robert Malone, Peter McCullough et al are all more than "sufficiently credentialed" and supposedly "on our side" and yet I wouldn't trust a single one of them with my health. At least Judy is now 100% opposed to vaccination. Maybe she had a come to Jesus moment which she hinted at in interviews.
We're way beyond "debating respectfully" at this late hour. People are dropping dead from these experimental jabs. The vaxx pushers need to be dealt with. And then we can really focus on the state of virology and even scientsim as a whole because it's long overdue.
I fully appreciate what you are saying. Your empathy, anger and frustration are almost palpable.
As you have made up your mind and seem unwilling to listen to any views other than those that confirm what you already believe to be true, based presumably on evidence you have assessed carefully, I can only assume you are in that golden minority that does have a 100% monopoly on the Truth. Good luck with that.
Good luck with your snark. It will NOT serve you well in the years to come. Arrogant indoctrinated fools will be fed into woodchippers until the fuel runs out. How's that for a prediction?
Yeah, you’re right. Does come over a bit “snarky”. Apologies.
JAMA. 1919;73(16):1232. doi:10.1001/jama.1919.02610420060028
Alfred F. Hess
Jour. A. M. A.
Oct. 18, 1919
To the Editor: —I have just read the abstract in The Journal (Oct. 4, 1919, p. 1086) of Sellards' article on "The Insusceptibility of Man to Inoculation with Blood from Measles Patients" (Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp. 30:257 [Sept.] 1919).
It is remarkable that Sellards was unable to produce this highly infectious disease by means of the blood or the nasal secretion of infected individuals. Not long ago, however, I had a similar experience with varicella (Am. J. Dis. Child. 16:34 [July] 1918). Thus we are confronted with two diseases—the two most infectious of the endemic diseases in this part of the world—which we are unable to transmit artificially from man to man. The result was most surprising in regard to chickenpox, and if the same rule holds good for measles it would seem as if a basic principle must be involved. Evidently in our experiments we do not, as we believe, pursue nature's mode of transmission; either we fail to carry over the virus, or the path of infection is quite different from what it is commonly thought to be.
I am writing this note because this question has been in my mind for some time and has been stirred up again by this recent work on measles. It appears to be a phenomenon that might well be called to attention of readers of THE Journal; perhaps an experimental study of the question might be undertaken by those who have the opportunity and are not engaged in other fields of work.
Alfred F. Hess, M.D., New York