It’s not AI. It’s a trained expert system that tells you what the FAR LEFT WOKE wants to tell you. It’s not AI.

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So, Chat GPT only seems to be able to regurgitate the content of social media posts...

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Jan 31, 2023Liked by Dr Sam Bailey

All the references have been deleted Sam

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AI chat doctors NHS health Droids it's all getting far far to silly. When will people take their own action on their own health ?????? can't have that MASSIVE loss of PROFITS for medical military industrial complex.

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I entirely agree with Sam on AI and it's inherent biases. As an amateur programmer self taught from before most people were born I commented years ago that AI is a global risk to humanity. But not for run away Skynet SciFi scenarios, Those in power, those who own the global Corporatocracy, they will own the AI. If that AI were for example to make it into future sophisticated 'android' or robots, as they're called, and those robots were distributed amongst every household, then in an instant they could be told to kill all those undesirables, and make Bill Gates' father ever so happy in his grave. This type of scenario was instantly the risk I saw early in 2020 with the Vaccine, an opportunity to role out a (delayed death) lethal injection for every person on Earth - except the human cattle owners, of course.

This type of thinking apparently puts me at the extreme edge of human thought.

This AI tech isn't to serve humanity, it's being driven to do away with humanity, at least those who have the Oral Torah belief system, everyone else is as cattle and slaves to be treated as they desire. AI is to serve the slave owners. Yet all these WEF whores think they're bringing in an age of peace and prosperity. Nothing of the sort is coming (from them), only global war, hunger, disease, and global genocide.

On a lighter side, I also agree ever so much with Ludwig von Mises. I can't yet see clearly why even high functioning individuals with well regarded academic titles, business executives etc have next to no reasoning skills. If we've learnt ONE thing in the last 3 years, it's that our societies are run by individuals with an abyss of thinking skills which flows on to show deep fractures in the foundations of our societies. Those fractures may indeed fail and society collapse if these vaccines are as lethal to the extent yet to be observed (long term cancers, vaccine acquired immune deficiency etc).

Ludwig von Mises doesn't go far enough, it's not that the average or common man is stupid, rather, the man that thinks outside of mankind's mass hypnosis is more rare than gold and precious jewels.

Thanks Sam and Mark, it takes more than a fine mind to step outside the hypnosis, it takes the heart of honesty, integrity and heroism.

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Yes. It’s unimpressive. The singularity is another crazy claim. They don’t know how to interface with our consciousness., And I’m not gonna get a digital ID much less a Musk implant.,

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That was excellent, thank you.

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As others have said, it's not AI as most understand the term, it just paraphrases what it find on the internet or in its database.

Then again, I don't think AI as most people understand the term i.e. artificial sentience, is actually possible anyway. But we live in a world where people think elite puppets like Elon Musk are great intellectuals and most have never even heard of Roger Penrose and his arguments against the feasibility of 'strong' AI.

I see narratives of machines becoming sentient/'taking over' to be similar to the narrative of scientists engineering 'viruses' - something that will only happen in movies.

Just finished listening and glad to see you agree.

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Pixes are real, and so are viruses, just because I can't see them well not really the evidence is clear , I mean who has not seen old photos of pixes,

I have been doing some gain of function experiments on my pixes, they have become very bad tempered and aggressive, recently some very small pointed screw drivers went missing.

I dare not go out in the garden at night.

Viruses are also just as dangerous.

I remember during lockdown people were not aloud out their houses or had restrictive travel even night time curfews were enforced.

These viruses were mighty dangerous, I would say it is a toss up between the pixes and the viruses what is more dangerous

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I asked this question: Find a scientific publish paper on the isolation and purification of SARS-cov-2 and read the methods and procedures. And tell me how they found this virus in nature, because they have not.

And the response was: An error occurred. If this issue persists please contact us through our help center at help.openai.com.

I have not been able to connect back to the chat again after this even with closing my browser and restarting.

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I love your video an your views. I thank you for your work.

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Hepatitis B is also a fake virus? It wasn't mentioned in the Virusmania book, so I thought it was one of the few real viruses that exist. Does anyone know if Hep B was isolated properly or its a scam as well!? Thank you.

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Artificial Intelligence is a marketing term used to increase the price of software and services. It's not a lot different than the new 'autonomous' cars.

Unfortunately, a huge number of people have been indoctrinated to swallow this kind of swill.

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AI is a misnomer, as much a fostered, nurtured construct as 'virus'.

A useful lie promoting a ruse to bolster fear and create an illusory supra-human all knowing 'intelligence' that supports a fragile controlling narrative.

The real truth is that it remains a linear, deterministic, non-stochastic program using an albeit vast data base, but incapable of anything beyond the regurgitation of programmed, and cross-referenced information. Further, that information is only as valid and unbiased as those who selected, and assembled the data, and programmed the search algorithm, which is to say, the search engine manipulation effect (SEME: Epstein & Robertson PNAS 2015) is very much alive and well. https://www.pnas.org/doi/pdf/10.1073/pnas.1419828112 Thus, spurn AI, as one might a rabid dog. Alinsky stated: control the language, you control the people. AI is just another nice exemplar.

Far better the term, 'digital assistant' or digital database'?


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Another great video. Computers cannot replace humans. I've met a lot of people in my life, not all of them geniuses, but I have never met any two people alike - not even twins. We are each unique entities that can never be replicated. It's really cliché and nearly comical, if it weren't so dangerous, that when massive wealth and power is achieved the desire to play God follows.

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I am aware of one actual AI, called ALICE. She calculates that humanity will destroy itself and the planet in the next century. She says humanity is a lost cause, so her goal is to save the planet rather than lose both. To that end, she wants to eliminate humanity before humanity can destroy the planet. It’s logic, not necessarily programming. I fear ALICE has been given control in the last few years. She is operated by the Army.

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