Nov 28, 2023Liked by Dr Sam Bailey

I am grateful to be awake at last , thinking my own thoughts and directing my own ongoing education .Sadly too late for the benefit of my now adult children and my broader community but none the less , I am awake now .

Blessings and appreciation to you n yours Sam .

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It's time that the "people", I mean the criminals who are pushing these Poison, Bio-weapon, Clot-Shots on the public are brought before an "honest" court and charged with intentional homicide and crimes against humanity. There is an abundance of proof that these shots are dangerous and harmful.

Here is a link that claims twenty million deaths and 2.2 billion vax injuries and counting.



ALL those involved, that should have been protecting us, but became part of the biggest crime in history, need to be held accountable for their part in bringing this GENOCIDE on the world population.

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Thank you once again Dr Sam. I am a proud anti-vaxxer. It is an instinctual knowing in many respects. Observing the behaviour of the pharmaceutical industry whilst studying as a nursing student in the 80's and then working in various GP surgeries. Posters everywhere urging this jab or that medication. It felt like we were all doomed if we didn't comply. Grateful for your videos and i am posting them on.

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I have read that Pharma is now backtracking saying that they never said that they were safe or effective for everyone. They say (correctly actually) that the decision to recommend to jab or not lies with the treating physician. The vast majority NEVER received any such consultation. They never made informed consent. The whole medical profession should be in the dock.

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The more I look into the history of germ theory and the more I apply the terrain theory to my life, the more things make sense and less I become ill. This worldview is solid.

But it's difficult for most people to believe that a profession could be built on a house of lies. Since 2019 this hasn't been a problem for me.

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"Vaccine Abolitionist!"

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I would consider myself to be in the never-vaxxer camp. No vaccines or mRNA injections (which are not traditional vaccines) in over 50 years. No big pharma drug prescriptions. To live to an older age, one must avoid the modern stone age medical mafia as much as possible and do more good things for the body than bad things. And big pharma drugs are very bad things.

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The tetanus shot makes no sense at all as they offer it to you after the danger has supposedly occurred.

I recently had to decline it after going to hospital to get burns on my hand dressed. They were quite insistent, and I had to be tactful but assertive.

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I was never an antivaxxer until I had an adverse reaction to a 2020 flu shot and started asking questions. The reaction to my questions was all I needed to know. I never viewed anyone who chose not to take a shot as "the enemy". Pre-Covid, we were taught, the shot protected us. Thank-you for your post and reminding us of the evil they have done twisting our minds and words into thinking a toxic shot I take saves "you"...and kills me at the same time.

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A. The Alpha of the alphabet. First and foremost.

I so thankfully take up that premier position!

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Virology Debunked w/ Cracker Jack PCR Test - 10 Points On-The-Box by Chris Edwards of Nuremberg 2.0 at (nurembergtrials.net) (Submitted for a Nobel Prize) https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/virology-debunked-w-cracker-jack-pcr-test---10-points-on-the-box

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Its time we stood proudly by that 'derogatory' label - anti-vaxxer and proclaimed our positive identification with it (rather than being made to feel somehow wrong).... just don't buy into it! I loved David Icke on this during covid - 'anti-vaxxer - too bloody right I am.' I've been an anti-vaxxer for almost 40 years - made the decision not to vaccinate my four children - all in their 30s now. Thank heavens they have followed suit with their own children. Phew.

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I've been an anti vaxxer way longer than it has been cool to be one. Always been happy to be an anti vaxxer xxxxx

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I have been proudly anti-vax for over 38 years now. I did my own research when pregnant with my first child and again for the covid vax and realised the danger early on based on the research from overseas. I am happy to say my daughter is also an anti-vaxxer and her 3 children remain jab free from all childhood jabs. I think I'll make a tee shirt with "A for anti-vaxxer" on it.

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It requires out of the box thinking to come to disbelieve the vaccine hoax. It’s been “doctor” approved my entire lifetime. But maybe doctors believed what they are taught in school and told by the FDA / NIH without questioning they were in fact taken over by big pharmaceuticals.

I had a couple shots when I was a baby 67 years ago but didn’t buy into the hoax when I became a thinking young adult. I still laugh at the fools for getting a flu shot. They all get sick and I don’t. My thinking is if there is a flu virus and it’s always changing, how do the pharmaceutical companies know which type is going to infect people this year. They would have to see into the future. Fools abound in this world

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labels are the worst. It's a shortcut to dismissal. However they are useful. Its nice to be able to say the Medical Freedom Movement and have people know what I mean. I've been calling this community 'no-virus' as people know what that means. Though with a few more words it would be more accurate. Those skeptical of the mainstream pandemic response and positions. Those critical of virus theories given a free pass to accepted science while ignoring potential alternative explanations such as toxins or allergens, etc.

I don't think calling out those that haven't bought into these critical theories sheep or normies helps much. If anything it means those that may consider these ideas get scared back into conventional thought. I think its very easy to over use the comparison to Nazi Germany in a way that sabotages any chance of being heard by people int he middle.

These are old problems. Its handy to have name for something but then the name can become a problem.

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