Virology has been dead for decades. Steve and Dr.'s Bailey et al have hammered the last nail into the coffin. How long will Dr. McCullough. Del Bigtree and the Gatekeepers Club twist in the wind to avoid the truth.?

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Well, there are so many systems that have been in place for such a long time it will take some time.

I think it makes many feel rather shaky on the ground. And some might be completely aware but are caught in or are complicit in building the web.

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They have been brainwashed into perpetrating the fraud they themselves were trained in. Just think about the gatekeepers involved. The superstructure of the medical cartel has been placed in medical schools, public schools, laboratories et al since the Rockefellers took control of the entire system in the early part of the 20th century. As students they study, and then internalize what they were taught, then go out into practice, regurgitate what they were taught as gospel, not knowing that the foundation presented as medical truth was in fact built on sand. Even if a few see the evidence of fraud, they dare not say due to the loss of career, status and money. Once the beaurocrats are in place, they become the arbiters of truth. The newly minted Doctor, virologist, researcher is working in their field, they continue to do and say what they were taught. No critical thinking needed! The circular reasoning continues unabated. Washington stated that "no one can resist the highest bidder". Just imagine what happened in Germany when Hitler promised the people a new Germany. The entire country fell for this lie, with the exception of a few that were summarily hanged. It is plain to see how humans react to fear when the authorities scare the hell out of them. If someone in a position of extreme power, said taste this delicious peanut butter. You see that it is horse shit, but taste it anyway, then say oh what tasty peanut butter, because you do not want to be perceived as the one in the crowd that says what they know to be true. The truth gets you into trouble, so you smile and say like everyone else, oh what good peanut butter this is. Tell me I am wrong!

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Well you're wrong about me.

And I think the peanut butter part might be too gross and too gross of a generalization.

Although I do understand what you are saying.

I was never any good at being a student because I'm more kinesthetic than auditory, or maybe more questioning. I needed experiential learning when what was on offer was about memorization. Having something told to me and being expected to simply accept it had no meaning to me.

I thought there was something wrong with me that I had no ready opinion. Which there was no shortage of with my parents and my older brother.

I also had horrid stuff going on in my family as I grew up and I was the one who spoke to it. The one who said no, the one who said stop.

Never a popular thing. Still isn't a popular thing.

(There are some questioning the Hitler narrative as well and researching and writing into it.)

I think 'we' are taught we need to belong, to be good, do what's right. Say please and thank you and not listen deeply to ourselves.

There are a lot of messages of 'do not'. A lot of ways we are taught to turn from ourselves as if we are inherently evil. Do not feel, do not question. . .

I'm living in solitude and isolation and scraping the glue off.

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Thank you, but you just verified my argument. The peanut butter analogy may be gross, but it is exactly what happens. I myself was a terrible student. I was lost in public school. Now my neighbor, John Nash, in Bluefield West Virginia was a genius, and from the same social strata as I, a coal miners' son, brainwashed into thinking the history we were taught was true, and to never question anything that they taught us was the method of brainwashing that is and was effective, especially for the working class, in a country that states that there is no class distinction, another lie. Then Thay talk about the middle class as being the backbone of America! OK, so what do you call the working poor, who do the really hard physical labor that builds things? Well, the politicians call them middle class as well. But we are as we are told a country with no class distinctions. Can you say hypocrisy? No mixed message here, right? It took me decades and a war that was a lie to realize that something was twisted with the narrative, then realize that even with a substandard 10th grade dropout education, that I was actually more intelligent than they told me I was! It is the old square peg in the round hole thing. I learn a different way, and not the cookie cutter method of public school. Once the light comes on, then you start to question everything that was presented as fact. We were not settlers, we were coinquirers, we were not a Democracy unless you were male and a landowner, white landowner, our ancestors did not come to a wilderness that they hacked into communities, the civil war was not civil, and was not about slavery. I could go on, but you get the lie right. How long have Americans believed that Israel was a land without people for a people without land? Defended all the atrocities carried out by the Zionist state in order to gain more territory, that will I assure you will eventually encompass several other neighboring countries. We will believe anything the authorities say, and this is my point. Just look at what they do to truth tellers, they get smeared with the same brush as id they were child molesters or worse. The truth is the first casualty of war, and the enemy of the leviathan state, Respectfully, Jack.

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I hear you Jack.

You are not alone in how you think and feel and in what you see.

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Thank you! I do understand why most people do not see the naked emperor! Truth is poison to power and as they say, the first casualty of war is the truth. I know this personally. Isn't it funny and sad at the same time how easily we are fooled into buying the big lie. Orwell would not be surprised at all. 1984 has become reality. It is stunning to me to see how many drugs are pushed on TV. and all the side effects they mention have actually happened. It is insane to listen to them tell people that the drug could and have caused maladies worse than the condition they are supposed to treat. It is like the Dr. saying don't worry about that hangnail Mr. Jones: it is nothing compared to the gangrene that is eating your leg off. I guess if the psoriasis meds. cause you to die of a heart attack, people will say his skin looks so good. No drugs should be advertised on TV, no alcohol as it is a drug also. Isn't it funny that they removed tobacco adds, then added drug adds? This country is like the ministry of truth in 1984, death is life, right is wrong, and if anyone paying attention to anything other than their pacifier cell phones can see that we are now a corporatocracy. This is the exact definition of fascism. We now have representatives for corporations, not people, and this is why the covid fraud was pushed on all of the world as if it were anything but what it was, the flu, Jack.

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Big Amen to that Jack !!! Same here in Kanada

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I also get tired of the War Departments sponsorship of every sport event. Thanking the heroes for keeping us safe from the Muslim hoards that want to attack our freedoms. Lies pushed and swallowed by nearly everyone. As Einstein stated, all these people need is a spinal cord, because a brain was wasted on them. I remember thinking as a seventeen-year-old soldier, chomping at the bit to get to Vietnam, because I wanted to fight the communist hoards that the false domino effect was going to cause, and because I thought we were invincible. Stupid, gullible, brainwashed twits who were lied into a war that destroyed millions of lives, and for what? Our economy depends on war and armaments. They made sure of it, and this is why we are locked into this matrix. None of it is true! The sheep think the Sheppard is a good guy because he saved then from the cliff, and he feeds them, not knowing they are his money, and he is going to fatten them up, shear them and eat them. That is the other side of the good Sheppard story. I hear the automatons trained to say like a mindless machine, thank you for your service. What they do not know is that after you get out, they have no use for you. If you are traumatized, they send you to a VA Psychologist that denies that the military has anything to do with the moral wounds, they are paid to do this. The offer drugs to mask the damage knowing that this just makes it worse. 26 veterans kill themselves every day in this country, 26! Hundreds of thousands are walking time bombs, and many join police departments with devastating consequences. They shoot first as they were trained to do by the military. If I sound bitter, it is because I am!

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If you ever pass through the heart of Texas, give me a holler. I'd love to sit down and have a good, long armchair chat with you.

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Right on the money!

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It appears to me that the anti- Germ theory has become a movement of hundreds-of-thousands. Most people are not "activists" but they do take action on their private opinions. We can look at the trend in overall vaccine non-compliance as a measure. Stay tuned

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I don't really follow you Harold.

Are you saying we will see a notable decline in vaccine uptake?

If so that can simply be a sign that many are questioning the validity of vaccines and is separate from the question of contagion.

"Taking action on their private opinions" is confusing.

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Keep looking for a trend in overall vaccine non-compliance as evidence of a populace anti-vaxx "movement". We also have a study published as a Book, "VAX-UNVAXX" by Dr. Brian Hooker that for the first time EVER compares populations of vaccinated against never-vaccinated groups to prove the unvaccinated populations enjoy much better overall health and longevity. - https://newsparadigm.substack.com/p/book-vax-unvax-tony-lyons-interviews

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Thanks Harold.

I'm an anti vaxxer through and through. My inner wisdom is pretty awesome when I listen.

Yes I see no gain to vaccinations. Just a way to poison the population and keep them fearing themselves.

Thanks for the info, I'll pass it on if needed.

But I wonder how are studies done on individuals who do not partake in systems. Surely they are not being studied.

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Look at the historically failed resistance to removing fluoride from drinking water.... an obvious and provable toxin. Now, in 2024 there are court cases scheduled in the US and New Zealand.

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Answer: Forever.

Why? $$$$

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Thank you for stating what I myself realized a few weeks ago. I started to think all the supposed health freedom fighter were actually Manchurian Candidates when I watched the Florida covid summit. One of the heroes stated that this vaccine was deadly, he then stepped on his lip by stating that all the other vaccines were safe and effective with only one in a million adverse effects. I am not sure who it was but suffice to say it was a known blatant lie. If he had kept his mouth shut, I would have never suspected. Dr. Sam Bailey asked Dr. Peter McKullah about the virus fraud, and he stated that he has a photo of a virus! He has not seen fit to share this Unicorn with anyone to this day. She had a video interview with Dell Big Tree, and he deflected by saying it would just confuse the work they are doing. WTF is this not a much bigger problem than just vaccine injury. It is at the heart of allopathic medical fraud. If there is no virus like there is no Unicorn, then why would you not focus on this more than the other. We know we cannot trust medical cartels to begin with, right?

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Great question. I don't think Del's big ego or need for cash will all I w it. I predict....ICAN will be losing members. I know they lost me.

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In their own frames of reference, why should they? They are doing well building up their mini-empires, that's where their heads are at.

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Harold, your (Awareness) moves you closer to the Divine...Because connecting to their Souls makes their ego squirm and God aka The SOURCE, helps those who help themselves !!!!

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Defending to the death what they think they know, even when they know they're wrong.

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Dec 19, 2023·edited Dec 21, 2023

I never cease to be staggered as to what these so-called virologists have done on a world-wide scale. If I can see this con as a layman, then I find it incredible to think that these medical tyrants believe they are right in what they say. Surely they must know and have known from the start that it is fraudulent. As a retired hypnotherapist with some 45 years of experience of getting people out of their various negative trances by revealing to them the roots of their problems laying in fear and trauma, this has been no different. If you were drawn in to their repetitive propaganda and fear-mongering, there is nothing to be ashamed of. Listen to this video again and again and other videos by Drs Sam and Mark and their team and get clear on the truth – it will set you free. I am in my mid 70s now, but I would hate to think that this fraud, along with all the other scams from the parasitical tyrants of the world, is going to continue.

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Continue to speak out and fight. Every bit helps.

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Thank you, thank you, thank you! Not mal, miss or dis, just information, that's what we all need. All I want from "Authority", is Transparency, without which, it is impossible to have accountability, without accountability, we can have no respect or trust, and without trust we can have no peace or freedom (from or to).❤️

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I notice that face masks are making their way back into grocery stores here in Niagara. Not to worry: as I stroll the aisles with a ten-pound bag of russets on my head, I have a piece of garlic for when I see a mask coming. I put that on top of my potato bag and I say gravely: "it's said to be very effective."

We're all in this together.


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If you sense danger quickly find a safety arrow. I heard the virus knows to swoosh over the heads of those who safely get on those arrows.

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Those who may still believe in the idiot narrative are hereby corrected.


The alternative is to....you know....OPEN YOUR OWN EYES AND PERFORM THAT ACTIVITY CALLED INDEPENDENT THINKING. Ever heard of that?

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This is absolutely tremendous and so thorough! I must say that there were several laugh out loud moments too - the absolute audacity of the charlatans is staggering! A huge thanks for making this freely available.

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Dec 19, 2023·edited Dec 20, 2023

Been waiting for this. I do not have any formal training in microbiology. Have been reading all of the outliers books on the microbiology of Aids for several years now (“covid” got me there), and came up with the same conclusion: the definition of “virus” changes every 50 years into a new variation of the same fraud. For some reason microbiologists tend to have a vulnerability in linguistics. The same thing has happened in physics, but with less human catastrophe.

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Sinclair Lewis’ books “Babbitt” and “Arrowsmith” are literary lodestones of Truth, too.

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In strict comedic terms, I would say that Zeka and Ebola are my favorites.

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“Clipboard Guy” for the win

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Thank you for going through all of the scientific literature, and explaining the fraudulent nature of the criminal enterprise of modern virology.

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Another farewell to virology reminds me of the scene in The Sound of Music where the kids are singing goodbye as they go up to bed: so long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, good night...

And up in the virology nursery an absurd little bird

Is popping out to say "cuckoo"

Au revoir! --Thor

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My comments. This video is EXCELLENT. I am staggered upon hearing it as to how big a fraud was pulled upon all of us in the world starting around this time of year in 2019. The fact that so many “health freedom movement” members are STILL buying the garbage notion that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been repeatedly “isolated and sequenced,” when in fact all of the prototypes for it and its alleged “variants” were assembled via computer programs out of a brew of human extracts, green monkey cell cultures, antibiotics and nutrients in a process which yielded hundreds of thousands of possible results. All which exists are in silico “viruses,” computer files filled with code, is dismaying.

Likewise the ideas that there is a unique disease called “COVID-19,” and that the world experienced a “Pandemic,” with all of this supposedly caused by a gain of function bio-weapon which leaked or was leaked out of a lab.

The gullibility of the movement is now leading to a media reporting "outbreak" of a "new variant" called JN.1, an outgrowth of the BA 2.86 "variant," which is (allegedly, of course) a mutation of "Omicron." This will never end.

Sam, and Mark, thanks for your wonderful work. Wishing you and all loved ones a Merry Solstice, Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!

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Well if this doesn’t break some dicks, nothing will.

Well done, Baileys.

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Thank you so much for this! I have been studying this and related subjects for at least twenty five years and this is a tremendous resource. Thanks again.

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Fantastic again Team Sam/Mark - apparently there are virus' on the moon but the astro-naughts couldn't get them through the Van Halen Belt alive to bring them back to NASA -

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So grateful for all the truth you continue to reveal! It has set me free!

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Thank you - Marks work is exceptional and of course Steve in the peoples producer/Director of choice.

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