Part 3? Y'all might consider putting them all together, renaming the expose'

"Virology: The Long Goodbye, and Good Riddance".

Or "Virology: Dont Let The Door Hit You In The Ass".

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So many highlights.:

Steve's story re someone finding his adoption papers in his parents' files, telling a friend, and having the friend respond "Till you can demonstrate who your biological parents are, i'll consider your current parents as your parents." An analogy to those who demand when you show them there is no proof for a virus that you explain what makes people sick.

Sam's takes on lab-leaked bio-weapons, weaponized versions of ... entities never show to exist.

Mark's extensive comments about the failure of so many in the "freedom" community to engage because they somehow deem as unimportant or diversionary the most essential core fact of what has ensued in the last four years, that the claims of a viral pathogen spreading around the world are fraudulent.

Tom's elucidation of the science process, the introduction of a falsifiable hypothesis, which if falsified can no longer be considered valid, and how many even within the "freedom" community view the process as being about alternative hypotheses which are to be presented and then debated.

The Kaufman Institute of Coincidence. LOL. Good one.

And much, much more. Another excellent part of this superb series, Thanks, Steven Falconer and Doctors Sam and Mark Bailey, Dr Cowan, Dr Kaufman, Christine Massey, Eric Francis Coppolino,.....

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yeah, the no-virus part of any freedom movement is essential. Without that, "freedom" just looks gullible and goofy.

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Though i prefer "no proof of virus" as the way to state it, as "no virus" cannot be proven scientifically, and the burden of proof should be upon those who claim the virus exists.

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One version of my note to you, Jeffrey, obliterated paragraph breaks, so I put the best copy of it...somewhere.--david

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Well, gosh, i'm so thankful, i just don't know how i can ever express my appreciation. 🤣🤣🤣

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It was really long, too. I think maybe I hit some length limit because it obliterated paragraph breaks, then wouldn't allow me to scroll down (like how you can usually go for "See More.") I made a copy but I was making copies of all sorts of things so must have deleted it. Another possibility is that Sam deleted it. It's possible that it was the longest comment I ever wrote here. It's now officially "the one that got away." As you can prolly see, I've written at least ten other comments here today. I've written the equivalent of a book over the years in Sam's basement, and maybe she's had enough. I'll be moving on soon, I'd guess. --David

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Ironic, as this all started from four words. Two words even.

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Yup. But people have short attention spans. Anything past two words is pushing it.

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I understand your argument. But that short attention span is a key part of the problem and something which will have to be pushed back on. Playing to it just perpetuates the problem. There will not be a change en masse without the freedom movement challenging our growing tendency as a species to farm out our thinking.

Also, i've seen too often people demanding that we prove there is no virus (specific one, like SARS-CoV-2, HIV) or no viruses period before they listen further. This of course cannot be done. I'd rather not perpetuate a bad grasp of science.

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I have over two-hundred very long comments (mid-length essays, in fact) buried in the Sam Bailey comments basement. I have another two-hundred short responses with at least a hundred jokes, at least fifty of which are good enough that even though I've composed them in Sam's basement I take them off and use them at open mics on Friday nights. In January to August last year I wrote two serious essays a day, one at the Substack easily clicked on from my comments in the Sam basement. I also wrote three Twitter tweets a day and often challenged anyone to find better. When I compare my one-essay-a-week progress when I had half a million readers at Lewrockwell and CounterPunch in 2008 with my ability to churn out the best essays in English in 2023, I wrote the equivalent of four years of essays in those eight or nine months. I trained as a writer for forty years, including six degrees, and taught at the same school in New Jersey as Einstein and in the same century. When I became a street monk I also wrote five million words in a seven-year period with Nemo, an entity in New Zealand I believe to be a real person, until I was too committed to the writing task even for him (and he was a wiser human and a faster and better stylist than any writers I knew in the ivy league). I use my real name now but there are reasons why I used to write only with pseudonyms, as you can imagine. I used to make a lot of money from my writing. But I'm on a spiritual quest and not particularly interested in farting around with bourgeois tat.

Here's the thing about humans in general and folks in Sam's basement in particular: they want to appear as if they're curious and open to truth, but really they just want to express their rage at humans they believe have done them wrong. Sam's comments basement is a litany of outrages. Everyone likes to think that they and their little group are the first to discover that bad people in high places are doing bad things to people in low places. That things aren't their fault and that there's some master outside one's own self as the master.

The Baileys have made their no-v point and made it very well, but they'll eventually become another ghetto in the nodescape. Everyone wants to tell everyone that someone else is responsible for their emotional and spiritual state, and people can remember two words easily--no viruses. So as Sam becomes a little less pretty and a little more middle aged, she'll consolidate her little empire of No Virus world and everyone can cluster in close to mama and prove for the thousandth, ten-thousandth, hundred-thousandth time that there are no viruses. Somewhere in there that excellent point is going to sound like "she protests too much." If she's so sure, why does she have to keep repeating herself? Didn't she make her case well enough before?

With all their intelligence and pluck, the Baileys will eventually have been co-opted into a little Disney realm of plaint. And their captors will be their own enthusiasts and yes-people. No one will even know a word like "plaint" anymore, because they'll be too busy acting it out. Through it all, Sam will continue to consider herself too high and mighty to interact with her lowly commenters and she'll keep herself magisterially aloof. The game just won't be as pretty as in the old days.

For an example of how I fared when I suggested a way forward, it might be fun to check out my comments on that part-3 thing a couple of days ago. Oh wait, that's where we are now. I've been going back and forth between two Sam thingies in two days. Here we are at the one with the Johnny Cash reading voice. I was roundly scorned by a commenter for thinking about how the Baileys could escape their ghetto.

I often defend the Baileys and people often trot over and subscribe to my Substack from Sam's basement but when they find that I'm not nursing their grudges and that I'm asking them to recognize that they are the master and that they are the only master they need ever recognize, they go quiet and drift away. It's easier to listen to Sam blaming some naked "emperor." We all love stories about some emperor we can blame.

You might think that the Baileys can't read comments for technical reasons. and that accounts for their silence. But Mark once liked an ebola joke of mine. I have two-hundred essays in Sam's basement, but Mark liked my ebola joke. That's the state of things.

Jeffrey, if you want to communicate with your fellow commenters, get it down to two words. Even better, try to get it down to a single grunt of affirmation. People will like that.

--david thor

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Suit yourself, buddy. Aren't we smug and full of ourselves this morning? LOL. I can get your matter down to one word: issues!

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Mar 14
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Yeah I'm not going to read that. I thought "Corona Evan" was some new imaginary virus but then I realized you were too lazy to read your own note and it was a typo. Notes like this degrade the lives of everyone on line. Yours begins with shriek marks and follows up with bad grammar and second-coming caps in a preachy tone. I wouldn't usually respond to something like that but I realized I could write a note to myself in this space about why such things just seem like lazy and mean people dribbling but if we're not careful the combined effects of such things can impact our health.

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I'd love to hang around, especially since I understand this all too well. I'm able to anticipate the comedy at each turn of the argument here, having studied these topics in depth years ago. I'm in complete sympathy with Mark Bailey, although I'm sorry the world needs such a brilliant mind to continue explaining the obvious things here. "The direful spectacle of the wrack" is the state of scientific inquiry these days, alas. Obviously there are no viruses and they'd be of no impact on the human organism even if they did exist. Old news by now, especially after I've been licking public urinal handles throughout the putative plague. But I do understand the necessary strategy, that Mark has to be deployed to try and coax lesser minds along one morsel at a time. Fortunately, I'm a free man, and can walk away. But I will spare a thought now and then for what Mark might be able to do with that brain of his if he didn't have to keep explaining things to scientists who are operating at the level of fifth graders. Toodeloo. --Dr. David Thor

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Well done!

The truth is out to the masses!

Truth, Love, Justice and Freedom!

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I know this is not really to the point, but as someone who called the scam on day zero even before I started listening to Kaufman, Bailey Cowan, Vollmer at al and as professional, filmmaker and editor, I find an urge to express that the narrator is an absolutely wrong choice for the part. I find it impossible to listen to what appears to be one of the only concise and beautifully written summaries of the scam. The derision in his voice takes away his credibility makes him seem unprofessional. I’ve directed and edits hundreds of commercials and brand films, and documentaries I have cast hundreds of voice actors. This one is a caricature of himself, and could perhaps be used for an SNL piece with meta-layers of sarcasm. I look forward to your own narrated videos as always. Thank you so much.

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Respect the knowledge and work done by the Baileys et al. Their colleagues in the medical industry should be the main focus.

Narrator of videos is excellent but laughing while presenting the narrative makes it sound that their claims were not thoughtfully studied, when we know that Marc and others did their due diligence.

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I regard anyone who gaslights about the existence of viruses as controlled opposition.

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Just finished reading The Final Pandemic. Great book and very useful for those who don’t have the time to read Virus Mania.

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That was an intense documentary.


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PROBLEM OF REDUCTIONIST SCIENCE where as we go deeper down the Rabbit Hole of Micro-science, we lose sight of the larger picture & the ability to cross-check our data with actual sickness conditions, when multiple factors are involved. When we don't verify our micro observation assumptions with actual epidemiological studies of real people across whole populations, we have no idea whether the so-called micro-particle call it a virus or whatever is actually causative or having any effect. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/a-home/9-undoing-false-science

All humanity's worldwide 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') societies included devoted record-keepers, who like the Griots which Alex Haley mentions in his book Roots on rediscovering his once slave family's ancestors in West Africa. The Griots as epidemiological record keepers kept mnemonic records of people, names, events, interventions etc over 2000 years, even after much of the Graphic Character Pictorial Symbol written languages of their region had been destroyed over millennia in different Oligarch driven 'exogenous' (L. 'other-generated') colonial invasions & genocides.

Indigenous communities mentored apprentices & self trained in interdisciplinary HOLISTIC SCIENCE fully immersed in society & life as they are. Are we always cross-checking data or report 'Content' with the 'Process' by which it is produced? Do stated 'Content' & 'Process', match in quality & quantities? Marshall McLuhan mentioned in the film for 'The medium is the message' has us cross-check our content with our process. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/6-holistic-science


More importantly, we must ask whether our researchers are economically autonomous from the processes & data they are studying. Is a researcher able to disagree with supervisors? Indigenous societies cultivated livelihood autonomy from the bottom up where working in Circular intimate 'community' (L. 'com' = 'together' + 'munus' = 'gift-or-service') with intergenerational, female-male, interdisciplinary, critical-mass, economies-of-scale people produce vibrant economy autonomous from outside controls.

'Cybernetics' (Greek kybernetes "steersman" (metaphorically "guide, governor"), from kybernan "to steer or pilot a ship, direct as a pilot,"), while designed by binary fractal mathematics of indigenous particularly African origin, enables our digital computers, which are still very top-down, centralized in function & dysfunctional in many ways in comparison with the integrated digital neurology of the human body & once worldwide indigenous social & political economies. 'Indigenous' (L. 'self-generating') Humanity organized worldwide into Cultural-'Fractals' ('fraction, multiplier, building-block, where-the-part-contains-the-whole') in functional livelihood 'Economic' (Greek 'oikos' = 'home' + namein' = 'care-&-nurture') 'Democracy' with political democracy as a subset. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy/8-economic-democracy

The human body with its multiple genes, cells, tissue & organs is designed with autonomous ECONOMIC MEMORY functions at all levels. Each body part is its own expert, with memory neurons & the authority to act as needed. Neurology was mislead in its foundation as a 'top-down' system from the brain down, when in fact there are more neurons even in the stomach than the brain & vastly more neurons throughout the body in its every cell, tissue & organ function. The brain acts as just one 'nexus' of this information flow. Other nexus exist of communication are throughout the body as needed for the coordination of functions. https://sites.google.com/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/3-economic-memory

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Keep telling the truth. The public is dying to hear the truth.

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Fortunately, some established cognitive defense mechanisms can explain why people turned so mindless during this whole 'COVID Era'... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/5-scientific-reasons-your-vaccinated

Breaking that conditioning, however, is a TALL task indeed...

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Dear Dr. Sam ❤️ and Dr. Mark,🩷 I totally agree with you both. I watched another video very similar to yours way back. Plus I followed Dr. Judy Mikovic and Dr. Sherri Tenpenny who are wonderful doctors and have been discredited or deleted. And I have watched other doctors to. Dr Sherri Tenpenny has had her license renewed back in 2021. I just can't understand the freedom movement here in NZ. I'm no Dr but when things happened here I printed out 4 boxes of A4 paper with valuable info went to parks, stood outside medical clinics, pharmacies, on street corners where it was busy only to help people see that it was the biggest HOAX out. I wanted to protect my grandchildren, so proud of them and could SEE everything that was happening. It makes me SO angry that people didn't use their commonsense and do a little research. After nearly a year and a half I had to stop as I was abused, spat on, screamed at and even to the point if I didn’t have my little dog with me this guy was going to punch me. Thank goodness a stranger came to my rescue but I stood my ground and kept calm and still was nice. I realise that people were scared. That has a lot to do with the TV which I don’t watch. All the indoctrination and propaganda. You to doctors are absolutely awesome and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you do. With love ❤️ and so much gratitude✨and blessings 🙏 Your friend Debbie.

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You need to have a deep conversational debate with Dr.Geert Vanden Bossche

You are both juxtaposed. You say that SARS COV2 doesn't exist, he's spent the last 4 years saving many peoples immune systems from being destroyed by the 'Experimental Solutions' by telling them not to get injected based on gathering evidence across his multi - disciplinary approach and expertise.

Get the debate going - lets get this sorted once and for all.

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Great reference!

We bid farewell to Virology!

Good bye you decepticons, RIP!

Truth, Love, Justice and Freedom!

Learning about health and wellness is a journey, not a destination!

There is no virus!

There is no test!

There is no contagion!


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