Well done Sam. Thank you for your ongoing knowledge on these topics. Regards, Colin Edge (Ret: UK Police Inspector.

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Thank you for this information.

They real virus that is plaguing people these days is an inability to acknowledge that most of the things we have been taught are fraudulent.

MLK had a dream... My dream is that humanity can get past this and look back on this period of modern medicine and its theories with scorn.

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I'm convinced Sam. And I will go further. Even if viruses did exist, I don't believe they do, the response of injecting ourselves with something to "trick" our immune system, or even social distancing or masking up are not beneficial. If our immune system works as they tell us, it needs exposure to the environment to develop its appropriate response. If we tend to our immune systems by eating the right things, getting sunshine and exercise, and if we live in northern climates then taking supplements, especially vitamin D, we are far better off if we inject something.

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Hey Team Sam - I love your willingness to continue to go where angels fear to tread and surely an open mind is the best way forward for those who are so convinced of the Allopathic model.

PS nice still shot of Gatesy as part of your intro - with those vials in his mits he looks like has milking a Ca$h Cow - keep up the great work regards Emmett

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Vaccines=Pharmaceuticals =Pharmakeia=Witchcraft.

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Used to be 3 strikes and you're out. Promoters of germ theory seem to have a permanent immunity to any rules of either baseball or of scientific evidence. Excellent job, Sam!

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Wikipedia is a CIA controlled website, little wonder there are 'interesting' bits of information/misinformation

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my bit on terrain theory that i now firmly support

For the first time in 66 years i warmed myself during winter (2022) in front of a reverse cycle air conditioner. Prior was mainly no heating at all or wood heating if we had people over

the whole winter and into spring i felt pretty strange . AC's take all the moisture out of the air. I was drying my lungs out and developed an unproductive cough that i presume is NOT condusive to allowing my body to remove accumulating rubbish from my lungs, Anyhow I got what tom cowan and andy K said would happen . A fever that turned gunk in my lungs into thick green phlegm which was easier to rid myself of. I think he said the elevated temperature turns some fluids that you need expelling into gel

I still went to the quack because it was pretty nasty and i could not remember anything quite like it before. He described my condition as a non specific bronchial complaint and gave me antibiotics.

I took them but probably did not need them as it might have been over by them

AC is largely off this winter and no problem


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One thing I've noticed in the discussions re 'Germ' vs 'Terrain' theories - terrain theory seems to contain less 'magic'. In many environments and walks of life, people having discussions will often maintain that the simpler explanation is more likely the correct one. Unless it goes against their argument.

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Sep 12, 2023·edited Sep 12, 2023

A small addition to the Kundratitz paper:

In a small paragraph on page 384 Kundratitz describes the following (via Deepl):

"With regard to the connection between herpes zoster and varicella, it was striking that in none of the children who had already survived varicella did the herpes zoster vaccination clear up. On the other hand, I vaccinated several children who had not yet had varicella and who had been successfully vaccinated with herpes zoster, with fresh varicella vesicle contents, without ever this vaccination being accompanied by success."

And now the interesting part:

"Even placing these children in a bed with varicella sufferers and coating the nasal and oral mucosa with varicella vesicle contents did not result in varicella disease."

Love this.

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Where do you get all your great inserts from?

If smallpox is a psyop then "the last person to die of smallpox in the UK" also a psyop, no?

Love the story of Janet Parker https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1978_smallpox_outbreak_in_the_United_Kingdom

She died on 11 September 1978. Now you don't think there's anything in that 9/11 date, do you? Same date Christopher Wren in 1666 presented the new plans for London and same date of the Allende coup in 1972.

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Brilliant - when my inlaws had "covid" and my father in law became very ill from the pharmaceutical care, we went to visit them, with zero fear or worries. My son and 6 month old daughter sat on the bed with their grandparents. We supported them with natural remedies to help detox them, and my wife hugged and kissed her significantly fevering father.

Guess what!? we were obviously all perfectly fine after, as there was nothing to be worried about.

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Letting go of the fear, and 'doing nothing' gives me a strong "faith" in something higher than me working things out without my complete understanding of everything, and that I'll be fine! Very empowering.

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Another great piece of work Dr Sammy. Long may you be a thorn in side of the fake medical world, big pharma and the governments supporting them. I Like It.

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Sep 12, 2023·edited Sep 12, 2023

Samantha - what do you think of the book Turtles All The Way Down?

I have read both Virus Mania and Turtles and feel that they complement each other very well.

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For Your Review:Dr. David Martin Calls for the Destruction of the World ‘Health’ Organization (WHO)https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/dr-david-martin-calls-for-the-destruction?r=1qpmbr&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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